### Build LED data package for use with Math 119
# See data_led_private repo
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, glue, readxl, fs)
## Read in data
### Testing Data
sheet_names <- excel_sheets("../data_led_private/data/DataUsedForAnalysis.xlsx")
dat_list <- sheet_names[c(3,7)] %>% map(~read_xlsx("../data_led_private/data/DataUsedForAnalysis.xlsx", sheet = .x))
led_testing <- dat_list %>%
map(~pivot_longer(.x, -Hours, names_to = "id",
values_to = "percent_intensity")) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
mutate(company = ifelse(str_detect(id, "AAA"), "A", "B"),
id = parse_number(id),
normalized_intensity = percent_intensity,
percent_intensity = 100*normalized_intensity) %>%
select(id, hours = Hours, normalized_intensity, percent_intensity, company)
led_test_details <- list(id = "An id for each LED light measured",
hours = "The number of hours since the first measurement",
normalized_intensity = "The normalized light output based on the first measured intensity of the bulb",
percent_intensity = "The normalized_intensity multiplied by 100",
company = "Either A or B to represent to different company products")
# dat object from the .Rdata file
### Study data ####
led_study <- dat %>%
select(ID, Hours, Intensity, NI) %>%
rename_all("str_to_lower") %>%
rename(percent_intensity = ni) %>%
mutate(hours = floor(hours)) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(intensity = intensity + rnorm(n(), mean = 0, sd = .25),
normalized_intensity = intensity / intensity[1],
percent_intensity = normalized_intensity*100,
hours = ifelse(hours < 10, 0, hours)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(hours > 25 | hours < 10) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(hours = ifelse(hours == 191, 192, hours)) %>%
select(id, hours, intensity, normalized_intensity, percent_intensity)
led_study_details <- list(id = "An id for each LED light measured",
hours = "The number of hours since the first measurement",
intensity = "The lumen output of the bulb. 800 lumens maps to a 60 watt incandescent bulb (https://www.lumens.com/how-tos-and-advice/light-bulb-facts.html)",
normalized_intensity = "The normalized light output based on the first measured intensity of the bulb",
percent_intensity = "The normalized_intensity multiplied by 100")
list_data = list(led_study = led_study, led_testing = led_testing)
package_name_text <- "data4led"
base_folder <- "../../byuidatascience/"
user <- "byuidatascience"
package_path <- str_c(base_folder, package_name_text)
#### Run to create repo locally and on GitHub. ######
# github_info <- dpr_create_github(user, package_name_text)
# package_path <- dpr_create_package(list_data = NULL,
# package_name = package_name_text,
# export_folder = base_folder,
# git_remote = github_info$clone_url)
##### dpr_delete_github(user, package_name_text) ####
####### End create section
github_info <- dpr_info_github(user, package_name_text)
dpr_export(led_study, export_folder = path(package_path, "data-raw"),
export_format = c(".csv", ".json", ".xlsx", ".sav", ".dta"))
dpr_export(led_testing, export_folder = path(package_path, "data-raw"),
export_format = c(".csv", ".json", ".xlsx", ".sav", ".dta"))
usethis::use_data(led_study, led_testing, overwrite = TRUE)
dpr_document(led_study, extension = ".md.R", export_folder = usethis::proj_get(),
object_name = "led_study", title = "LED example bulbs of lumen output",
description = "An example data set of LED bulbs based on actual data.",
source = "data_led_private",
var_details = led_study_details)
dpr_document(led_testing, extension = ".md.R", export_folder = usethis::proj_get(),
object_name = "led_testing",
title = "LED example bulbs of lumen output for two products with standard procedure time point measurements",
description = "An example data set of LED bulbs based on actual data.",
source = "data_led_private",
var_details = led_test_details)
dpr_readme(usethis::proj_get(), package_name_text, user)
dpr_write_script(folder_dir = package_path, r_read = "scripts/LED_package.R",
r_folder_write = "data-raw", r_write = str_c(package_name_text, ".R"))
dpr_push(folder_dir = package_path, message = "'documentation'", repo_url = NULL)
### Some plots
led_study %>%
ggplot(aes(x = hours, y = percent_intensity)) +
geom_line(aes(group = id), color = "grey", alpha = .25) +
geom_point() +
led_study %>%
ggplot(aes(x = hours, y = percent_intensity)) +
geom_line(aes(group = id), color = "grey", alpha = .25) +
geom_point() +
theme_bw() +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(20,30))
led_study %>%
ggplot(aes(x = hours, y = intensity)) +
geom_line(aes(group = id), color = "grey", alpha = .25) +
geom_point() +
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