
## Two steps response to selection with several locations

responseSelectionSevLocYe2 <- function(win){
	w <- xgwindow("Preferences", visible=F, parent=win)
	svalue(w)="Response to selection with several locations in two steps"
	## number of genotypes at begining
	pcList <- list(type="fieldset", label = "Number of genotypes for stage 1", columns = 1,
			children = list(
					list(name = "g", type = "gedit", text = "", coerce.with = as.numeric)
	## selection at stage 1
	st1List <- list(type = "fieldset", label = "Selection at stage 1",  columns = 3,
			children = list(
					list(name = "k1", label = "Number of locations:", type = "gedit", text = "", coerce.with = as.numeric),
					list(name = "r1", label = "Number of replications:", type="gedit", text = "", coerce.with = as.numeric),
					list(name = "sg1", label = "Selected genotypes:", type="gedit", text="", coerce.with = as.numeric)
	## selection at stage 2
	st2List <- list(type = "fieldset", label = "Selection at stage 2", columns = 3,
			children = list(
					list(name = "k2", label = "Number of locations:", type = "gedit", text = "", coerce.with = as.numeric),
					list(name = "r2", label = "Number of replications:", type="gedit", text = "", coerce.with = as.numeric),
					list(name = "sg2", label = "Selected genotypes:", type="gedit", text= "", coerce.with = as.numeric)
	## variances
	varList <- list(type = "fieldset", label = "Variance components", columns = 3,
			children = list(
					list(name = "sigmaG2", label = "G:", type = "gedit", text = "", coerce.with = as.numeric),
					list(name = "sigmaGL2", label = "GxL:", type="gedit", text = "", coerce.with = as.numeric),
					list(name = "sigmaGY2", label = "GxY:", type="gedit", text = "", coerce.with = as.numeric),
					list(name = "sigmaGLY2", label = "GxLxY:", type="gedit", text = "", coerce.with = as.numeric),
					list(name = "sigmaE2", label = "Error:", type="gedit", text="", coerce.with = as.numeric)
	## selection gain list
	selectiongain <- list(type = "ggroup",
			horizontal = FALSE,
			children = list(
	## Code to call the layout
	fl <- gformlayout(selectiongain, cont = w)
	bg <- ggroup(cont = w)
	b <- gbutton("Compute", cont = bg)
	outputArea <- gtext(container=w, font.attr=c(family="monospace"), height=100)
	## computations
	select <- function(g, k1, r1, sg1, k2, r2, sg2, sigmaG2, sigmaGL2, sigmaGY2, sigmaGLY2, sigmaE2){
		# first stage
		alpha1 <- sg1/g
		x1 <- qnorm(1-alpha1)
		z1 <- dnorm(x1)
		i1 <- z1/alpha1
		rho1 <- sqrt(sigmaG2 / (sigmaG2 + sigmaGL2/k1 + sigmaGY2 + sigmaGLY2/k1 + sigmaE2/k1/r1))
		R1 <- i1*rho1
		# second stage
		alpha2 <- sg2/sg1
		rho2 <- sqrt(sigmaG2 / (sigmaG2 + sigmaGL2/k2 + sigmaGY2 + sigmaGLY2/k2 + sigmaE2/k2/r2))
		# both togheter
		alpha <- alpha1*alpha2
		rho <- rho1*rho2
		int <- function(x){
			(2*pi)^(-.5)*exp(-x^2/2) * pnorm((x1-rho*x)/(sqrt(1-rho^2)), lower.tail=FALSE)
		f <- function(t){
			integrate(int, t, Inf)$value - alpha
		x2 <- uniroot(f, c(0,20))$root
		z2 <- dnorm(x2) 
		a <- (x1 - rho*x2)/sqrt(1-rho^2)
		b <- (x2 - rho*x1)/sqrt(1-rho^2)
		I1 <- 1 - pnorm(a)
		I2 <- 1 - pnorm(b)
		R2 <- (rho1*z1*I2 + rho2*z2*I1)/alpha
		salida <- data.frame(row.names=c("1st stage =", "2nd stage ="))
		salida$x <- c(x1,x2)
		salida$Ru <- c(R1,R2)
	addHandlerChanged(b, function(h,...) {
				out <- capture.output(do.call("select",svalue(fl)))
					add(outputArea, out)
c5sire/GTDMS documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:56 a.m.