
#' Analyze all recordings in a recording collection.
#' All blocks in all recordings in the recording collection  are analyzed.
#' @param recording A recording structure
#' @param settings The settings structure used for HRV analysis (see \code{\link{settings.template}}).
#' @param signal A string or a list with the names of the signals to analyze.
#' @param analysis.pipeline.function The pipeline function used in the
#' analysis, i.e., a funtion containing the individual analysis steps.
#' @return The recording collection with the result added to each of the individual recordings.
#' @family pipeline
#' @export
analyze_recording_collection <- function(recording.collection, settings, signal, analysis.pipeline.function) {
    lapply(recording.collection, function(i) analyze_recording(i, settings, signal, analysis.pipeline.function))

#' Analyze a recording.
#' All blocks in the recording are analyzed.
#' @param recording A recording structure
#' @param settings The settings structure used for HRV analysis (see \code{\link{settings.template}}).
#' @param signal A string or a list with the names of the signals to analyze.
#' @param analysis.pipeline.function The pipeline function used in the
#' analysis, i.e., a funtion containing the individual analysis steps.
#' @return The recording structure with the result from the individual blocks added to the results structure in the recording.
#' @family pipeline
#' @export
analyze_recording <- function(recording, settings, signal, analysis.pipeline.function) {
    n.blocks          <- nrow(recording$conf$blocks)

    for (i in seq.int(n.blocks)) {
        block     <- recording$conf$blocks[i,]
        recording <- analyze_block(recording, settings, signal, block, analysis.pipeline.function = analysis.pipeline.function)


#' Analyze results in a block.
#' Analyze the results in a particular block.
#' @param recording A recording structure
#' @param settings The settings structure used for the analysis (see e.g., \code{\link{settings_template_hrv}}).
#' @param signal A string or a list with the names of the signals to analyze.
#' @param block A block structure.
#' @param signal The name
#' @param analysis.pipeline.function The pipeline function used in the
#' analysis, i.e., a funtion containing the individual analysis steps.
#' @return The recording structure with the result from the block added to the results structure in the recording.
#' @family pipeline
#' @export
analyze_block <- function(recording, settings, signal, block, analysis.pipeline.function) {
    block.s       <- block_to_seconds(recording, block = block)

    # Test that block end does not exceed signal end
    if (block.s$stoptime > max(recording$signal[[signal]]$t)){
      warning( sprintf("Block '%d' end exceeds signal '%s' end. Please fix this block. (Block task is '%s'.)",
                   block.s$blockid, signal, block.s$task) )

    data.segments <- generate_segments_from_block(block.s, settings)
    nsegments     <- nrow(data.segments)

    ## Now loop over the segments applying the analysis pipeline to each segment
    res.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = nsegments)

    for (i in seq.int(nsegments)) {
        ## Extract the data corresponding to this segment
        res           <- extract_segment_s(recording, data.segments[i,], signal = signal)
        res.seg       <- analysis.pipeline.function(settings, res)
        res.seg       <- do.call(rbind, res.seg)

        tmp           <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = nrow(res.seg))
        colnames(tmp) <- c("block", "segment", "timestamp")
        tmp[, 1]       <- block$blockid
        tmp[, 2]       <- i
        tmp[, 3]       <- as.numeric( recording$properties$zerotime + data.segments[i,1] +
                                     (recording$conf$settings$segment.length / 2) )

        res.seg       <- cbind(res.seg, tmp)

        res.list[[i]] <- res.seg

    recording$results[[signal]][[as.character(block$blockid)]] <- res.list


#' Calculate results.
#' TODO: documentation out of date, why?
#' This function defines the analysis pipeline for HRV analysis. If new analysis
#' functions are incorporated these analysis steps should be added to
#' this function as well.
#' @param settings The settings structure used for HRV analysis (see \code{\link{settings.template}}).
#' @param ibi A vector with the interbeat intervals (IBIs).
#' @param t.ibi A vector with the times of occurrence of the interbeat intervals (IBIs).
#' @return The analysis results as a named list.
#' @family pipeline
#' @export
analysis_pipeline_ibi <- function(settings, data) {
    ## Unpack the data
    ibi   <- data$data
    t.ibi <- data$t

    ## container for results
    res <- c()

    ## Time domain analysis
    if (settings$analysis$time)
        res <- c(res, analyse_timedomain(settings$timedomain$metric.list, settings, ibi))

    ## Frequency domain analysis
    if (settings$analysis$frequency)
        res <- c(res, analyse_frequencydomain(settings$frequencydomain$metric.list, ibi, t.ibi, settings))

    ## Geometric analysis
    if (settings$analysis$geometric)
        res <- c(res, analyse_geometric(settings$geometric$metric.list, ibi, t.ibi, settings))

    ## Nonlinear analysis
    if (settings$analysis$nonlinear)
        res <- c(res, analyse_nonlinear(settings$nonlinear$metric.list, ibi, t.ibi, settings))

    ## Return results

#' Pipeline function for accelerometer feature  computation
#' This function defines the analysis pipeline for accelerometer analysis.
#' If new analysis functions are incorporated these analysis steps should be added to
#' this function as well.
#' Add the following to settings for this function to work:
#'  settings$analysis$acceleration <- T
#'  settings$acceleration$metric.list <- c("min", "max", "mean", "median", "sd", "se")
#' @param settings The settings structure used for analysis
#' @param data A list with elements $data and $t containing the signal to analyze
#' @return The analysis results as a named list.
#' @family pipeline
#' @export
analysis_pipeline_acc <- function(settings, data){

  ## Unpack the data
  acc <- data$data
  t.acc <- data$t

  ## container for results
  res <- c()

  ## Compute basic features
  if (settings$analysis$acceleration)
    res <- c(res,
             analyse_acceleration(settings$acceleration$metric.list, settings, acc))

  ## Return results
bwrc/colibri documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:10 a.m.