Man pages for byandell/qtl2pattern
Pattern Support for 'qtl2' Package

allele1Allele plot for SNPs, alleles and allele pairs
create_probs_query_funcCreate a function to query genotype probabilities
feature_snpSummary of features with SNP information
feature_tblSummary of features
gene_exonGet exons for set of genes
gene_snpSummary of genes overlapping SNPs
genoprob_to_patternprobCollapse genoprob according to pattern
get_feature_snpMatch features with SNPs
get.gene.locationsHelper function to set gene locations on plot.
get_gene_snpMatch genes with SNPs
merge_featurePlot of merge_feature object
pattern_diplosExtract pattern of diplotypes
pattern_labelTurn genotype probabilities into labels
read_fastRead fast database with possible rownames
read_probsRead genotype probability object from file
scan1patternPlot scan pattern usign ggplot2
sdp_to_patternConvert sdp to pattern
snpinfo_to_mapConvert SNP info to map
snpprob_collapseCollapse genoprob according to pattern
top_snps_patternTop SNPs organized by allele pattern
byandell/qtl2pattern documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 7:57 p.m.