
Defines functions sample_similar_day sample_sequence_similar_days

Documented in sample_sequence_similar_days sample_similar_day

#' Sample similar days
#' Takes a vector of dates as inputs and randomly samples another similar date
#' from the residual data frame. Similar dates can be defined by day of the week
#' or working/non-working days.
#' TODO: remove DST days from potential sample candidates.
#' TODO: maybe include a window so that samples come from same time of year
#' (i.e. within a few months)
#' @param fcst_dates vector containing forecasts dates. These are the dates
#'   we wish to find similar dates for.
#' @param resid_dates data frame of residual date info. Must contain Date and
#'   Holiday_flag columns. Only unique values should be included
#' @return The forecast data frame with a new residuals column.
#' @export
#' @author Cameron Roach
sample_similar_day <- function(fcst_dates, resid_dates) {
  root_dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "gefcom2017")
  holidays <- read.csv(file.path(root_dir, "holidays/holidays.csv"),
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    mutate(Date = mdy(Date))

  fcst_dates = data_frame(Date = fcst_dates) %>%
    left_join(holidays) %>%
    mutate(Holiday = if_else(is.na(Holiday), "NH", Holiday),
           Holiday_flag = if_else(Holiday == "NH", FALSE, TRUE))

  for (iD in 1:length(fcst_dates$Date)) {
    resid_like_days <- resid_dates %>%
      filter(wday(Date) == wday(fcst_dates$Date[iD]),
             Holiday_flag == fcst_dates$Holiday_flag[iD])

    if (iD == 1) {
      resid_date_samples <- sample(resid_like_days$Date, 1)
    } else {
      resid_date_samples <- c(resid_date_samples,
                              sample(resid_like_days$Date, 1))

  fcst_dates <- fcst_dates %>%
    mutate(Resid_date = resid_date_samples) %>%
    select(Date, Resid_date)


#' Sample sequence of similar days
#' Takes a vector of dates as inputs and randomly samples a random number of
#' from the residual data frame. Similar dates can be defined by day of the week
#' or working/non-working days.
#' @param fcst_dates vector containing forecasts dates. These are the dates we
#'   wish to find similar dates for.
#' @param resid_dates data frame of residual date info. Must contain Date
#'   column. Only unique values should be included.
#' @param min_block_length integer giving minimum block length in days.
#' @param max_block_length integer giving maximum block length in days.
#' @param date_drift integer specifying number of days that block start length
#'   can differ from current day of year.
#' @return The forecast data frame with a new residuals column.
#' @export
#' @author Cameron Roach
sample_sequence_similar_days <- function(fcst_dates, resid_dates,
                                         min_block_length = 6,
                                         max_block_length = 14,
                                         date_drift = 7) {
  sim_residual_dates <- data_frame(
    Date = fcst_dates,
    Resid_date = as.Date(NA)
  iD <- fcst_dates[1]
  while (iD <= fcst_dates[length(fcst_dates)]) {
    block_length <- ceiling(runif(1, min_block_length, max_block_length))
    sample_date <- resid_dates %>%
      filter(abs(yday(Date) - yday(iD)) <= date_drift) %>%
      sample_n(1) %>%

    idx <- sim_residual_dates$Date %in% seq(iD, iD + block_length - 1, by = "days")
    sim_residual_dates$Resid_date[idx] <- seq(sample_date, sample_date + block_length - 1, by="days")[1:sum(idx)]

    iD <- iD + block_length

camroach87/gefcom2017 documentation built on March 21, 2020, 11:46 p.m.