set_ktag_block: add the kramdown tags as attributes of special blocks

View source: R/kramdown_tags.R

set_ktag_blockR Documentation

add the kramdown tags as attributes of special blocks


add the kramdown tags as attributes of special blocks





tags from the function kramdown_tags()


Kramdown is a bit weird in that it uses tags that trail elements like code blocks or block quotes. If these follow block quotes, commonmark will parse them being part of that block quote. This is not problematic per-se until you run into a common situation in the Carpentries' curriculum: nested block quotes

> # Challenge 1
> Some text here
> > # Solution 1
> >
> > ~~~
> > print("hello world!")
> > ~~~
> > {: .language-pyton}
> {: .solution}
{: .challenge}

When this is parsed with commonmark, the three tags at the end are parsed as being part of the 2nd-level block quote:

> > ~~~
> > {: .language-pyton}
> > {: .solution}
> > {: .challenge}

This function will take the block quote elements and add a "ktag" attribute that represents the value of the tag. This will then be parsed by the xslt style sheet and the tags will be properly appended.

carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 11:18 a.m.