nhts_households: Public Household Records

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A dataset containing households records from the 2017 National household travel survey.




A 'tibble' with 129,696 rows and 58 variables: - 'houseid': Household Identifier - 'travday': Travel day - day of week - 'sampstrat': Primary Sampling Stratum Assignment - 'homeown': Home Ownership - 'hhsize': Count of household members - 'hhvehcnt': Count of household vehicles - 'hhfaminc': Household income - 'pc': Frequency of Desktop or Laptop Computer Use to Access the Internet - 'sphone': Frequency of Smartphone Use to Access the Internet - 'tab': Frequency of Tablet Use to Access the Internet - 'walk': Frequency of Walking for Travel - 'bike': Frequency of Bicycle Use for Travel - 'car': Frequency of Personal Vehicle Use for Travel - 'taxi': Frequency of Taxi Service or Rideshare Use for Travel - 'bus': Frequency of Bus Use for Travel - 'train': Frequency of Train Use for Travel - 'para': Frequency of Paratransit Use for Travel - 'price': Price of Gasoline Affects Travel - 'place': Travel is a Financial Burden - 'walk2save': Walk to Reduce Financial Burden of Travel - 'bike2save': Bicycle to Reduce Financial Burden of Travel - 'ptrans': Public Transportation to Reduce Financial Burden of Travel - 'hhrelatd': At least two household persons are related - 'drvrcnt': Number of drivers in household - 'cnttdhh': Count of household trips on travel day - 'hhstate': Household state - 'hhstfips': State FIPS for household address - 'numadlt': Count of adult household members at least 18 years old - 'youngchild': Count of persons with an age between 0 and 4 in household - 'wrkcount': Number of workers in household - 'tdaydate': Date of travel day (YYYYMM) - 'hhresp': Person identifier of household respondent - 'lif_cyc': Life Cycle classification for the household, derived by attributes pertaining to age, relationship, and work status. - ‘msacat': Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) category for the household’s home address, based on household's home geocode and TIGER/Line Shapefiles. - 'msasize': Population size category of the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), from the 2010-2014 five-year American Community Survey (ACS) API. - 'rail': MSA heavy rail status for household - ‘urban': Household’s urban area classification, based on home address and 2014 TIGER/Line Shapefile - 'urbansize': Urban area size where home address is located - 'urbrur': Household in urban/rural area - 'scresp': Person identifier of mail screener respondent, always 1 to roster self first - ‘census_d': 2010 Census division classification for the respondent’s home address - 'census_r': Census region classification for home address - 'cdivmsar': Grouping of household by combination of census division, MSA status, and presence of a subway system when population greater than 1 million - 'hh_race': Race of household respondent - 'hh_hisp': Hispanic status of household respondent - ‘hh_cbsa': Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA) FIPS code for the respondent’s home address - 'resp_cnt': Count of responding persons per household - 'webuse17': Frequency of internet use - 'smplsrce': Sample where the case originated - 'wthhfin': Final HH weight - 'hbhur': Urban / Rural indicator - Block group - ‘hthtnrnt': Category of the percent of renter-occupied housing in the census tract of the household’s home location. - ‘htppopdn': Category of population density (persons per square mile) in the census tract of the household’s home location. - ‘htresdn': Category of housing units per square mile in the census tract of the household’s home location. - ‘hteempdn': Category of workers per square mile in the census tract of the household’s home location. - ‘hbhtnrnt': Category of the percent of renter-occupied housing in the census block group of the household’s home location. - ‘hbppopdn': Category of population density (persons per square mile) in the census block group of the household’s home location. - ‘hbresdn': Category of housing units per square mile in the census block group of the household’s home location.

byu-transpolab/nhts2017 documentation built on Dec. 27, 2021, 9:54 a.m.