Man pages for bvieth/powsimR
Power Simulations for RNA-sequencing

Bulk_Read_CountsParekh et al. 2016: Gene Expression Matrices
estimateParamEstimate simulation parameters
estimateSpikeEstimate simulation parameters for spike-ins
evaluateDECompute the confusion matrix-related quantities from...
evaluateDistModel Diagnostics for RNAseq Data
evaluateROCReceiver operator characteristics of simulation results
evaluateSimCompute the performance related metrics from simulation...
GeneCountsZiegenhain et al. 2017: Gene Expression Matrices
GeneLengths_hg19Parekh et al. 2016: Gene Lengths
GeneLengths_mm10Ziegenhain et al. 2017: Gene Lengths
plotEvalDEVisualize power assessment
plotEvalDistVisualize distribution assessment
plotEvalROCVisualize error rate curves and associated summary statistics
plotEvalSimVisualize power assessment
plotParamVisualize distributional characteristics of RNA-seq...
plotSpikeVisualize distributional characteristics of spike-ins
plotTimeVisualize computational time
printEvalDESummary table of power assessment
SetupSetup options for RNA-seq count simulations
simulateDESimulate Differential Expression Pipeline
SpikeCountsZiegenhain et al. 2017: Spike-Ins Expression
SpikeInfoZiegenhain et al. 2017: Spike-Ins Information
bvieth/powsimR documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 7:48 p.m.