tree: A phylogenetic tree.

treeR Documentation

A phylogenetic tree.


This phylogenetic tree is a phylo object (see vignette("Trees", package="phangorn")) connecting the individuals represented in the rows of the example genetic data matrix (see: data(snps)) and the elements of the example phenotypic vector (see: data(phen)).




A phylo object with 100 terminal nodes and 99 internal nodes.


In this case, the tree was generated via simulation and used to simulate the genotypic and phenotypic data. In a typical empirical analysis, however, a phylogenetic tree would represent the inferred ancestral relationships between individuals, and it would be estimated from the available genetic data. For example, such a phylogeny could be reconstructed using tree.reconstruct(snps, method="NJ"), or automatically generated within treeWAS, according to the tree argument, as in: treeWAS(snps, phen, tree="NJ") (see the treeWAS vignette).


Caitlin Collins

caitiecollins/treeWAS documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 8:23 a.m.