Man pages for carmonalab/UCell
Rank-based signature enrichment analysis for single-cell data

AddModuleScore_UCellCalculate module enrichment scores from single-cell data...
calculate_UscoreCalculate rankings and scores for query data and given...
check_genesCheck genes
check_signature_namesCheck signature names and add standard names is missing
data_to_ranks_data_tableCalculate per-cell feature rankings
knn_smooth_scoresSmoothing scores by KNN
rankings2UscoreGet signature scores from pre-computed rank matrix
sample.matrixSample dataset to test UCell installation
ScoreSignatures_UCellCalculate module enrichment scores from single-cell data
SmoothKNNSmooth signature scores by kNN
split_data.matrixSplit data matrix into smaller sub-matrices ('chunks')
StoreRankings_UCellCalculate and store gene rankings for a single-cell dataset
UCellUCell: Robust and scalable single-cell gene signature scoring
u_statCalculate Mann Whitney U from a vector of ranks
u_stat_signature_listCalculate U scores for a list of signatures, given a rank...
carmonalab/UCell documentation built on May 7, 2024, 8:39 a.m.