nhts_trips: Public Trip Records

Description Usage Format


A dataset containing trip records for




A 'tibble' with 923,572 rows and 82 variables: - 'houseid': Household Identifier - 'personid': Person Identifier - 'trvlcmin': Trip Duration in Minutes - 'trpmiles': Trip distance in miles, derived from route geometry returned by Google Maps API, or from reported loop-trip distance - 'trptrans': Trip Mode, derived - 'trpaccmp': Count of People on Trip - 'trphhacc': Count of Household Members on Trip - 'vehid': Household Vehicle Identifier Used on Trip - 'trwaittm': Transit wait time in minutes - 'numtrans': Count of Transfers - 'tracctm': Trip Time to Transit Station in Minutes - 'drop_prk': Parked or Dropped Off at Station - 'tregrtm': Time to Destination from Transit in Minutes - 'whodrove': Person Identifier Who Drove on Trip - 'whyfrom': Trip Origin Purpose - 'loop_trip': Trip origin and destination at identical location - 'trphhveh': Household Vehicle Used on Trip - 'hhmemdrv': Household member drove on trip - 'hh_ontd': Number of household members on trip including respondent - 'nonhhcnt': Number of non-household members on trip - 'numontrp': Number of people on trip including respondent - 'psgr_flg': Respondent was passenger on trip - 'pubtrans': Public transportation used on trip - 'trippurp': Generalized purpose of trip, home-based and non-home based - 'dweltime': Time at destination - 'tdwknd': Weekend trip - 'vmt_mile': Trip distance in miles for personally driven vehicle trips, derived from route geometry returned by Google Maps API - 'drvr_flg': Respondent drove on trip - 'whytrp1s': Trip purpose summary - 'ontd_p1': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 1 - 'ontd_p2': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 2 - 'ontd_p3': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 3 - 'ontd_p4': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 4 - 'ontd_p5': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 5 - 'ontd_p6': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 6 - 'ontd_p7': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 7 - 'ontd_p8': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 8 - 'ontd_p9': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 9 - 'ontd_p10': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 10 - 'ontd_p11': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 11 - 'ontd_p12': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 12 - 'ontd_p13': Household Person Identifier on Trip: 13 - 'tdcaseid': Unique identifier for every trip record in the file - 'tracc_wlk': Walk as mode used to get to public transit? - 'tracc_pov': POV as mode used to get to public transit? - 'tracc_bus': Bus as mode used to get to public transit? - 'tracc_crl': Rail as mode used to get to public transit? - 'tracc_sub': Subway as mode used to get to public transit? - 'tracc_oth': Other mode used to get to public transit? - 'tregr_wlk': Walk as mode used to get from public transit? - 'tregr_pov': POV as mode used to get from public transit? - 'tregr_bus': Bus as mode used to get from public transit? - 'tregr_crl': Rail as mode used to get from public transit? - 'tregr_sub': Subway as mode used to get from public transit? - 'tregr_oth': Other mode used to get from public transit? - 'whyto': Trip Destination Purpose - ‘gasprice': Price of gasoline, in cents, on respondent’s travel day - 'wttrdfin': Final trip weight - 'whytrp90': Travel day trip purpose consistent with 1990 NPTS design.

byu-transpolab/nhts2017 documentation built on Dec. 27, 2021, 9:54 a.m.