nhts_vehicles: Public Vehicle Records

Description Usage Format


A dataset containing vehicle records from the 2017 National Household Travel Survey




A 'tibble' with 256,115 rows and 20 variables: - 'houseid' :Household Identifier - 'vehid' :Vehicle Identifier - 'vehyear' :Vehicle Year - 'vehage' :Age of vehicle, based on model year - 'make' :Vehicle Make - 'model' :Vehicle Model - 'fueltype' :Fuel Type - 'vehtype' :Vehicle Type - 'whomain' :Vehicle Main Driver - 'od_read' :Odometer Reading - 'hfuel' :Type of Hybrid Vehicle - 'vehowned' :Owned Vehicle Longer than a Year - 'vehownmo' :Months of Vehicle Ownership - 'annmiles' :Self-reported annualized mile estimate - 'hybrid' :Hybrid vehicle - 'personid' :Person ID of Main Driver of this vehicle - 'bestmile' :Best estimate of annual miles - 'best_flg' :How BESTMILE was computed - 'best_edt' :Flag any edits/adjustments to BESTMILE - 'best_out' :Flag identifying BESTMILE outlier values

byu-transpolab/nhts2017 documentation built on Dec. 27, 2021, 9:54 a.m.