test_file_existence: Test for the existence of a file

View source: R/validate_links.R

test_file_existenceR Documentation

Test for the existence of a file


Test for the existence of a file


test_file_existence(paths, home)



the relative paths to be tested


the root directory of these paths


This function detects the existence of files relative to the current folder while taking into account references to the built site.

To understand why this is needed consider that both The Workbench and Jekyll takes contents from the source folders and pools them in a flat file structure for the website. Because of this, it's possible to write links like ⁠[link](resource.html)⁠ or ⁠[link](../learners/resource.md)⁠ and they will continue to be valid.


a logical vector of the same length as paths indicating if a file exists _anywhere in the lesson infrastructure

See Also

link_internal_file() which calls this function


pb <- asNamespace("pegboard")
# Example: validation of links in a sandpaper context -----------------------
links <- c(
  "../episodes/fig/missing.png", # does not exist
  "../index.md", # exists
  "../instructors/a.md", # exists
  "../episodes/intro.Rmd", # exists
  "setup.md", # exists
  "intro.html" # exists
home <- fs::path(lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"), "learners")
# show the resulting vector with our paths relative to the "learners" folder
setNames(pb$test_file_existence(links, home), links)

# Example: validation of links in a sandpaper context with children ---------
# in this context, the references must be relative to the _parent_ file
# for this example, the home folder is the parent of the child, which is
# obtained from the `$build_parent` element in the child file. To demonstrate
# this, I will first load the lesson
context <- lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment-with-child")
lsn <- Lesson$new(context, jekyll = FALSE)
links <- c(
  "../episodes/fig/missing.png", # does not exist
  "../index.md", # exists
  "../instructors/a.md", # exists
  "intro.Rmd", # exists
  "../learners/setup.md", # does not exist
  "intro.html" # exists
# in practice, we check that the episode has parents:
lsn$episodes[[1]]$has_parents # episodes do not have parents
lsn$children[[2]]$has_parents # but children do!
# The "home" path in the context of a child document is the _build parent_,
# which is the parent that will eventually contain the output of the child.
# in the case of this lesson, both child files are used in the intro.Rmd,
# even though `cat.Rmd` is the parent of `session.Rmd`
setNames(lsn$get("parents", "children"), fs::path_file(names(lsn$children)))
# They both show that `intro.Rmd` is the build parent
setNames(lsn$get("build_parents", "children"), fs::path_file(names(lsn$children)))
# show the links as if they existed in the `session.Rmd` file
home <- lsn$children[[2]]$build_parents
setNames(pb$test_file_existence(links, home), links)

# Example: validation of links in a Jekyll context --------------------------
links <- c(
  "../non-existent.md",       # does not exist
  "../_config.yml",           # exists
  "../_episodes/10-lunch.md", # exists 
  "10-lunch.html"             # exists in built site
# set the home folder to be the "_extras" folder
home <- fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_extras")
# show the resulting vector with our paths
setNames(pb$test_file_existence(links, home), links)

carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 11:18 a.m.