# Run anything of substance?
# Set default to FALSE, so it doesn't stall building the package
runNow <- TRUE
# Define nsims here
nsims <- 50

# Setup 

# Knitr
opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)

# Stats will be contained in "eafr" list object
eafr <- vector('list', length=length(ex1))
names(eafr) <- names(ex1)
# Stats will be contained in "colomb*" list object
colomb <- vector('list', length=length(ex1))
names(colomb) <- names(ex1)

# Statistics for Colombia 
propAdv <- 0.45
propERpos <- 0.70
early5yr <- 0.87
adv5yr <- 0.55
#propERTam <- 0.58


Policies to investigate

East Africa

Note: baseline % advanced = 78%

eafr$pol  <- data.frame(num=c(1:10),
                              'adv78.tam', 'adv78.tamchemo', 'adv78.tamchemoERpos',
                              'adv60.tam', 'adv60.tamchemo', 'adv60.tamchemoERpos',
                              'adv35.tam', 'adv35.tamchemo', 'adv35.tamchemoERpos'
                         name=c('E0: Surgery only', 'E1: Endocrine for ER+', 
                                'E2: E1 plus Chemo for ER-',
                                'E3: E2 plus Chemo for Advanced ER+', 
                                'E4: E1 plus downstaging to 60% advanced',
                                'E5: E2 plus downstaging to 60% advanced',
                                'E6: E3 plus downstaging to 60% advanced',
                                'E7: E1 plus downstaging to 35% advanced',
                                'E8: E2 plus downstaging to 35% advanced',
                                'E9: E3 plus downstaging to 35% advanced'),
                         pairnum=c(NA, NA, NA, NA, rep(c(2,3,4), 2)),
                         earlydetHR=c(rep(1, 4), rep(0.60/0.78, 3),
                                      rep(0.35/0.78, 3)),


Note: baseline % advanced = r 100*propAdv%.

colomb$pol <- data.frame(num=c(1:10),
                              'adv45.tamchemo', 'adv45.tamchemoERpos',
                              'adv35.tamchemo', 'adv35.tamchemoERpos',
                              'adv30.tamchemo', 'adv30.tamchemoERpos'
                         name=c('C0: Surgery and Endocrine for some ER+',
                                'C1: C0 + Endocrine for all ER+',
                                'C2: C1 plus Chemo for ER-',
                                'C3: C2 plus Chemo for Advanced ER+', 
                                'C4: C1 plus downstaging to 35% advanced',
                                'C5: C2 plus downstaging to 35% advanced',
                                'C6: C3 plus downstaging to 35% advanced',
                                'C7: C1 plus downstaging to 30% advanced',
                                'C8: C2 plus downstaging to 30% advanced',
                                'C9: C3 plus downstaging to 30% advanced'),
                         pairnum=c(NA, NA, NA, NA, rep(c(2,3,4), 2)),
                         earlydetHR=c(rep(1, 4), rep(0.35/propAdv, 3),
                                      rep(0.30/propAdv, 3)),

Natural history parameters: incidence

East Africa

We are using Uganda for our East Africa example.

theserates <- subset(incratesf,
                     Country %in% c('United States', 'Uganda',
                                    'Malawi', 'South Africa', 
                                    'Zimbabwe', 'Tunisia'))
plot_rates(theserates$Age, theserates$Female.Rate.Per.100K,
                      group=paste(theserates$Country, theserates$Year))


We are using Cali, Colombia for our example.

theserates <- subset(incratesf,
                     grepl('Colombia', Country) |
                     Country %in% c('United States'))
plot_rates(theserates$Age, theserates$Female.Rate.Per.100K,
                      group=paste(theserates$Country, theserates$Year))

Natural history parameters: stage and survival

Solving for survivals without Tamoxifen or Chemo

Description | Notation | East Africa | Colombia ------------------- | -------- | ------------- | ---------------- Proportion of all cases that are ER positive | $p_{i=ER+}$ | 0.41 | 0.70 Proportion of all cases that are ER negative | $p_{i=ER-} = 1-p_{j=ER+}$ | 0.59 | 0.30 Within stage and ER group i, proportion treated with treatment j | $t_{ij}$ | See table below | See table below Hazard ratio for treatment j | $h_{j}$ | See table below | See table below Observed 5-year survival, all ER | $S_{o}$ | 0.72 (early) | 0.55 (advanced) or 0.87 (early) Baseline 5-year survival, all ER | $S_{b}$ | To be estimated for each stage | To be estimated for each stage

Using the assumption $S_{b}$ is the same for both ER+ and ER-, observed survival is sum of survivals under each treatment, weighted by the proportion receiving each treatment. For treatment $j$, survival is $(S_{b})^{h_{i}}$

$$S_{o} = \sum_{i}^{}p_{i}\sum_{j}^{} (t_{ij}S_{b})^{h_{j}}$$ Rearranging terms gives a fractional polynomial for which $S_{b}$ is the root:

$$0 = \sum_{i}^{}p_{i}\sum_{j}^{} (t_{ij}S_{b})^{h_{j}} - S_{o}$$

Stage | ER Status $i$ | Treatment $j$ | Hazard ratio $h_{j}$ | East Africa $t_{ij}$, in % | Colombia $t_{ij}$, in % ---- | ------ | ----------- | ------ | -------- | -------- Advanced | Positive | Endocrine | 0.7 | | 10 | | | Chemo | 0.775 | | 38 | | | Both | 0.5425 | | 50 | | | None | 1 | | 2 | | Negative | Endocrine | 1 | | 3 | | | Chemo | 0.775 | | 85 | | | Both | 0.775 | | 10 | | | None | 1 | | 2 Early | Positive | Endocrine | 0.7 | 100 | 58 | | | Chemo | 0.775 | | 8 | | | Both | 0.5425 | | 10 | | | None | 1 | | 24 | | Negative | Endocrine | 1 | | 20 | | | Chemo | 0.775 | | 50 | | | Both | 0.775 | | 5 | | | None | 1 | | 25

For example, for the early stage in East Africa:

$$S_{o} = \sum_{i}^{}p_{i}\sum_{j}^{} (t_{ij}S_{b})^{h_{j}}$$ $$0.72 = 0.41({S_{b}}^{0.7}) + 0.59({S_{b}}^{1}) $$

Whereas for the advanced stage in Colombia:

$$0.55 = 0.70(0.10{S_{b}}^{0.7} + 0.38{S_{b}}^{0.775} + 0.50{S_{b}}^{0.5425} + 0.02{S_{b}}^{1}) + 0.30(0.03{S_{b}}^{1} + 0.85{S_{b}}^{0.775} + 0.10{S_{b}}^{0.775} + 0.02{S_{b}}^{1}) $$

For the ER negative, no treatment and endocrine have the same hazard ratios, as do chemo and both. Those terms can thus be combined:

$$0.55 = 0.70(0.10{S_{b}}^{0.7} + 0.38{S_{b}}^{0.775} + 0.50{S_{b}}^{0.5425} + 0.02{S_{b}}^{1}) + 0.30(0.05{S_{b}}^{1} + 0.95{S_{b}}^{0.775}) $$

East Africa

Advanced-stage is 78% and proportion ER+ is 41%. Advanced-stage 5-year survival is 35%.

Solving for baseline survival without endocrine

We do this for early-stage only.

For cohort survival of 72% with 100% of the 41% ER+ treated with Tamoxifen (HR=0.7), baseline early-stage 5-year survival is (in %):

# Early stage
f = function(x, p=0.41, t=1, h=0.7, So=0.72) { p*(1-t)*x + p*t*x^h + (1-p)*x - So}
Sb.early <- uniroot(f, lower=0.5, upper=0.72, tol = 0.0001)
early.mrate.ea = cumsurv_to_exprate(Sb.early$root, year=5)

Converting from survival to mortality rate gives us:

adv.mrate.ea <- cumsurv_to_exprate(0.35, year=5)

eafr$nh <- compile_naturalhist(prop_adv=0.78, 
                 mortrates=c(Early=early.mrate.ea, Advanced=adv.mrate.ea),
                 subgroup_probs=c(`ER+`=0.41, `ER-`=0.59))
kable(eafr$nh[,c('stage', 'subgroup', 'mortrate', 'prop')])

Other-cause mortality is taken from Ugandan life tables.


Advanced-stage is r 100*propAdv% and proportion ER+ is r 100*propERpos%.

Solving for baseline survival without endocrine, chemo or both

# Treated survivals
early5yr <- 0.87
adv5yr <- 0.55

# ER positivity
propERpos <- 0.70

# Treatment proportions: e=endocrine, c=chemo, b=both, pos=ER+, ''=ER-

# Hazard ratios: e=endocrine, c=chemo, b=both

# For chemo, the terms with the same hazards are combined, i.e. chemo and both are tc and none and endocrine are t

EARLY STAGE Baseline survival (in %) is:

# Early stage
f = function(x, p=propERpos, tepos=0.58, tcpos=0.08, tbpos=0.10, tc=0.55, he=0.7, hc=0.775, So=early5yr) { 
  p*(1-tepos-tcpos-tbpos)*x + p*tepos*x^he + p*tcpos*x^hc + p*tbpos*x^(he*hc) + 
  (1-p)*(1-tc)*x  + (1-p)*tc*x^hc - So
Sb.early <- uniroot(f, lower=0.5, upper=early5yr, tol = 0.0001)
early.mrate.co = cumsurv_to_exprate(Sb.early$root, year=5)

ADVANCED STAGE Baseline survival (in %) is:

# Advanced stage 
f = function(x, p=propERpos, tepos=0.10, tcpos=0.38, tbpos=0.59, tc=0.95, he=0.7, hc=0.775, So=adv5yr) { 
  p*(1-tepos-tcpos-tbpos)*x + p*tepos*x^he + p*tcpos*x^hc + p*tbpos*x^(he*hc) + 
  (1-p)*(1-tc)*x  + (1-p)*tc*x^hc - So
Sb.adv <- uniroot(f, lower=0.2, upper=adv5yr, tol = 0.0001)
adv.mrate.co = cumsurv_to_exprate(Sb.adv$root, year=5)

Converting from survival to mortality rate gives us:

colomb$nh <- compile_naturalhist(prop_adv=propAdv, 
                 mortrates=c(Early=early.mrate.co, Advanced=adv.mrate.co),
                 subgroup_probs=c(`ER+`=propERpos, `ER-`=1-propERpos))
kable(colomb$nh[,c('stage', 'subgroup', 'mortrate', 'prop')])
# Silently define the stageshift mapping
eafr$map <- create_stageshift_map(eafr$nh)
colomb$map <- create_stageshift_map(colomb$nh)


East Africa

# Silently translate policies into treatment matrix: EAST AFRICA
eafr$tx <- data.frame(expand.grid(txSSid=c('None', 'Tamoxifen', 'Chemo',
ntreat <- nrow(eafr$tx)
ntx <- length(unique(eafr$tx$txSSid))

# Proportions sum to 1 within stage-subgroup groups
eafr$tx <- transform(eafr$tx, 
                     SSid=c(rep('Early.ER+', ntx), rep('Early.ER-', ntx), 
                            rep('Advanced.ER+', ntx), rep('Advanced.ER-', ntx)), 
eafr$tx <- transform(eafr$tx,
                        txHR=c(1, 0.7, 0.775, 0.775*0.7, 
                               1, 1, 0.775, 0.775,
                               1, 0.7,  0.775, 0.775*0.7,
                               1, 1, 0.775, 0.775))
adv78 <- adv78.tam <- rep(0, ntreat)
txSSid <- as.character(eafr$tx$txSSid)
SSid <- as.character(eafr$tx$SSid)
adv78[txSSid=='None'] <- 1 
adv78.tam[txSSid=='Tamoxifen' & (SSid=='Early.ER+' | SSid=='Advanced.ER+')] <- 1
adv78.tamchemo <- adv78.tam
adv78.tam[txSSid=='None' & (SSid=='Early.ER-' | SSid=='Advanced.ER-')] <- 1
adv78.tamchemo[txSSid=='Chemo' & (SSid=='Early.ER-' | SSid=='Advanced.ER-')] <- 1
adv78.tamchemoERpos <- adv78.tamchemo
adv78.tamchemoERpos[txSSid=='Tamoxifen' & SSid=='Advanced.ER+'] <- 0
adv78.tamchemoERpos[txSSid=='Tamoxifen+Chemo' & SSid=='Advanced.ER+'] <- 1

props <- data.frame(adv78, 
               adv78.tam, adv78.tamchemo, adv78.tamchemoERpos,
               adv78.tam, adv78.tamchemo, adv78.tamchemoERpos,
               adv78.tam, adv78.tamchemo, adv78.tamchemoERpos)
colnames(props) <- eafr$pol$id
props2 <- props
colnames(props2) <- eafr$pol$name

toprint <- data.frame(eafr$tx, props2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)

eafr$tx <- data.frame(eafr$tx, props, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

eafr$tx <- data.frame(eafr$tx, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

kable(toprint, caption='Treatment proportions for each policy (should sum to 1 within stage-ER groups)')


In Colombia, when we move from

Move | SSid affected | Change in treatment for that SSid ---- | ----- | ------------------------- A -> B (endocrine for all ER+) | all ER pos | None --> Endocrine; Chemo --> Both B -> C (chemo for all ER-) | all ER neg | None --> Chemo; Endocrine --> Chemo; Both --> Chemo C -> D (chemo for adv ER+) | advanced ER pos | Endocrine --> Both

# Silently translate policies into treatment matrix: COLOMBIA
colomb$tx <- data.frame(expand.grid(txSSid=c('None', 'Tamoxifen', 'Chemo',
ntreat <- nrow(colomb$tx)
ntx <- length(unique(colomb$tx$txSSid))

# Proportions sum to 1 within stage-subgroup groups
colomb$tx <- transform(colomb$tx, 
                     SSid=c(rep('Early.ER+', ntx), rep('Early.ER-', ntx), 
                            rep('Advanced.ER+', ntx), rep('Advanced.ER-', ntx)), 
colomb$tx <- transform(colomb$tx,
                        txHR=c(1, 0.7, 0.775, 0.775*0.7, 
                               1, 1, 0.775, 0.775,
                               1, 0.7,  0.775, 0.775*0.7,
                               1, 1, 0.775, 0.775))
adv45A <- vector('list', length=length(unique(colomb$tx$SSid)))
# Order of SSid: Early.ER+   Early.ER-    Advanced.ER+   Advanced.ER-
# Order of treatments: None, Endocrine, Chemo, Both
adv45A[[1]] <- c(0.24, 0.58, 0.08, .10)
adv45A[[2]] <- c(0.25, 0.20, 0.50, 0.05)
adv45A[[3]] <- c(0.02, 0.10, 0.38, 0.50)
adv45A[[4]] <- c(0.02, 0.03, 0.85, 0.10)
# lapply(adv45A, sum)

# For B, all ER pos move None --> Endocrine; Chemo --> Both
adv45B <- adv45A
adv45B[[1]] <- c(0, 0.24+0.58, 0, 0.08+0.10)
adv45B[[3]] <- c(0, 0.02+0.10, 0, 0.38+0.50)

# For C, all ER neg move None --> Chemo; Endocrine --> Chemo; Both --> Chemo
adv45C <- adv45B
adv45C[[2]] <- c(0, 0, 1, 0)
adv45C[[4]] <- c(0, 0, 1, 0)

# For D, advanced ER pos FROM B move Endocrine --> Both
adv45D <- adv45C
adv45D[[3]] <- c(0, 0, 0, 1)

# Put together complete vectors
adv45A.v <- do.call('c', adv45A)
adv45B.v <- do.call('c', adv45B)
adv45C.v <- do.call('c', adv45C)
adv45D.v <- do.call('c', adv45D)

props <- data.frame(adv45A.v,
               adv45B.v, adv45C.v, adv45D.v,
               adv45B.v, adv45C.v, adv45D.v,
               adv45B.v, adv45C.v, adv45D.v
# colSums(props) 
colnames(props) <- colomb$pol$id

props2 <- props
colnames(props2) <- colomb$pol$name

toprint <- data.frame(colomb$tx, props2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)

colomb$tx <- data.frame(colomb$tx, props, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

colomb$tx <- data.frame(colomb$tx, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

kable(toprint, caption='Treatment proportions for each policy (should sum to 1 within stage-ER groups)')

# kable(colomb$tx)


Legends and Footnotes


Legend: Breast cancer outcomes after 10 years, for 100,000 women ages [insert] at the time of intervention. Results are the average across 100 simulations. Footnote: The ARR for a given strategy is equivalent to the decrease in cumulative BC mortality compared to the P0 policy. Small discrepancies reflect rounding error.

East Africa, ages 30-49, 100 sims

# Silently run model, ages 30-49

if (runNow) {
    # Model
    startclock <- proc.time()
    manuscript_eastafrica <- parsimpolicies(eafr$pol, eafr$nh, eafr$tx, 
                                          returnstats=c('mean', 'lower', 
                                          minage=30, maxage=49, sims=nsims)
    # Runtime in minutes
    runtime_minutes <- (proc.time()-startclock)/60
    # Format and save results
    finaltab <- format_bounds_list(manuscript_eastafrica, 
                                   paren=TRUE, includemean=TRUE, 
    write.csv(finaltab, file=paste0('eastafrica_', nsims, 'sims.csv'),
if (runNow) {
if (runNow) {
    rlong <- compile_long(manuscript_eastafrica)
    rplot <- plot_results(rlong, type='line')
if (runNow) {
    rplot <- plot_results(rlong, type='bar')

Colombia, ages 50-69, 100 sims

# Ages 50-69

if (runNow) {
    # Model
    startclock <- proc.time()
    manuscript_colombia <- parsimpolicies(colomb$pol, colomb$nh, colomb$tx, 
                                          incsource='Colombia (Cali)',
                                          returnstats=c('mean', 'lower', 
                                          minage=50, maxage=69, sims=nsims)
    # Runtime
    runtime_minutes <- (proc.time()-startclock)/60
    # Format and save results
    finaltab2 <- format_bounds_list(manuscript_colombia, 
                                   paren=TRUE, includemean=TRUE, 
    write.csv(finaltab2, file=paste0('colombia_', nsims, 'sims.csv'), 
if (runNow) kable(finaltab2)
if (runNow) {
    rlong <- compile_long(manuscript_colombia)
    rplot <- plot_results(rlong, type='line')
if (runNow) {
    rplot <- plot_results(rlong, type='bar')
    rplot + theme(legend.position='bottom')

Combined Results

if (runNow) {
    rlong <- rbind(transform(compile_long(manuscript_eastafrica), 
                             Location='East Africa'),

    rlong <- subset(rlong, Year==10)

    # plot_results(rlong, measure='ARR', type='bar') 

    rlong1 <- subset(rlong, Measure=='ARR' & Location=='East Africa' &
                     Scenario!='E0: Surgery only')
    rlong1 <- within(rlong1, {
                         Treatment <- as.character(Scenario)
                         Treatment[grep('E1', Scenario)] <- 'B: Endocrine for ER+'
                         Treatment[grep('E2', Scenario)] <- 'C: B + Chemo for ER-'
                         Treatment[grep('E3', Scenario)] <- 'D: C + Chemo for Advanced ER+'

                         AdvStage <- NA
                         AdvStage[grep('downstaging', Scenario, invert=TRUE)] <- '78% Advanced'
                         AdvStage[grep('60% advanced', Scenario)] <- '60% Advanced'
                         AdvStage[grep('35% advanced', Scenario)] <- '35% Advanced'
                         AdvStage <- factor(AdvStage,
                                            levels=c('78% Advanced', '60% Advanced',
                                                     '35% Advanced'),
                                            labels=c('78% Advanced', '60% Advanced',
                                                     '35% Advanced'))

    rlong1$TreatShort <- rep(c('B', 'C', 'D'), 3)

          g <- ggplot(rlong1, aes(x = TreatShort, y = mean, fill = Treatment)) + 
                geom_bar(position = position_dodge(), stat = "identity", 
                    colour = "black", size = 0.3) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower, 
                ymax = upper), size = 0.3, width = 0.2, position = position_dodge(0.9)) + 
                xlab("Treatment") + ylab("") + theme_bw() +
                theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, hjust=1)) + 
                scale_fill_manual(values=c('#e5f5f9','#99d8c9','#2ca25f')) + 
if (runNow) {
    rlong2 <- subset(rlong, Measure=='ARR' & Location=='Colombia' &
                     Scenario!='C0: Surgery and Endocrine for some ER+')
    rlong2 <- within(rlong2, {
                         Treatment <- as.character(Scenario)
                         Treatment[grep('C1', Scenario)] <- 'B: Endocrine for ER+'
                         Treatment[grep('C2', Scenario)] <- 'C: B + Chemo for ER-'
                         Treatment[grep('C3', Scenario)] <- 'D: C + Chemo for Advanced ER+'

                         TreatShort <- substr(Treatment, 1, 1)
                         AdvStage <- NA
                         AdvStage[grep('downstaging', Scenario, invert=TRUE)] <- '45% Advanced'
                         AdvStage[grep('35% advanced', Scenario)] <- '35% Advanced'
                         AdvStage[grep('30% advanced', Scenario)] <- '30% Advanced'
                         AdvStage <- factor(AdvStage,
                                            levels=c('45% Advanced', '35% Advanced',
                                                     '30% Advanced'),
                                            labels=c('45% Advanced', '35% Advanced',
                                                     '30% Advanced'))


          g <- ggplot(rlong2, aes(x = TreatShort, y = mean, fill = Treatment)) + 
                geom_bar(position = position_dodge(), stat = "identity", 
                    colour = "black", size = 0.3) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lower, 
                ymax = upper), size = 0.3, width = 0.2, position = position_dodge(0.9)) + 
                xlab("Treatment") + ylab("") + theme_bw() +
                theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, hjust=1)) + 
                scale_fill_manual(values=c('#e5f5f9','#99d8c9','#2ca25f')) +



cancerpolicy/bcimodel documentation built on June 30, 2019, 12:39 a.m.