[pegboard] is tempered hardboard which is pre-drilled with evenly spaced holes. The holes are used to accept pegs or hooks to support various items, such as tools in a workshop.
The {pegboard} package is part of The Carpentries Workbench and it’s main functionality is to parse Markdown and R Markdown documents into XML representations (via {tinkr}). By using XML, we are able to easily arrange and parse the elements of the lessons which makes two things possible:
There are two {R6} objects in the package:
class. See
vignette("intro-episode", package = "pegboard")
for more info.Episodes
within a
lesson. See vignette("intro-episode", package = "pegboard")
for more
info.One simple usage is getting a summary of the content of an episode. Let’s investigate the contents of the “Episode Structure” episode of the Workbench documentation:
# Download the file we need ------------------------------------
src <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carpentries/sandpaper-docs/main/episodes/episodes.Rmd"
tmp <- local_tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
download.file(src, tmp)
# Load episode
ep <- Episode$new(tmp)
# Summary -------------------------------------------------------------
# confirm that we are using sandpaper and get a summary of the contents
#| sections headings callouts challenges solutions code output warning error images links
#| 17 35 28 7 6 35 1 0 0 3 21
# Validation ----------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: a lot of invalid links because files do not exist outside of
# the lesson context
lnk <- ep$validate_links()
#| ! There were errors in 12/22 links and images
#| ◌ Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:38 [missing file]: [next episode](editing.md)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:51 [missing file]: [the Introduction](introduction.md)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:203 [missing file]: [The Workbench Component Guide](component-guide.md)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:771 [missing file]: [the setup page](../learners/setup.md)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:787 [missing file]: [another episode (e.g. introduction)](introduction.md)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:788 [missing file]: [the home page](../index.md)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:789 [missing file]: [the setup page](../learners/setup.md)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:790 [missing file]: [the "line length" section in the style guide](../learners/style.md#line-length)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:796 [missing file]: [the style guide](../learners/style.md)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:816 [missing file]: [internal links](../episodes/episodes.Rmd#internal-links)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:851 [missing file]: [Hex sticker for The Carpentries](fig/carpentries-hex-blue.svg)
#| fileccef6278e384.Rmd:893 [missing file]: [Example of Wrapped Alt Text (with apologies to William Carlos Williams)](fig/freezer.png)
str(lnk, max.level = 1)
#| 'data.frame': 24 obs. of 27 variables:
#| $ scheme : chr "" "" "" "" ...
#| $ server : chr "" "" "" "" ...
#| $ port : int NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
#| $ user : chr "" "" "" "" ...
#| $ path : chr "editing.md" "introduction.md" "" "component-guide.md" ...
#| $ query : chr "" "" "" "" ...
#| $ fragment : chr "" "" "callout-blocks" "" ...
#| $ orig : chr "editing.md" "introduction.md" "#callout-blocks" "component-guide.md" ...
#| $ text : chr "next episode" "the Introduction" "the next section" "The Workbench Component Guide" ...
#| $ alt : chr NA NA NA NA ...
#| $ title : chr "" "" "" "" ...
#| $ type : chr "link" "link" "link" "link" ...
#| $ rel : chr NA NA NA NA ...
#| $ sourcepos : int 38 51 168 203 320 329 536 541 621 737 ...
#| $ filepath : chr "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" ...
#| $ parents :List of 24
#| $ node :List of 24
#| ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "AsIs"
#| $ known_protocol : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ enforce_https : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ internal_anchor : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ internal_file : logi FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ internal_well_formed: logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ all_reachable : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ img_alt_text : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ descriptive : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ link_length : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
hdg <- ep$validate_headings()
str(hdg, max.level = 1)
#| 'data.frame': 35 obs. of 10 variables:
#| $ heading : chr "Introduction" "Buoyant Barnacle" "Creating A New Episode" "What is the .Rmd extension?" ...
#| $ level : int 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 ...
#| $ pos : int 29 48 63 80 117 126 143 156 196 200 ...
#| $ node :List of 35
#| ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "AsIs"
#| $ first_heading_is_second_level: logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ greater_than_first_level : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ are_sequential : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ have_names : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ are_unique : logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
#| $ path : chr "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" ...
div <- ep$validate_divs()
str(div, max.level = 1)
#| 'data.frame': 28 obs. of 5 variables:
#| $ path : chr "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" "fileccef6278e384.Rmd" ...
#| $ div : chr "questions" "objectives" "prereq" "callout" ...
#| $ pb_label: chr "div-1-questions" "div-2-objectives" "div-3-prereq" "div-4-callout" ...
#| $ pos : int 9 20 46 78 141 198 226 245 255 274 ...
#| $ is_known: logi TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
{pegboard} is not currently on CRAN, but it can be installed from our Carpentries Universe (updated every hour) with the following commands:
options(repos = c(
carpentries = "https://carpentries.r-universe.dev/",
CRAN = "https://cran.rstudio.com/"
To use {pegboard} in the context of The Workbench, you will need to have
a lesson handy. If you don’t have one, you can use the get_lesson()
function, which will use {gert} to
clone a lesson repository to your computer.
(NOTE: this file was last run on 2023-11-22 11:15:17.770234)
d <- fs::file_temp(pattern = "PBREADME")
rng <- get_lesson("swcarpentry/r-novice-gapminder", path = d, jekyll = FALSE)
#| <Lesson>
#| Public:
#| blocks: function (type = NULL, level = 0, path = FALSE)
#| built: NULL
#| challenges: function (path = FALSE, graph = FALSE, recurse = TRUE)
#| children: NULL
#| clone: function (deep = FALSE)
#| episodes: list
#| extra: list
#| files: active binding
#| get: function (element = NULL, collection = "episodes")
#| handout: function (path = NULL, solution = FALSE)
#| has_children: active binding
#| initialize: function (path = ".", rmd = FALSE, jekyll = TRUE, ...)
#| isolate_blocks: function ()
#| load_built: function ()
#| n_problems: active binding
#| overview: FALSE
#| path: /tmp/Rtmp40TO0e/PBREADMEccef2b02e45e/swcarpentry--r-novi ...
#| reset: function ()
#| rmd: FALSE
#| sandpaper: TRUE
#| show_problems: active binding
#| solutions: function (path = FALSE)
#| summary: function (collection = "episodes")
#| thin: function (verbose = TRUE)
#| trace_lineage: function (episode_path)
#| validate_divs: function ()
#| validate_headings: function (verbose = TRUE)
#| validate_links: function ()
#| Private:
#| deep_clone: function (name, value)
# Get a summary of all the elements in each episode
#| # A tibble: 16 × 12
#| page sections headings callouts challenges solutions code output warning error images links
#| <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#| 1 01-rstudio-intro.Rmd 28 28 19 5 5 47 1 0 0 2 7
#| 2 02-project-intro.Rmd 12 19 12 5 1 4 0 0 0 1 3
#| 3 03-seeking-help.Rmd 15 15 11 3 3 12 0 0 0 0 7
#| 4 04-data-structures-part1.Rmd 2 50 31 9 15 77 0 0 0 0 1
#| 5 05-data-structures-part2.Rmd 15 15 12 4 4 32 0 0 0 0 3
#| 6 06-data-subsetting.Rmd 33 34 26 8 8 76 0 0 0 2 0
#| 7 07-control-flow.Rmd 15 15 17 5 5 36 0 0 0 0 2
#| 8 08-plot-ggplot2.Rmd 20 20 18 6 6 23 0 0 0 0 12
#| 9 09-vectorization.Rmd 11 11 14 4 4 24 0 0 0 0 1
#| 10 10-functions.Rmd 20 21 19 5 5 28 0 0 0 0 12
#| 11 11-writing-data.Rmd 6 6 7 2 2 11 0 0 0 0 0
#| 12 12-plyr.Rmd 8 8 10 3 3 17 0 0 0 2 1
#| 13 13-dplyr.Rmd 18 18 11 3 3 30 0 0 0 3 6
#| 14 14-tidyr.Rmd 10 10 9 3 3 16 0 0 0 4 5
#| 15 15-knitr-markdown.Rmd 22 22 13 4 4 9 0 0 0 2 18
#| 16 16-wrap-up.Rmd 9 9 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
# Validate lesson elements
rng$validate_headings() # this is not run by default in sandpaper lessons
#| # Episode: "Data Structures"
#| ├─### Tip: Editing Text files in R (must be level 2)
#| ├─### Check your data for factors
#| ├─### Data Types
#| ├─### Vectors and Type Coercion
#| ├─### Discussion 1
#| ├─### Discussion 1
#| ├─### Challenge 1
#| │ └─#### Copy the code template
#| ├─### Instructions for the tasks
#| │ └─#### 1. Print the data
#| ├─### Tip 1.1
#| ├─### Solution to Challenge 1.1
#| │ └─#### 2. Overview of the data types
#| ├─### Tip 1.2
#| ├─### Solution to Challenge 1.2
#| │ └─#### 3. Which data type do we need?
#| ├─### Tip 1.3
#| ├─### Solution to Challenge 1.3
#| │ └─#### 4. Correct the problematic value
#| ├─### Tip 1.4
#| ├─### Solution to challenge 1.4
#| │ └─#### 5. Convert the column "weight" to the correct data type
#| ├─### Tip 1.5
#| ├─### Solution to Challenge 1.5
#| ├─### Some basic vector functions
#| ├─### Challenge 2
#| ├─### Solution to Challenge 2
#| ├─### Lists
#| ├─## Names
#| │ ├─### Accessing vectors and lists by name
#| │ ├─### Accessing and changing names
#| │ ├─### Challenge 3
#| │ ├─### Solution to Challenge 3
#| │ ├─### Challenge 4
#| │ └─### Solution to Challenge 4
#| └─## Data frames
#| ├─### Challenge 5
#| ├─### Solution to Challenge 5
#| ├─### Tip: Renaming data frame columns
#| ├─### Matrices
#| ├─### Challenge 6
#| ├─### Solution to Challenge 6
#| ├─### Challenge 7
#| ├─### Solution to Challenge 7
#| ├─### Challenge 8
#| ├─### Solution to Challenge 8
#| ├─### Challenge 9
#| └─### Solution to Challenge 9
#| # Episode: "Vectorization"
#| ├─## Challenge 1
#| ├─## Solution to challenge 1
#| ├─## Challenge 2
#| ├─## Solution to challenge 2
#| ├─## Tip: some useful functions for logical vectors
#| ├─## Tip: element-wise vs. matrix multiplication
#| ├─## Challenge 3
#| ├─## Solution to challenge 3
#| ├─## Challenge 4 (duplicated)
#| ├─## Challenge 4 (duplicated)
#| └─## Tip: Operations on vectors of unequal length
#| # Episode: "Functions Explained"
#| ├─## What is a function?
#| ├─## Defining a function
#| ├─## Tip (duplicated)
#| ├─## Challenge 1
#| ├─## Solution to challenge 1
#| ├─## Combining functions
#| ├─## Challenge 2
#| ├─## Solution to challenge 2
#| ├─## Interlude: Defensive Programming
#| │ └─### Checking conditions with stopifnot()
#| ├─## Challenge 3
#| ├─## Solution to challenge 3
#| ├─## More on combining functions
#| ├─## Tip: Pass by value
#| ├─## Tip: Function scope
#| ├─## Challenge 4
#| ├─## Solution to challenge 4
#| ├─## Challenge 5
#| ├─## Solution to challenge 5
#| ├─## Tip (duplicated)
#| └─## Tip: Testing and documenting
The XML contents of the lesson are contained within the $body
of the Episode object and anything you do to that XML document is
retained within the object itself (see the {tinkr}
documentation for more details):
ep1 <- rng$episodes[[1]]
#| {xml_document}
#| <document sourcepos="1:1-712:0" xmlns="http://commonmark.org/xml/1.0">
#| [1] <dtag xmlns="http://carpentries.org/pegboard/" label="div-1-objectives"/>
#| [2] <paragraph sourcepos="2:1-2:50">\n <text sourcepos="2:1-2:50" xml:space="preserve">::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives</text>\n</paragraph>
#| [3] <list sourcepos="4:1-12:0" type="bullet" tight="true">\n <item sourcepos="4:1-4:55">\n <paragraph sourcepos="4:3-4:55">\n <text sourcepos="4:3-4:54" xml:space="preserve">Describe the purpose and use of each pane in RStudio</text>\n </paragraph>\n </item>\n <item sourcepos="5:1- ...
#| [4] <paragraph sourcepos="13:1-13:50">\n <text sourcepos="13:1-13:50" xml:space="preserve">::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::</text>\n</paragraph>
#| [5] <dtag xmlns="http://carpentries.org/pegboard/" label="div-1-objectives"/>
#| [6] <dtag xmlns="http://carpentries.org/pegboard/" label="div-2-questions"/>
#| [7] <paragraph sourcepos="15:1-15:50">\n <text sourcepos="15:1-15:50" xml:space="preserve">:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: questions</text>\n</paragraph>
#| [8] <list sourcepos="17:1-21:0" type="bullet" tight="true">\n <item sourcepos="17:1-17:38">\n <paragraph sourcepos="17:3-17:38">\n <text sourcepos="17:3-17:38" xml:space="preserve">How to find your way around RStudio?</text>\n </paragraph>\n </item>\n <item sourcepos="18:1-18:25">\ ...
#| [9] <paragraph sourcepos="22:1-22:50">\n <text sourcepos="22:1-22:50" xml:space="preserve">::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::</text>\n</paragraph>
#| [10] <dtag xmlns="http://carpentries.org/pegboard/" label="div-2-questions"/>
#| [11] <code_block sourcepos="24:1-25:3" xml:space="preserve" language="r" name="" include="FALSE"/>
#| [12] <heading sourcepos="27:1-27:31" level="2">\n <text sourcepos="27:4-27:31" xml:space="preserve">Before Starting The Workshop</text>\n</heading>
#| [13] <paragraph sourcepos="29:1-29:204">\n <text sourcepos="29:1-29:204" xml:space="preserve">Please ensure you have the latest version of R and RStudio installed on your machine. This is important, as some packages used in the workshop may not install correctly (or at all) if R is not up to dat ...
#| [14] <list sourcepos="31:1-34:0" type="bullet" tight="true">\n <item sourcepos="31:1-31:81">\n <paragraph sourcepos="31:3-31:81">\n <link sourcepos="31:3-31:81" destination="https://www.r-project.org/" title="">\n <text sourcepos="31:4-31:52" xml:space="preserve">Download and inst ...
#| [15] <heading sourcepos="35:1-35:26" level="2">\n <text sourcepos="35:4-35:26" xml:space="preserve">Why use R and R studio?</text>\n</heading>
#| [16] <paragraph sourcepos="37:1-37:60">\n <text sourcepos="37:1-37:60" xml:space="preserve">Welcome to the R portion of the Software Carpentry workshop!</text>\n</paragraph>
#| [17] <paragraph sourcepos="39:1-40:240">\n <text sourcepos="39:1-39:81" xml:space="preserve">Science is a multi-step process: once you've designed an experiment and collected</text>\n <softbreak/>\n <text sourcepos="40:1-40:240" xml:space="preserve">data, the real fun begins with analysis! Thr ...
#| [18] <paragraph sourcepos="42:1-42:370">\n <text sourcepos="42:1-42:263" xml:space="preserve">Although we could use a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel or Google sheets to analyze our data, these tools are limited in their flexibility and accessibility. Critically, they also are difficult to share ...
#| [19] <paragraph sourcepos="44:1-44:264">\n <text sourcepos="44:1-44:263" xml:space="preserve">Therefore, this lesson will teach you how to begin exploring your data using R and RStudio. The R program is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems, and is a freely-available where you ...
#| [20] <paragraph sourcepos="46:1-49:31">\n <text sourcepos="46:1-46:152" xml:space="preserve">However, to make using R easier, we will use the program RStudio, which we also downloaded above. RStudio is a free, open-source, Integrated Development</text>\n <softbreak/>\n <text sourcepos="47:1-47 ...
#| ...
ep1$head(20) # show the first 20 lines of the file
#| ---
#| title: Introduction to R and RStudio
#| teaching: 45
#| exercises: 10
#| source: Rmd
#| ---
#| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
#| - Describe the purpose and use of each pane in RStudio
#| - Locate buttons and options in RStudio
#| - Define a variable
#| - Assign data to a variable
#| - Manage a workspace in an interactive R session
#| - Use mathematical and comparison operators
#| - Call functions
#| - Manage packages
#| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
new_content <- r"{
Hello! This is **new markdown content** generated via the
[{pegboard}](https://carpentries.github.io/pegboard) package that will
appear above the objectives block!
ep1$add_md(new_content, where = 0L)
ep1$head(20) # the new content has been added to the top
#| ---
#| title: Introduction to R and RStudio
#| teaching: 45
#| exercises: 10
#| source: Rmd
#| ---
#| Hello! This is **new markdown content** generated via the
#| [{pegboard}](https://carpentries.github.io/pegboard) package that will
#| appear above the objectives block!
#| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
#| - Describe the purpose and use of each pane in RStudio
#| - Locate buttons and options in RStudio
#| - Define a variable
#| - Assign data to a variable
#| - Manage a workspace in an interactive R session
ep1$headings[[1]] # the first heading is level 4. Let's change that using {xml2}
#| {xml_node}
#| <heading level="4">
#| [1] <text xml:space="preserve">NEW CONTENT</text>
xml2::xml_set_attr(ep1$headings[[1]], "level", "2")
#| ---
#| title: Introduction to R and RStudio
#| teaching: 45
#| exercises: 10
#| source: Rmd
#| ---
#| Hello! This is **new markdown content** generated via the
#| [{pegboard}](https://carpentries.github.io/pegboard) package that will
#| appear above the objectives block!
#| ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives
#| - Describe the purpose and use of each pane in RStudio
#| - Locate buttons and options in RStudio
#| - Define a variable
#| - Assign data to a variable
#| - Manage a workspace in an interactive R session
ep1$headings[[1]] # the first heading is now level 2
#| {xml_node}
#| <heading level="2">
#| [1] <text xml:space="preserve">NEW CONTENT</text>
# write the file
ep1$write(fs::path_dir(ep1$path), format = "Rmd")
readLines(ep1$path, 20)
#| [1] "---" "title: Introduction to R and RStudio" "teaching: 45" "exercises: 10"
#| [5] "source: Rmd" "---" "" "## NEW CONTENT"
#| [9] "" "Hello! This is **new markdown content** generated via the" "[{pegboard}](https://carpentries.github.io/pegboard) package that will" "appear above the objectives block!"
#| [13] "" "::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: objectives" "" "- Describe the purpose and use of each pane in RStudio"
#| [17] "- Locate buttons and options in RStudio" "- Define a variable" "- Assign data to a variable" "- Manage a workspace in an interactive R session"
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.