# Reset the knitr environment
KRESET <- function() {
knitr::opts_knit$set(knitr::opts_knit$get(default = TRUE))
knitr::opts_chunk$set(knitr::opts_chunk$get(default = TRUE))
knitr::knit_hooks$set(knitr::knit_hooks$get(default = TRUE))
mock_block <- function(txt) {
"<div class='challenge' markdown='1'>\n\n",
gsub("#' ", "", txt, fixed = TRUE),
# Load an example file
example_file <- function(...) {
# We are not in a knitr document
system.file("extdata", ..., package = "dovetail")
# Make temp file and clean up afterwards
make_tmp <- function(...) {
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".md")
# Provision a temporary directory to be like the jekyll setup and symlink
# the rmd file and any other files/directories needed in the _episodes_rmd
# folder
provision_jekyll <- function(rmd, ...) {
if (grepl("^/tmp", rmd)) {
DIR <- fs::path_dir(rmd)
example_file <- function(x) fs::path(DIR, x)
rmd <- fs::path_file(rmd)
dots <- c(...)
dots <- if (length(dots)) fs::path_dir(dots) else dots
} else {
dots <- c(...)
# Create a temporary directory
tmpdir <- fs::file_temp(pattern = "DIR")
# Add the jekyll structure
fs::dir_create(fs::path(tmpdir, "_episodes"))
fs::dir_create(fs::path(tmpdir, "_episodes_rmd"))
f <- fs::file_create(fs::path(tmpdir, "_episodes", sub("\\.R", ".", rmd)))
# Link all of the input files
for (f in c(rmd, dots)) {
to <- fs::path(tmpdir, "_episodes_rmd", f)
from <- example_file(f)
if (fs::is_file(from)) {
fs::file_copy(from, to)
} else {
fs::dir_copy(from, to)
# Take a jekyll-like directory and knit it to the output
# Note that this assumes only one markdown file per directory
knit_jekyll <- function(path, env = new.env(), eng = NULL) {
episode_out <- withr::with_dir(path, fs::dir_ls("_episodes"))
episode_in <- sub("\\.md", ".Rmd", episode_out)
episode_in <- sub("_episodes", "_episodes_rmd", episode_in)
if (is.null(eng)) {
# knitr has an input and output and returns the relative path
withr::with_dir(path, {
out <- knitr::knit(
input = episode_in,
output = episode_out,
encoding = "UTF-8",
envir = env
normalizePath(fs::path(path, out))
} else {
# RMarkdown requires a much different syntax and outputs the full path
withr::with_dir(path, {
out <- rmarkdown::render(
input = episode_in,
output_dir = "_episodes",
output_format = eng,
encoding = "UTF-8",
envir = env
chunk_output <- function(TAGS = OUR_TAGS[OUR_TAGS != "end"]) {
paste0("engine *?[:] chr \"", TAGS, "\"", collapse = ".+?")
expect_tags_match <- function(object, TAGS, n = 2 * length(TAGS) + 2 + 1) {
# 1. Capture object and label
act <- quasi_label(rlang::enquo(object), arg = "object")
# 2. Call expect()
if (length(TAGS)) {
dtags <- paste0("div class=['\"]", TAGS, "['\"]")
act$matched <- vapply(dtags, grepl, logical(1), act$val)
sprintf("The following tags are missing from %s: %s", act$lab, paste(TAGS[!act$matched], collapse = ", "))
act$n_closed <- length(strsplit(act$val, "[<][/]div")[[1]])
act$n_open <- length(strsplit(act$val, "[<]div class")[[1]])
act$n_closed == act$n_open,
"The number of closing div tags are unmatched. Expected %s, got %s",
format(act$n_open), format(act$n_closed)
# (2*length) for each non-end tag
# + 2 for first and last chunk
# + 1 fencepost
act$n <- length(strsplit(act$val, "\\{: .language-")[[1]])
act$n == n,
sprintf("%s has length %i, not length %i.", act$lab, act$n, n)
# 3. Invisibly return the value
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.