multi.clean.genepop: Remove illegal characters from several HexSim generated...

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also

View source: R/genepop.utilities.R


multi.clean.genepop is a wrapper for clean.genepop that processes all HexSim generated genepop files within a given scenario(s). It assumes that the names of the report files were not changed from defaults. It reads the files in each of the scenario's iteration subfolder and processes them using clean.genepop.

multi.clean.genepop identifies the files searching for a text file whose root's name is the scenario_name of the file and the text 'REPORT_genepop', so if you have modified the name of the files, this function won't work. Similarly, if you have added files named with a pattern consistent with what described above, the function will try to process these as well.

When using multi.clean.genepop there is no option to choose the title of the genepop files (i.e. the first line of the genepop input file).


multi.clean.genepop(path.results = NULL, scenarios = "all", = NULL)



The path to the 'Results' folder


A character vector with the scenarios to be processed or "all"

The name of the population


Save to disk a genepop file with a suffix 'cleaned' and an extensin ".gen" for each iteration within eachscenario

See Also


carlopacioni/HexSimR documentation built on Nov. 28, 2020, 4:12 p.m.