
Defines functions housing_tenure overcrowding housing_conditions housing_situation housing_deprivation

Documented in housing_conditions housing_deprivation housing_situation housing_tenure overcrowding

#' This function allows you to calculate the housing status
#' @family dwelling
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param n number of deprivations to consider. Default 1
#' @param ht19 Variable name of number of individuals in the household
#' @param d9 Variable name of number of rooms
#' @param d10 Variable name of number of rooms to sleep
#' @param d11 Variable name of principal source of potable water
#' @param d12 Variable name of water supply network / water access
#' @param d13 Variable name of sanitary facilities
#' @param d16 Variable name of sewerage facilities
#' @param d18 Variable name of energy source for lighting
#' @param d19 Variable name of cooking space
#' @param c2 Variable name of predominant material on external walls
#' @param c3 Variable name of predominant roofing material
#' @param c4 Variable name of predominant flooring material
#' @param quintil Variable name of income quintil
#' @param region_4 Variable name of region
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate c_across
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' toy_ech_2018 <- income_constant_prices(data = ech::toy_ech_2018)
#' toy_ech_2018 <- income_quantiles(data = toy_ech_2018)
#' toy_ech_2018 <- housing_deprivation(data = toy_ech_2018)
#' }

housing_deprivation <- function(data = ech::toy_ech_2018,
                                n = 1,
                                ht19 = "ht19",
                                d9 = "d9",
                                d10 = "d10",
                                d11 = "d11",
                                d12 = "d12",
                                d13 = "d13",
                                d16 = "d16",
                                d18 = "d18",
                                d19 = "d19",
                                c2 = "c2",
                                c3 = "c3",
                                c4 = "c4",
                                quintil = "quintil",
                                region_4 = "region_4") {

  # checks ---
  assertthat::assert_that(ht19  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {ht19} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(d9  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {d9} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(d10  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {d10} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(d11  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {d11} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(d12  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {d12} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(d13  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {d13} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(d16  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {d16} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(d18  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {d18} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(d19  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {d19} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c2  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c2} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c3  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c3} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c4  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c4} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(region_4  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {region_4} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(quintil %in% names(data), msg = "Sorry... :( \n quintil parameter is not calculated, please use income_constant_prices() to obtain the variable.")

  data <- data %>%
      overcrowding = ifelse((ht19 / d10) > 2, 1, 0),
      bathroom = ifelse(d13 != 1, 1, 0),
      rooms = ifelse((d19 == 3 | (d9 - d10) < 1 & ht19 > 1), 1, 0),
      roof_materials = ifelse(c3 %in% c(4, 6) | (quintil < 5 & c3 == 5), 1, 0),
      wall_materials = ifelse(c2 %in% c(4, 6) | (quintil < 5 & c2 == 5), 1, 0),
      floor_materials = ifelse(c4 > 3, 1, 0),
      water = ifelse(d12 > 1, 1, 0),
      running_water = ifelse((region_4 < 4 & d11 > 1) | (region_4 == 4 & d11 %in% c(2, 5:6)), 1, 0),
      sewerage = ifelse((d14 == 0) | (d16 > 2), 1, 0),
      electricity = ifelse((region_4 < 4 & d18 > 1) | (region_4 == 4 & d18 > 2), 1, 0),
      housing_deprivation_q = sum(c_across(overcrowding:electricity)),
      housing_deprivation = ifelse(housing_deprivation_q > 0, n, 0),

      overcrowding = haven::labelled(overcrowding, labels = c("Hacinado" = 1, "No hacinado" = 0),
                                     label = "Hacinamiento"),
      bathroom = haven::labelled(bathroom, labels = c("No tiene" = 1, "Tiene" = 0),
                                 label = "Banio"),
      rooms = haven::labelled(rooms, labels = c("No tiene" = 1, "Tiene" = 0),
                              label = "Ambientes adecuados"),
      roof_materials = haven::labelled(roof_materials, labels = c("No tiene" = 1, "Tiene" = 0),
                                       label = "Techo adecuado"),
      wall_materials = haven::labelled(wall_materials, labels = c("No tiene" = 1, "Tiene" = 0),
                                       label = "Paredes adecuadas"),
      floor_materials = haven::labelled(floor_materials, labels = c("No tiene" = 1, "Tiene" = 0),
                                        label = "Pisos adecuados"),
      water = haven::labelled(water, labels = c("No tiene" = 1, "Tiene" = 0),
                              label = "Agua"),
      running_water = haven::labelled(running_water, labels = c("No tiene" = 1, "Tiene" = 0),
                                      label = "Red general para el agua o pozo"),
      sewerage = haven::labelled(sewerage, labels = c("No tiene" = 1, "Tiene" = 0),
                                 label = "Desague"),
      electricity = haven::labelled(electricity, labels = c("No tiene" = 1, "Tiene" = 0),
                                    label = "Red electrica")

  message("Variables have been created: \n \t overcrowding (Carencia: Hacinamiento);
         bathroom (Carencia: Banio (Minimo un banio));
         rooms (Carencia: Ambientes adecuados(cocina, comedor, estar diario));
         roof_materials (Carencia: Techo adecuado);
         wall_materials (Carencia: Paredes adecuadas);
         floor_materials (Carencia: Pisos adecuados);
         water (Carencia: Agua);
         running_water (Carencia: Red general para el agua o pozo);
         sewerage (Carencia: Desague);
         electricity (Carencia: Red electrica);
         housing_deprivation_q (Suma de carencias habitacionales) &
         housing_deprivation (Carencia habitacional en relacion al parametro n)")



#' This function allows you to calculate the housing situation
#' @family dwelling
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param c5_1 Variable name of roof condensation
#' @param c5_2 Variable name of roof drips
#' @param c5_3 Variable name of walls cracks
#' @param c5_4 Variable name of broken doors or windows
#' @param c5_5 Variable name of floors cracks
#' @param c5_6 Variable name of plaster drop on walls
#' @param c5_7 Variable name of detached ceilings
#' @param c5_8 Variable name of poor sunlight
#' @param c5_9 Variable name of poor ventilation
#' @param c5_10 Variable name of floods when it rains
#' @param c5_11 Variable name of in danger of collapse
#' @param c5_12 Variable name of dampness in the foundations
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom haven labelled
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' @examples
#' toy_ech_2018 <- housing_situation(data = ech::toy_ech_2018)

housing_situation <- function(data = ech::toy_ech_2018,
                              c5_1 = "c5_1",
                              c5_2 = "c5_2",
                              c5_3 = "c5_3",
                              c5_4 = "c5_4",
                              c5_5 = "c5_5",
                              c5_6 = "c5_6",
                              c5_7 = "c5_7",
                              c5_8 = "c5_8",
                              c5_9 = "c5_9",
                              c5_10 = "c5_10",
                              c5_11 = "c5_11",
                              c5_12 = "c5_12"){

  # checks ---
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_1  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_1} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_2  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_2} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_3  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_3} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_4  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_4} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_5  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_5} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_6  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_6} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_7  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_7} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_8  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_8} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_9  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_9} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_10  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_10} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_11  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_11} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c5_12  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c5_12} is not in data"))

  data <- data %>%
      housing_situation = ifelse(c5_1 == 2 & c5_2 == 2 & c5_3 == 2 & c5_4 == 2 & c5_5 == 2 & c5_6 == 2 & c5_7 == 2 & c5_8 == 2 & c5_9 == 2 & c5_10 == 2 & c5_11 == 2 & c5_12 == 2, 1, NA),
      housing_situation = ifelse(c5_4 == 1 | c5_5 == 1 | c5_8 == 1  | c5_9 == 1, 2, housing_situation),
      housing_situation = ifelse(c5_1 == 1 | c5_2 == 1 | c5_6 == 1 | c5_7 == 1 | c5_12 == 1, 3, housing_situation),
      housing_situation = ifelse(c5_3 == 1 | c5_10 == 1  | c5_11 == 1, 4, housing_situation),
      housing_situation = haven::labelled(housing_situation,
                                          labels = c("Sin problemas" = 1, "Problemas leves" = 2, "Problemas moderados" = 3, "Problemas graves" = 4),
                                          label = "Situacion coyuntural de la vivienda"))

 message("A variable has been created: \n \t housing_situation (situacion coyuntural de la vivienda)")

#' This function allows you to calculate the housing conditions
#' @family dwelling
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param c2 Variable name of predominant material on external walls
#' @param c3 Variable name of predominant roofing material
#' @param c4 Variable name of predominant flooring material
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom haven labelled
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' @examples
#' toy_ech_2018 <- housing_conditions(data = ech::toy_ech_2018)

housing_conditions <- function(data = ech::toy_ech_2018,
                               c2 = "c2",
                               c3 = "c3",
                               c4 = "c4"){

  # checks ---
  assertthat::assert_that(c2  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c2} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c3  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c3} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(c4  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {c4} is not in data"))

  data <- data %>%
      housing_conditions = ifelse(c2 == 6 | (c3 == 6 & c2 %in% c(2, 4, 5)) | (c3 == 6 & c4 %in% 4:5 & c2 %in% c(1,3)) | (c3 == 5 & c4 == 5 & c2 %in% c(2, 4, 5)) | (c3 == 4 & c4 == 5 & c2 %in% c(2, 4)), 4, NA),
      housing_conditions = ifelse((c3 == 6 & c4 %in% 1:3 & c2 %in% c(1, 3)) | (c3 == 4 & c4 %in% 1:4 & c2 %in% 1:5) | (c3 == 4 & c4 == 5 & c2 %in% c(1, 3, 5)) | (c3 == 5 & c4 %in% 1:4 & c2 == 4) | (c3 == 5 &  c4 == 5 & c2 %in% c(1, 3)) | (c3 == 5 & c4 == 4 & c2 == 2) | (c3 %in% 1:3 & c4 == 5 & c2 %in% 1:5) | (c3 %in% 1:3 & c4 == 4 & c2 %in% c(2, 4, 5)) | (c3 %in% 1:3  & c4 %in% 1:3 & c2 == 4) | (c3 %in% 2:3 & c4 == 3 & c2 == 2), 3, housing_conditions),
      housing_conditions = ifelse((c3 == 5 & c4 == 4 & c2 %in% c(1, 3, 5)) | (c3 == 5 & c4 %in% 1:3 & c2 %in% c(2, 5)) | (c3 %in% 1:3 & c4 == 4  & c2 %in% 1:3) | (c3 %in% 1:3 & c4 %in% 2:3 & c2 == 5) | (c3 %in% 1:2 & c4 == 1 & c2 == 5) | (c3 == 3 & c4 %in% 1:2 & c2 == 2) | (c3 == 2 & c4 %in% 2:3 & c2 == 3) | (c3 %in% 1:2 & c4 %in% 1:2 & c2 == 2) | (c3 == 2 & c4 %in% 2:3 & c2 == 1) | (c3 == 1 & c4 == 3 & c2 == 2), 2, housing_conditions),
      housing_conditions = ifelse((c3 %in% c(1, 3, 5) & c4 %in% 1:3 & c2 %in% c(1, 3)) | (c3 == 3 & c4 == 1 & c2 == 5) | (c3 == 2 & c4 == 1 & c2 %in% c(1, 3)), 1, housing_conditions),
      housing_conditions = haven::labelled(housing_conditions,
                                           labels = c("Buena" = 1, "Mediana" = 2, "Modesta" = 3, "Precaria" = 4),
                                           label = "Situacion estructural de la vivienda"))

  message("A variable has been created: \n \t housing_conditions (situacion estructural de la vivienda)")

#' This function allows you to calculate overcrowding in the household
#' @family dwelling
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param ht19 Variable name of umber of individuals in the household
#' @param d10  Variable name of number of rooms to sleep
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom haven labelled
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' @examples
#' toy_ech_2018 <- overcrowding(data = ech::toy_ech_2018)

overcrowding <- function(data = ech::toy_ech_2018,
                         ht19 = "ht19",
                         d10 = "d10"){
  # checks ---
  assertthat::assert_that(ht19  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {ht19} is not in data"))
  assertthat::assert_that(d10  %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {d10} is not in data"))

  data <- data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(overcrowding = dplyr::case_when(
                                          ht19 / d10 > 2 ~ 1,
                                          TRUE ~ 0),
                  overcrowding = haven::labelled(overcrowding, labels = c("Hacinado" = 1, "No hacinado" = 0),
                                         label = "Hacinamiento"))
  message("A variable has been created: \n \t overcrowding (hacinamiento)")



#' This function allows you to calculate the housing tenure
#' @family dwelling
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param d8_1 Variable name of housing_tenure (owner, renter, rent-free occupancy, etc.)
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @details
#' Disclaimer: This script is not an official INE product.
#' Aviso: El script no es un producto oficial de INE.
#' @examples
#' toy_ech_2018 <- housing_tenure(data = ech::toy_ech_2018)

housing_tenure <- function(data = ech::toy_ech_2018,
                           d8_1 = "d8_1"){

  # checks ---
  assertthat::assert_that(d8_1 %in% names(data), msg =  glue:glue("Sorry... :( \n {d8_1} is not in data"))

  data <- data %>%
      housing_tenure = ifelse(as.integer(d8_1) %in% c(1, 2, 10), 1,
        ifelse(as.integer(d8_1) == 5, 2,
        ifelse(as.integer(d8_1) %in% 6:8, 3,
        ifelse(as.integer(d8_1) == 9, 4,
        ifelse(as.integer(d8_1) %in% 3:4, 5, 6))))),
      housing_tenure = haven::labelled(housing_tenure,
                                       labels = c("Propietaria-o" = 1, "Inquilina-o" = 2, "Ocupante gratuito" = 3,
                                                  "Ocupante sin permiso" = 4, "Propietaria-o solo de la vivienda" = 5, " " = 6),
                                       label = "Tenencia de la vivienda"))

  message("A variable has been created: \n \t housing_tenure (tenencia de la vivienda)")
calcita/ech documentation built on March 2, 2024, 7:54 a.m.