nhts_persons: Public Person Records

Description Usage Format


A dataset containing person records for




A 'tibble' with 264,234 rows and 87 variables: - 'houseid': Household Identifier - 'personid': Person Identifier - 'r_age': Age - 'educ': Educational Attainment - 'r_hisp': Hispanic or Latino Origin - 'r_relat': Relationship - 'r_sex': Gender - 'r_race': Race - 'prmact': Primary Activity in Previous Week - 'payprof': Work for Pay in Previous Week - 'gt1jblwk': More than One Job - 'wrk_home': Work from Home - 'wkftpt': Full-Time or Part-Time Worker - 'wrktrans': Mode to Work - 'lsttrday17': Last trip before travel day - 'occat': Job Category - 'schtyp': Student Status - 'nwalktrp': Count of Walk Trips - 'walk4ex': Count of Walk Trips for Exercise - 'nbiketrp': Count of Bike Trips - 'bike4ex': Count of Bike Trips for Exercise - 'bikeshare': Count of Bike Share Program Usage - 'ptused': Count of Public Transit Usage - 'mcused': Count of Motorcycle or Moped Trips - 'carshare': Count of Car Share Program Usage - 'rideshare': Count of Rideshare App Usage - 'carrode': Count of People in Vehicle to Work - 'timetowk': Trip Time to Work in Minutes - 'nocong': Trip Time in Minutes to Work without Traffic - 'pubtime': Minutes Spent Transferring to Work - 'wrktime': Arrival Time at Work - 'wkrmhm': Option of Working from Home - 'flextime': Flex Time - 'wkfmhmxx': Count of Days Worked From Home in Last Month - 'schtrn1': Mode to School - 'schtrn2': Mode from School - 'deliver': Count of Times Purchased Online for Delivery in Last 30 Days - 'medcond': Medical Condition - 'medcond6': Medical Condition, How Long - 'health': Opinion of Health - 'phyact': Level of Physical Activity - 'vpact': Count of Times of Vigorous Physical Activity in Past Week - 'lpact': Count of Times of Light or Moderate Physical Activity in Past Week - 'borninus': Born in United States - 'yrtous': Year of Arrival in United States - 'yearmile': Miles Personally Driven in all Vehicles - 'proxy': Trip info from respondent or proxy - 'whoproxy': Household Person Identifier Responsible for Trip Reporting - 'usepubtr': Public Transit Usage on Travel Date, derived - 'sameplc': Reason for No Trips - 'w_none': Medical Device Used: None - 'w_cane': Medical Device Used: Cane - 'w_wlkr': Medical Device Used: Walker - 'w_whcane': Medical Device Used: White Cane - 'w_dog': Medical Device Used: Dog Assistance - 'w_crutch': Medical Device Used: Crutches - 'w_scootr': Medical Device Used: Motorized Scooter - 'w_chair': Medical Device Used: Wheelchair - 'w_mtrchr': Medical Device Used: Motorized Wheelchair - 'worker': Worker status - 'diary': Travel Diary completion status - 'outcntry': Respondent was out of the country on travel day. - 'frsthm17': Travel day began at home location - 'cnttdtr': Count of person trips on travel day - 'gcdwork': Minimum geodesic (Great Circle) distance between home location and work location in meters, using WGS84 coordinate system - ‘wkstfips': The state FIPS code for the respondent’s geocoded work address. The state FIPS codes were identified using United States Census Bureau 2016 TIGER/Line Shapefiles. - 'driver': Driver status, derived - 'outoftwn': Away from home for entire travel day - ‘disttowk17': Road network distance, in miles, between respondent’s home location and work location, sourced using Google Distance Matrix API (https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/) - ‘disttosc17': Road network distance, in miles, between respondent’s home location and school location, sourced using Google Distance Matrix API (https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/) - 'r_age_imp': Age (imputed) - 'r_sex_imp': Gender (imputed) - 'alt_16': Alternative Mode of Transportation: Public Transportation or Taxi - 'alt_23': Alternative Mode of Transportation: Passenger to Friend/Family Member or Rental Car - 'alt_45': Alternative Mode of Transportation: Bicycle or Walk - 'walk_def': Reason for Not Walking More: Infrastructure - 'walk_gkq': Reason for Not Walking More: Safety - 'bike_dfr': Reason for Not Biking More: Infrastructure - 'bike_gkp': Reason for Not Biking More: Safety - 'condtrav': Medical Condition Results in Reduced Day-to-Day Travel - 'condride': Medical Condition Results in Asking Others for Rides - 'condnigh': Medical Condition Results in Limiting Driving to Daytime - 'condrive': Medical Condition Results in Giving up Driving - 'condpub': Medical Condition Results in Using Bus or Subway Less Frequently - 'condspec': Medical Condition Results in Using Special Transportation Services - 'condtax': Medical Condition Results in Using a Reduced Fare Taxi - 'wtperfin': Final Person weight

byu-transpolab/nhts2017 documentation built on Dec. 27, 2021, 9:54 a.m.