Man pages for carinademel/RNAlife
Quantifying kinetic parameters to determine the RNA life cycle

dta.modelDTA model function for labeled RNA
dta.model.decayExponential decay of unlabeled RNA
dta.model.labeledDTA model function for labeled RNA
dta.plotFunction to create a plot based on synthesis and degradation...
dta.plot.decayFunction to plot the decay of the unlabeled RNA (remaining...
dta.plot.labeledFunction to create a plot based on a DTA model result
estimateGeneDispersionEstimates gene-specific dispersion estimates for total and...
estimate.ratesWrapper function to estimate gene- and time specific...
fitAlphaBeta.log.reparamEstimate best alpha = labeled amount and best beta =...
gene.countsCount matrix for genes
getExpectedCountsImplementation of Equation 1 and 2 -> get alpha and beta
initial.guessFunction to estimate initial alpha and beta values based on...
initial.guess.alphaCalculate initial alpha values (labeled RNA) by closed form...
initial.guess.betaCalculate initial beta values (unlabeled RNA amount) by...
samplesData frame explaining the experimental samples
spikein.countsCount matrix for artificial spike-ins
spikein.dataframeFunction to create a data frame to be used for the GLM
spikein.labelingLabeling vector for artificial spike-ins
spikein.lengthsLength vector for artificial spike-ins
spikein.normalizationfunction to estimate normalization parameters based on...
carinademel/RNAlife documentation built on May 13, 2019, 12:43 p.m.