get_solutions: Gather solutions from the XML body of a carpentries lesson

View source: R/get_solutions.R

get_solutionsR Documentation

Gather solutions from the XML body of a carpentries lesson


This will search an XML document for a solution marker and extract all of the block quotes that are ancestral to that marker so that we can extract the solution blockquotes from the carpentries lessons.


get_solutions(body, type = c("block", "div", "chunk"), parent = NULL)



the XML body of a carpentries lesson (an xml2 object)


the type of element containing the solutions "block" is the default and will search for all of the blockquotes with liquid/kramdown markup, "div" will search for all div tags with class of solution, and "chunk" will search for all of code chunks with the engine of solution.


the outer block containing the solution. Default is a challenge block, but it could also be a discussion block.


  • type = "block" (default) an xml nodelist of blockquotes

  • type = "div" a list of xml nodelists

  • type = "chunk" an xml nodelist of code blocks


  • the parent parameter is only valid for the "block" (default) type

  • the "chunk" type has the limitation that solutions are embedded within their respective blocks, so counting the number of solution elements via this method may an undercount


loop <- Episode$new(file.path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", ""))
get_solutions(loop$body, "block")
get_solutions(loop$unblock()$body, "div")
get_solutions(loop$use_dovetail()$unblock()$body, "chunk")

carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 11:18 a.m.