
Defines functions lowFlowEval

Documented in lowFlowEval

#' Compare number of low flow events between NWM and USGS records
#' @param gageID USGS gage ID, string
#' @param comID a reach ID (corresponds to the feature IDs in the NHD Plus dataset), string
#' @param threshold a measure of low flow ("Perc5", "Perc25", "x7Q2", or "x7Q10"), string
#' @param flowfile .csv file of time series data, with columns of Date and comIDs
#' @param startDate beginning date for data retrieval, "yyyy-mm-dd"
#' @param endDate end date for data retrieval, "yyyy-mm-dd"
#' @return A time series of daily streamflow for each of the user-specified reaches.
#' @export
#' @examples

lowFlowEval <- function(gageID,comID,flowfile,threshold,startDate,endDate){
  #Get discharge USGS Data
  qDataUSGS <- dataRetrieval::readNWISdata(sites=gageID, service="dv",parameterCd="00060",
  qDataUSGS <- data.frame(Date=as.Date(qDataUSGS$dateTime),Discharge=qDataUSGS$X_00060_00003)
  qDataUSGS$Month <- months(qDataUSGS$Date)

  #Get discharge from Historical Modeled (Retrospective) data
  qDataNWM <- read.csv(flowfile)
  qDataNWM$Date <- as.Date(qDataNWM$Date, format="%m/%d/%Y")
  qDataNWM <- qDataNWM[(qDataNWM$Date >= startDate & qDataNWM$Date <= endDate),]
  comID_column <- paste0("X",comID)
  qDataNWM <- qDataNWM[,(names(qDataNWM) %in% c("Date",comID_column))]
  colnames(qDataNWM) <- c("Date","Discharge")
  qDataNWM$Month <- months(qDataNWM$Date)

  #Calculate monthly low-flow thresholds
  USGS_results <- USGSFlowStats(gageID,startDate,endDate)
  NWM_results <- NWMFlowStats(comID,flowfile)

  #Calculate how often the streamflow (observed and modeled) went below a threshold
  years <- seq(lubridate::year(startDate),lubridate::year(endDate),by=1)
  belowthreshold <- function(qDF,statsDF,threshold){
    lowFlowEvents <- data.frame(Year=sort(rep(years,12)),Month=rep(month.name,length(years)))
    for (m in month.name){
      qDFsub <- qDF[(qDF$Month==m),]
      qDFsub$Year <- lubridate::year(qDFsub$Date)
      tempthreshold <- statsDF[(statsDF$Month==m),threshold]

      for (i in unique(qDFsub$Year)){
        qDFsubyear <- qDFsub[(qDFsub$Year==i),]
        numbelow <- sum(qDFsubyear$Discharge < tempthreshold)
        lowFlowEvents[(lowFlowEvents$Year==i & lowFlowEvents$Month==m),"NumEvents"] = numbelow
    lowFlowEvents$Date <- zoo::as.yearmon(paste0(lowFlowEvents$Year,'-',lowFlowEvents$Month),format='%Y-%B')

  lowFlowEventsUSGS <- belowthreshold(qDF = qDataUSGS, statsDF = USGS_results, threshold = threshold)
  lowFlowEventsNWM <- belowthreshold(qDF = qDataNWM, statsDF = NWM_results, threshold = threshold)
  lowFlowSummary <- data.frame(Date=lowFlowEventsUSGS$Date,USGS=lowFlowEventsUSGS$NumEvents,NWM=lowFlowEventsNWM$NumEvents)
  lowFlowSummary$DiffEvents <- lowFlowSummary$USGS-lowFlowSummary$NWM

cahhansen/NWMLowFlows documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:07 p.m.