
## [RDP]
## The major modification is here: Rather than evaluate expressions
## and leave them in the global environment, we evaluate them in a
## local environment (that has globalenv() as the parent) and then
## store the assignments in a 'stashR' database.  If an expression
## does not give rise to new R objects, then nothing is saved.
## For each expression ('expr'), we compute a digest and associate
## with that digest the names of the objects that were created by
## evaluating the expression.  That way, for a given cached
## expression, we know which keys to lazy-load from the cache when
## evaluation is skipped.
## end [RDP]

removeLineJunk <- function(chunk){
  lines <- grep("#line", chunk)
  srclines <- attr(chunk, "srclines")
  chunk <- chunk[-lines]
  attr(chunk, "srclines") <- srclines[-lines]

hasChunkChanged <- function(chunk,chunkprefix,options){
     # caching may not be used but use the caching directory anyway
    cachedir <- getCacheDir()
    chunkDigest <- digest(list(chunk[1:length(chunk)],options$width,options$height))
    dbName <- makeChunkDatabaseName(cachedir, options, chunkDigest)
      # Create 'stashR' database if it does not exist
    db <- new("localDB", dir = dbName, name = basename(dbName))
    mangledPrefix <- paste('__',chunkprefix,'__',sep='')

      # If the digest of the chunk does not exist, 
      # then stick it in the db otherwise, get it out and 
      # check it agains the current one

    if( !dbExists(db, mangledPrefix) ) {

      chunkChanged <- TRUE

    } else {

      oldChunkDigest <- dbFetch(db, mangledPrefix)
      chunkChanged <- ifelse( oldChunkDigest == chunkDigest, FALSE, TRUE)

getChunkOptions <- function(){
        prefix.string = 'character',
        eval = 'logical',
        fig = 'logical',
        width = 'numeric',
        height = 'numeric',
        pdf = 'logical',
        echo = 'logical',
        keep.source = 'logical',
        results = list('verbatim','tex','hide'),
        split = 'logical',
        strip.white = list('true','false','all'),
        include = 'logical',
        expand = 'logical',
        concordance = 'logical',
        figs.only = 'logical',
        cache = 'logical',
        pgf = 'logical',
        tikz = 'logical',
        external = 'logical',
        sanitize = 'logical',
        highlight = 'logical',
        tidy = 'logical',
        relwidth = 'numeric',
        relheight = 'numeric'

installCommandLineScript <- function(){
cameronbracken/pgfSweave documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:02 a.m.