Man pages for byandell/CCSanger
Utilities to get and use Sanger data for Collaborative Cross

CCcolorsCollaborative Cross colors
check_intervalCheck chr, start_bp, end_bp for validity
convert_bpConvert to bp if in Mb
feature_snpSummary of features with SNP information
feature_tblSummary of features
gene_exonGet exons for set of genes
gene_snpSummary of genes overlapping SNPs
get_feature_snpMatch features with SNPs
get_geneGet gene in region
get.gene.locationsHelper function to set gene locations on plot.
get_gene_snpMatch genes with SNPs
get_mgi_featuresPull MGI gene tbl from SQLite database
get_snpinfoGet SNP and InDel information in window around peak
get_svs8Get SVS information in window around peak
mgigenes_gz2sqlConvert gzipped file of MGI genes to SQLite database
plot_feature_tblStaggered plot of genes in interval
plot_gene_exonPlot of exons for a gene with SNPs
sdp_to_patternConvert sdp to pattern
snpinfoSummary of snpinfo object
byandell/CCSanger documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:26 a.m.