
Defines functions get_infant_table.old get_infant_table get_biography

Documented in get_biography get_infant_table get_infant_table.old

#' Get table with biography from birth until death, disappearance or end of observation of individuals.
#' @param paceR_db The src_mysql connection to the paceR Database (view-collection).
#' @param full Option to return the full table (TRUE) or just a condensed version (FALSE). Default is TRUE.
#' @param projectID Option to get data only from specific project (1-7?). Default is 1 (Santa Rosa)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_biography(paceR_db)

get_biography <- function(paceR_db, full = TRUE, projectID = 1){
  # TO DO (possibly not all necessary):
  # Following things have to be controlled:
  # Compare DateOfFirstSighting with firstalive
  # Compare DateOfDeathFinal with lastcensus
  # Check cases where last censusstatus is "Alive" but long time ago --> really end of observation?
  # Check also if in cases where last censusstatus is "Alive" the individual is not dead.
  # What ifseveral lines in the end have status "Missing"? -> used lastalive as departdate and laststatus as depart type. Any errors because of that?
  # EntryType is missing
  individs <- getv_Individual(paceR_db) %>% 
    select (-DayDifference, -Phenotype) %>%
    filter (ProjectID %in% projectID)
  death <- get_pace_tbl(paceR_db, "vDeath") %>% 
    mutate (DateOfDeathFinal = ifelse (!is.na (DateOfDeath), DateOfDeath,
                                       ifelse (!is.na(DateOfDeathFromCensus), DateOfDeathFromCensus, NA))) %>%
    select (-DateOfDeath, - DateOfDeathFromCensus, -NameOf, -ProjectID)
  monthlycensus <- getv_CensusMonthly (paceR_db) %>% 
    filter (ProjectID %in% projectID & !is.na (IndividID))
  lastalive <- monthlycensus %>%
    filter (StatusCodeLong == "Alive") %>%
    group_by (IndividID) %>%
    arrange (CensusDateOf) %>%
    summarise (FirstAlive = first (CensusDateOf), 
               LastAlive = last (CensusDateOf) , GroupLastAlive = last (GroupCode))
  lastcensus <-  monthlycensus %>%
    group_by (IndividID) %>%
    arrange (desc (CensusDateOf)) %>%
    filter (row_number () == 1) %>%
    ungroup () %>% 
    select (IndividID, GroupLastListed = GroupCode, LastCensus = CensusDateOf, LastStatus = StatusCodeLong)
  censusbio <- lastalive %>%
    full_join (lastcensus, by = "IndividID") %>%
    arrange (IndividID)
  # mutate (diff = difftime (lastcensus, lastalive, units = "days"))

  biography <- death %>%
    left_join (individs, ., by = "IndividID") %>%
    right_join (censusbio, by = "IndividID") %>%
    mutate (DepartType = ifelse (LastStatus == "Alive", "End Of Observation", LastStatus)) %>%
    mutate (DepartDate = ifelse (!is.na (DateOfDeathFinal), as.Date (DateOfDeathFinal), as.Date (LastAlive))) %>%
    mutate (DepartDate = as.Date (DepartDate, origin = "1970-01-01")) %>% 
  select (ProjectID, Project, PrimateSpecies, IndividID, NameOf, Sex, DateOfBirth, BirthdateSource,
          Mother, GroupAtBirthName, GroupAtBirthCode, DateOfFirstSighting, AgeClassAtFirstSighting,
          GroupAtFirstSightingName, GroupAtFirstSightingCode,                
          DepartDate, DepartType, CauseOfDeath, DeathComments, GroupLastAlive,  GroupLastListed) %>% 
  # sorted out:  CodeName, IndividualDeathID, CauseOfDeathID, DeathSourceOfInformation
  # DateOfDeathFinal, FirstAlive, LastAlive, LastCensus, LastStatus
  mutate_at(c("DateOfBirth", "DateOfFirstSighting", "DepartDate"), as.Date) 

    biography <- biography %>%
      select (Project, IndividID, NameOf, Sex, DateOfBirth, Mother, GroupAtBirthName, GroupAtBirthCode, 
              DepartDate, DepartType, CauseOfDeath, GroupLastAlive, GroupLastListed)  
    # sorted out: ProjectID, PrimateSpecies, BirthdateSource, DateOfFirstSighting
    # AgeClassAtFirstSighting, GroupAtFirstSightingName, GroupAtFirstSightingCode, DeathComments
  message("Info: There was a short replacement in CPRM by TOYO. Treat infanticide risk of those infants very carefully,
  depending on who might have sired them, etc.")
  return (biography)

#' Get table with infants including the risk of infanticide as a consequence of
#' alpha male reversals - NEW FUNCTION!!!
#' This function determines: 1) Alpha male (AM) at the time of birth, 2) days
#' since AM has been AM, 3) following AM, and 4) days from DOB until next AM
#' becomes AM
#' @param paceR_db The src_mysql connection to the paceR Database
#'   (view-collection).
#' @param full Option to return the full table (TRUE) or just a condensed
#'   version (FALSE). Default is TRUE. CURRENTLY NOT USED.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_infant_table (paceR_db)

get_infant_table <- function(paceR_db, full = TRUE){
  message("This is the new `get_infant_table` function. For the old one, use `get_infant_table.old`")
  # Define Capuchin groups to be included
  included_group <- c("LV", "EXCL", "GUAN", "SEND", "CP", "CPAD", "CPRM")
  ### Get and prep biography data from the the PACE database ----------------------------------------------
  infant_biography <- get_biography(paceR_db) %>%
    filter (!is.na(DateOfBirth) & GroupAtBirthCode %in% included_group) %>%
    select (InfantID = IndividID, NameOf, Mother, DOB = DateOfBirth, 
            Sex = Sex, GroupAtBirthCode, DepartDate, DepartType,
            GroupLastListed, CauseOfDeath, DeathComments)
  # Group After CP fission?
  # Use monthly census data to find out in which groups individuals went after the CP fission (Jan 2013),
  # Use the group (CPAD or CPRM) in which individuals appear more often in 2013.
  # Usually, they only appear in one group. Only Jafar listed in CPAD in Feb and March, but then always in CPRM.
  group_after_cp_fission <- get_pace_tbl(paceR_db, "vCensusMonthly", collect = FALSE) %>% 
    filter(ProjectID == 1, GroupCode %in% c("CPAD", "CPRM"),
           CensusYear == 2013, StatusCodeLong == "Alive") %>% 
    group_by(NameOf, CensusYear, GroupCode) %>% count() %>% 
    collect() %>% 
    group_by(NameOf) %>% 
    filter(n == max(n)) %>% 
    ungroup %>% 
    select(NameOf, GroupAfterFissionCode = GroupCode)
  # Add the GroupAfterFissionCode to the infant_biography table.
  infant_biography <- infant_biography %>% 
    left_join(group_after_cp_fission, by = "NameOf")
  ### Get and prep alpha male tenure data from the the PACE database ----------------------------------
  amt <- getv_AlphaMaleTenure (paceR_db) %>% 
    filter (GroupCode %in% included_group) %>%
    mutate_at(c("AMT_DateBegin", "AMT_DateEnd", "AlphaMaleDOB"), as.Date) %>% 
    select(-AlphaMaleID, -AlphaMaleDOB, -AlphaMaleTenureID)
  # Add "No Alpha Male" into the gaps between alpha males (for gaps of at least 10 days)
  no_alpha_males <- amt %>% 
    group_by(GroupCode) %>% 
    mutate(alphagap = difftime(lead(AMT_DateBegin), AMT_DateEnd, unit = "days"),
           AMT_DateBegin.new = AMT_DateEnd, AMT_DateEnd.new = lead(AMT_DateBegin),
           AlphaMale.new = "No Alpha Male", AMT_Comments.new = "Added this line because of alpha-male-gap > 9 days") %>% 
    ungroup %>% 
    filter(alphagap > 9) %>% 
    select(GroupCode, GroupName, AMT_DateBegin = AMT_DateBegin.new, AMT_DateEnd = AMT_DateEnd.new,
           AlphaMale = AlphaMale.new, AMT_Comments = AMT_Comments.new)
  amt <- bind_rows(amt, no_alpha_males) %>% 
    arrange(GroupCode, AMT_DateBegin)
  # Get some dates about Legola's tenure in CP and CPRM to correct issues because of fission below
  legolas_cp_start <- filter(amt, GroupCode == "CP" & AlphaMale == "Legolas")$AMT_DateBegin
  legolas_cprm_start_1 <- filter(amt, GroupCode == "CPRM" & AlphaMale == "Legolas")$AMT_DateBegin[1]
  legolas_cprm_end_1 <- filter(amt, GroupCode == "CPRM" & AlphaMale == "Legolas")$AMT_DateEnd[1]
  ### For each infant, determine AM and AM tenure start at birth -------------------------------------------------
  # Step 1: Join infant table with amt table
  # Step 2: Correct issues with Legolas because of CP-fission:
  # 1. If birthgroup is CP and alpha male is Legolas, set tenure end date to
  #     the end date of his first tenure in CPRM
  # 2. If birthgroup is CPRM &  alpha male is Legolas & his first tenure
  #     in CPRM (was alpha male twice in the group): ==> use his tenure start from
  #     CP-group. CPRM and CPAD are the results of CP-fission and Legolas remained
  #     alpha in one of the subgroup (thus, no replacement).
  # Step 3: Only keep AMRs that happened before DOB AMRs happening after
  #  DOB will come in the next query. Also remove AMRs that happened after
  # the departure of an infant because those are not relevant.
  # Step 4: Only keep the AM with the most recent tenure start
  infant_current_am <- infant_biography %>% 
    select(NameOf, GroupAtBirthCode, DOB, DepartDate) %>% 
    left_join(select(amt, GroupCode, AlphaMale, AMT_DateBegin, AMT_DateEnd), by = c("GroupAtBirthCode" = "GroupCode")) %>% 
    mutate(AMT_DateEnd = case_when(GroupAtBirthCode == "CP" &
                                     AlphaMale == "Legolas" ~ legolas_cprm_end_1,
                                   TRUE ~ AMT_DateEnd),
           AMT_DateBegin = case_when(GroupAtBirthCode == "CPRM" &
                                       AlphaMale == "Legolas" &
                                       AMT_DateBegin == legolas_cprm_start_1 ~ legolas_cp_start,
                                     TRUE ~ AMT_DateBegin)) %>% 
    mutate(Days_since_AMR = difftime(DOB, AMT_DateBegin, unit = "days")) %>% 
    filter(AMT_DateBegin <= DOB & AMT_DateBegin <= DepartDate) %>% 
    group_by(NameOf) %>% 
    filter(Days_since_AMR == min(Days_since_AMR)) %>% 
  ### For each infant, determine the next AM and tenure start after birth -------------------------------------------------
  # Step 1: As above, correct for the CP-CPAD/CPRM fission: if born after the
  # beginning of Legolas tenure in CP, use the information which group (CPAD/CPRM)
  # individuals joined for the next AM. Note that field is NA in case the
  # infant departed before fission.
  # Step 2: Join infant biography with alpha male tenures
  # Step 3: Filter out lines that indicate Legolas as the next AM after the
  # fission of CP because this was no change (has to be done before filtering
  # below)
  # Step 4: Only keep AMRs that happened after DOB but while the infant was
  # still around (i.e. before depart date)
  # Step 5: Determine the days until the next AM for all remaining possibilities,
  # then only keep the first that happened.
  infant_next_am <- infant_biography %>% 
    mutate(GroupAfterFissionCode = case_when(GroupAtBirthCode == "CP" & DOB >= legolas_cp_start ~ GroupAfterFissionCode,
                                             TRUE ~ GroupAtBirthCode)) %>% 
    select(NameOf, GroupAtBirthCode, GroupAfterFissionCode, DOB, DepartDate) %>% 
    left_join(select(amt, GroupCode, Next_AlphaMale = AlphaMale,
                     Next_AMT_DateBegin = AMT_DateBegin,
                     Next_AMT_DateEnd = AMT_DateEnd),
              by = c("GroupAfterFissionCode" = "GroupCode")) %>% 
    filter(!(GroupAtBirthCode == "CP" & GroupAfterFissionCode == "CPRM" & Next_AMT_DateBegin == legolas_cprm_start_1) &
             Next_AMT_DateBegin > DOB &
             Next_AMT_DateBegin < DepartDate) %>% 
    mutate(Days_to_next_AMR = difftime(Next_AMT_DateBegin, DOB, unit = "days")) %>% 
    group_by(NameOf) %>% 
    filter(Days_to_next_AMR == min(Days_to_next_AMR)) %>% 
  ### Combine to one table and add comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  infant_table <- infant_current_am %>% 
    full_join(infant_next_am, by = c("NameOf", "DOB", "GroupAtBirthCode", "DepartDate")) %>% 
    mutate(Comment1 = case_when(GroupAtBirthCode == "CPRM" & AlphaMale == "Legolas" &
                                  AMT_DateBegin == legolas_cp_start ~ "Set AMT_DateBegin to Legolas' AMT begin in CP"),
           Comment2 = case_when(is.na(AMT_DateBegin) ~ "Probably, DOB estimated and alpha male therefore not know at that time"),
           Comment3 = case_when(DepartDate < AMT_DateEnd & is.na(Next_AlphaMale) ~ "Infant already departed when the next AMR happened"),
           Comment = paste(Comment1, Comment2, Comment3, sep = "; "),
           Comment = str_remove_all(Comment, "NA; |; NA|NA"),
           Comment = case_when(Comment == "" ~ NA_character_,
                               TRUE ~ Comment)) %>% 
    select(-Comment1, -Comment2, -Comment3)
  ### Add infant bio data and derive new variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  infant_table <- left_join(
    select(infant_biography, -GroupAfterFissionCode),
    infant_table, by = c("NameOf", "DOB", "GroupAtBirthCode", "DepartDate")) %>%
    mutate(AgeAtDepart = difftime(DepartDate, DOB, units = "days"),
           Survived1Y = case_when(AgeAtDepart > 365 ~ "Yes",
                                  AgeAtDepart < 365 & DepartType == "End Of Observation" ~ "less than 1 year at end of observation",
                                  TRUE ~ "No")) %>%
    select(Mother, InfantID, NameOf, Sex, GroupAtBirthCode,
           GroupAfterFissionCode, DOB, DepartDate, AgeAtDepart, Survived1Y,
           AlphaMale, AMT_DateBegin, AMT_DateEnd, Days_since_AMR, Next_AlphaMale,
           Next_AMT_DateBegin, Next_AMT_DateEnd, Days_to_next_AMR,
           AMT_Comment = Comment, GroupLastListed, DepartType, CauseOfDeath, DeathComments)

#' Get table with infants including the risk of infanticide
#' as a consequence of alpha male reversals - OLD FUNCTION!!!
#' Unstable (i.e. risky) periods start with the end of an alpha alpha male tenureship
#' and infants younger than 1 year are assumed to be at risk.
#' This does not count for infants conceived after the takeover
#' (i.e. born more than 5.5 months = 165 days after the takeover)
#' @param paceR_db The src_mysql connection to the paceR Database (view-collection).
#' @param full Option to return the full table (TRUE) or just a condensed version (FALSE). Default is TRUE.
#' @param projectID Option to get data only from specific project (1-7?), standard is set to 1 (Santa Rosa)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_infant_table.old (paceR_db)

get_infant_table.old <- function(paceR_db, full = TRUE, projectID = 1){
  individuals <- getv_Individual (paceR_db) %>% 
    select (-DayDifference, - Phenotype) %>% 
    filter (ProjectID %in% projectID)
  infant_biography <- get_biography (paceR_db) %>%
    filter (!is.na(DateOfBirth)) %>% 
    filter (GroupAtBirthCode %in% c("LV", "EXCL", "GUAN", "SEND", "CP", "CPAD", "CPRM")) %>%
    mutate (InfantDateOfConception = as.Date (DateOfBirth) - 160) %>%
    mutate (AgeAtDepart = round (difftime (DepartDate, DateOfBirth, units = "weeks")/52, 2)) %>% 
    mutate (Survived1Y = ifelse (AgeAtDepart > 1, "Yes",
                                 ifelse (DepartType == "End Of Observation", "<1year at end of observation",  "No"))) %>%
    select (InfantID = IndividID, InfantName = NameOf, Mother, InfantDateOfConception, InfantDOB = DateOfBirth, 
            InfantSex = Sex, InfantGroupAtBirthName = GroupAtBirthName, InfantGroupAtBirthCode = GroupAtBirthCode, 
            Survived1Y, InfantDepartDate = DepartDate, AgeAtDepart, InfantDepartType = DepartType,
            InfantCauseOfDeath = CauseOfDeath, InfantDepartComments = DeathComments) #Use code for groups? check other queries.
  amt <- getv_AlphaMaleTenure (paceR_db) %>% 
    filter (GroupCode %in% c("LV", "EXCL", "GUAN", "SEND", "CP", "CPAD", "CPRM")) %>%
    mutate_at(c("AMT_DateBegin", "AMT_DateEnd", "AlphaMaleDOB"), as.Date) 
  # CP fissioned into CPAD and CPRM on 2013-01-01 -> query takes into account
  # whether alpha in new groups is the same as before fission
  amt$lastmale_CP_DateEnd <- last(amt[amt$GroupCode == "CP",][["AMT_DateEnd"]])
  amt$lastmale_CP <- amt[amt$GroupCode == "CP" & amt$AMT_DateEnd == amt$lastmale_CP_DateEnd,][["AlphaMale"]]
  amt$firstmale_CPxx_DateBegin <-  first (amt[amt$GroupCode == "CPAD",][["AMT_DateBegin"]]) 
  amt <- amt %>% 
    group_by(GroupCode) %>% 
    mutate(PreviousAM = ifelse (GroupCode %in% c("CPAD", "CPRM") & is.na (lag(AlphaMale)), lastmale_CP, lag (AlphaMale)),
           PreviousAMT_DateEnd = ifelse (GroupCode %in% c("CPAD", "CPRM") & is.na (lag(AlphaMale)),
                                         lastmale_CP_DateEnd, lag (AMT_DateEnd)),
           PreviousAMT_DateEnd = as.Date (PreviousAMT_DateEnd, origin = "1970-01-01"),
           NextAM = ifelse (GroupCode == "CP" & AlphaMale == "Legolas", "Legolas and Buzz (fission)", lead (AlphaMale)),
           NextAMT_DateBegin = ifelse (GroupCode == "CP" & AlphaMale == "Legolas", firstmale_CPxx_DateBegin,
           NextAMT_DateBegin = as.Date (NextAMT_DateBegin, origin = "1970-01-01"),
           AlphaGap = difftime (AMT_DateBegin, PreviousAMT_DateEnd, units = "days")) %>%
    ungroup %>%
    rename (AM_ID = AlphaMaleID, AM = AlphaMale, AM_DOB = AlphaMaleDOB, AMT_ID = AlphaMaleTenureID) %>% 
    select (-lastmale_CP_DateEnd, -lastmale_CP)
  # A birthday within 165 days (5.5 months) after a new male alpha male was established is risky --> Alpha male replacement (AMR)
  # A birthday within 364.25 days before tenure end of an alpha male is risky --> Alpha male replacement (AMR)
  # It's unclear if an (estimated) birthday within the year before or the 165 after the start of group observation is dangerous --> group stability unknown (GS_unknown)
  # During all other periods a birthday is not risky --> group is stable (GS)
  tenurestart_risk <- amt %>%
    mutate (TSR = ifelse (is.na(PreviousAM), "GS_unknown",
                          ifelse (GroupCode == "CPRM" & AM == "Legolas", "GS", # He also was the alpha male before the fission
                                  ifelse (AlphaGap > 365, "GS_unknown", "AMR"))),
            # If no previous alpha or gap longer than 365 days (i.e. GS_unknown) --> Begin = AMT_Begin
            # Otherwise include the gap (i.e. use TenureEnd of previous alpha)
            TSR_Begin = ifelse (TSR == "GS_unknown", AMT_DateBegin, PreviousAMT_DateEnd),
            TSR_Begin = as.Date (TSR_Begin, origin = "1970-01-01"),
            # Risk ends 5.5 months after new alpha male got established
            TSR_End = as.Date (AMT_DateBegin) + 165) %>% 
    ungroup %>% 
    filter (TSR != "GS") %>% #Only use AMR and GS_unknown
    rename (TSR_AMT_ID = AMT_ID) %>% 
    group_by (TSR_AMT_ID) %>%
    do (data.frame(GroupCode = .$GroupCode,
                   TSR_AM = .$AM,
                   TSR = .$TSR,
                   TSR_AMT_DateBegin = .$AMT_DateBegin,
                   TSR_PreviousAM = .$PreviousAM,
                   TSR_PreviousAMT_DateEnd = .$PreviousAMT_DateEnd,
                   RiskDate = seq (as.Date (.$TSR_Begin),
                                   as.Date (.$TSR_End), by = 'day'))) %>% 
    ungroup %>% 
    distinct (GroupCode, RiskDate, TSR, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% 
    # RiskDate has to be transformed as otherwise the joining doesn't work
    mutate (RiskDate = as.character(RiskDate))

   tenureend_risk <- amt %>%
     mutate (TER = ifelse (is.na (NextAM), "Censored", "AMR"),
            TER_Begin = as.Date (AMT_DateEnd) - 364.25,
            TER_End = AMT_DateEnd) %>%
    ungroup %>% 
    filter (!(TER %in% c("Censored"))) %>% # Only use AMR
    rename (TER_AMT_ID = AMT_ID) %>% 
    group_by (TER_AMT_ID) %>%
    do (data.frame(GroupCode = .$GroupCode,
                   TER_AM = .$AM,
                   TER_NextAM = .$NextAM,
                   TER_NextAMT_DateBegin = .$NextAMT_DateBegin,
                   TER = .$TER,
                   TER_AMT_DateEnd = .$AMT_DateEnd,
                   RiskDate = seq (as.Date (.$TER_Begin),
                                   as.Date (.$TER_End), by = 'day'))) %>%
    ungroup %>% 
    distinct (GroupCode, RiskDate, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% 
    # RiskDate has to be transformed as otherwise the joining doesn't work
    mutate (RiskDate = as.character(RiskDate))
  # Control that no RiskDate with two different risks (i.e. AMR and GS_unknown) is 0 e.g.:
  # length ((tenurestart_risk %>% group_by (Group) %>% filter (duplicated(RiskDate)))$RiskDate)
  # Build in control that always AMR is chosen and GS_unknown removed?
  birthrisk <- tenurestart_risk %>% 
    full_join (tenureend_risk, by = c("GroupCode", "RiskDate")) %>% 
    mutate (New_AM = ifelse (!is.na (TSR_AM), TSR_AM, TER_NextAM),
            New_AMT_Begin = ifelse (!is.na (TSR_AMT_DateBegin), TSR_AMT_DateBegin, TER_NextAMT_DateBegin),
            Old_AM = ifelse (!is.na (TSR_PreviousAM), TSR_PreviousAM, TER_AM),
            Old_AMT_End = ifelse (!is.na (TSR_PreviousAMT_DateEnd), TSR_PreviousAMT_DateEnd, TER_AMT_DateEnd)) %>% 
    mutate (RiskDate = as.Date (RiskDate), # Transform back to date as joining is done
            BirthRisk = ifelse (!is.na (TER), as.character(TER), as.character(TSR)),
            InfanticideRisk_Begin = ifelse (BirthRisk == "GS_unknown", New_AMT_Begin, Old_AMT_End)) %>% 
    mutate_at(c("New_AMT_Begin", "Old_AMT_End", "InfanticideRisk_Begin"), funs(as.Date (., origin = "1970-01-01"))) %>% 
    arrange (GroupCode, RiskDate) %>% 
    select (GroupCode, RiskDate, BirthRisk, InfanticideRisk_Begin, New_AM, New_AMT_Begin, Old_AM, Old_AMT_End)
  # Determine in which groups infants went after fission of CP
  group_after_CP_fission <- getv_CensusMonthly(paceR_db) %>%   
    filter (grepl ("CP", GroupCode)) %>% 
    filter (DateOfBirth >= as.Date("2012-01-01") & DateOfBirth < as.Date("2013-01-31")) %>% 
    filter (CensusDateOf > as.Date("2013-01-31") & CensusDateOf < as.Date("2013-06-30")) %>% 
    distinct (NameOf, GroupCode, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% 
    select (InfantName = NameOf, GroupDuringInfanticideRisk = GroupCode)
  # Check which infants 1) were born at a risky time and
  # 2) were still presents when the infanticide risk was present (i.e. the tenure of the previous alpha ended)
  # For CP, determine next Alpha and Risk depending on the group they went after the fission
  infant_table <- infant_biography %>% 
    left_join (birthrisk, by = c("InfantGroupAtBirthCode" = "GroupCode", "InfantDOB" = "RiskDate")) %>%
    # Infants that departed before the infanticide risk was real need to be sorted out
    mutate (InfanticideRisk = ifelse (InfanticideRisk_Begin < InfantDepartDate, BirthRisk, "GS")) %>% 
    mutate (InfanticideRisk = ifelse (!is.na (InfanticideRisk), InfanticideRisk, "GS")) %>% 
    left_join (group_after_CP_fission, by = "InfantName") %>% 
    mutate (GroupDuringInfanticideRisk = ifelse (!is.na (GroupDuringInfanticideRisk),
                                                 GroupDuringInfanticideRisk, InfantGroupAtBirthCode)) %>% 
    mutate (New_AM = ifelse (New_AM != "Legolas and Buzz (fission)", New_AM,
                             ifelse (InfanticideRisk == "GS", "Legolas",
                                     ifelse (GroupDuringInfanticideRisk == "CPRM", "Legolas", "Buzz")))) %>% 
    mutate (InfanticideRisk = ifelse (New_AM == "Legolas" & Old_AM == "Legolas", "GS", InfanticideRisk)) %>% 
    mutate (InfanticideRisk = ifelse (!is.na (InfanticideRisk), InfanticideRisk, "GS")) %>% 
    select (-BirthRisk, -InfanticideRisk_Begin) %>% 
    select (InfantID, InfantName, InfantSex, Mother, InfantDateOfConception, InfantDOB, InfantGroupAtBirthName, InfantGroupAtBirthCode,
            InfantDepartDate, AgeAtDepart, Survived1Y, InfanticideRisk, GroupDuringInfanticideRisk, New_AM, New_AMT_Begin, Old_AM, Old_AMT_End,
            InfantDepartType, InfantCauseOfDeath, InfantDepartComments)

  # Short version of table
    infant_table <- infant_table %>%
      select (-InfantSex, -Mother, -InfantDateOfConception, -InfantGroupAtBirthName, -Old_AM, -Old_AMT_End)
  return (infant_table)
camposfa/paceR documentation built on May 23, 2020, 5:54 a.m.