
Defines functions find_anchor_spans fetch_anchor_span_ids clean_headings exists_at_all folder_contains test_file_existence validate_known_rot format_parents link_internal_well_formed link_internal_file link_internal_anchor link_source_list link_descriptive link_length link_img_alt_text link_all_reachable link_enforce_https link_known_protocol validate_links

Documented in link_all_reachable link_descriptive link_enforce_https link_img_alt_text link_internal_anchor link_internal_file link_internal_well_formed link_known_protocol link_length link_source_list test_file_existence validate_links

#' Validate Links in a markdown document
#' This function will validate that links do not throw an error in markdown
#' documents. This will include links to images and will respect robots.txt for
#' websites.
#' @details
#' ## Link Validity
#' All links must resolve to a specific location. If it does not exist, then the
#' link is invalid. At the moment, we can only do local links. 
#' ### External links
#' These links must start with a valid and secure protocol. Allowed protocols
#' are taken from the [allowed protocols in Wordpress](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_allowed_protocols/#return):
#' ```{r, echo = FALSE, comment = NA, results = 'asis'}
#' prots <- toString(asNamespace('pegboard')$allowed_uri_protocols[-1])
#' writeLines(strwrap(prots, width = 60))
#' ```
#' Misspellings and unsupported protocols (e.g. `javascript:` and `bitcoin:`
#' will be flagged).
#' In addition, we will enforce the use of HTTPS over HTTP.
#' ### Cross-lesson links
#' These links will have no protocol, but should resolve to the HTML version of
#' a page and have the correct capitalisation.
#' ### Anchors (aka fragments)
#' Anchors are located at the end of URLs that start with a `#` sign. These are
#' used to indicate a section of the documenation or a span id.
#' ## Accessibility (a11y)
#' Accessibillity ensures that your links are accurate and descriptive for 
#' people who have slow connections or use screen reader technology. 
#' ### Alt-text (for images)
#' All images must have associated alt-text. In pandoc, this is acheived by
#' writing the `alt` attribute in curly braces after the image: 
#' `![image caption](link){alt='alt text'}`:
#' <https://webaim.org/techniques/alttext/>
#' ### Descriptive text
#' All links must have descriptive text associated with them, which is 
#' beneficial for screen readers scanning the links on a page to not have a
#' list full of "link", "link", "link":
#' <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#uninformative>
#' ### Text length
#' Link text length must be greater than 1: 
#' <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#link_length>
#' @note At the moment, we do not currently test if all links are reachable.
#'   This is a feature planned for the future.
#'   This function is internal. Please use the methods for the [Episode] and
#'   [Lesson] classes.
#' @param yrn a [tinkr::yarn] or [Episode] object.
#' @return a data frame with parsed information from [xml2::url_parse()] and
#'   columns of logical values indicating the tests that passed.
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname validate_links
#' @seealso [Episode] and [Lesson] for the methods that will throw warnings
#' @examples
#' l <- Lesson$new(lesson_fragment())
#' e <- l$episodes[[3]]
#' # Our link validators run a series of tests on links and images and return a 
#' # data frame with information about the links (via xml2::url_parse), along 
#' # with the results of the tests
#' v <- asNamespace('pegboard')$validate_links(e)
#' names(v)
#' v
#' # URL protocols -----------------------------------------------------------
#' # To avoid potentially malicious situations, we have an explicit list of
#' # allwed URI protocols, which can be found in the `allowed_uri_protocols`
#' # character vector:
#' asNamespace('pegboard')$allowed_uri_protocols
#' # note that we make an additional check for the http protocol.
#' # Creating Warnings from the table ----------------------------------------
#' # The validator does not produce any warnings or messages, but this data
#' # frame can be passed on to other functions that will throw them for us. We
#' # have a function that will throw a warning/message for each link that
#' # fails the tests. These messages are controlled by `link_tests` and 
#' # `link_info`.
#' asNamespace('pegboard')$link_tests
#' asNamespace('pegboard')$link_info
#' asNamespace('pegboard')$throw_link_warnings(v)
validate_links <- function(yrn) {
  VAL <- make_link_table(yrn)
  if (length(VAL) == 0L || is.null(VAL)) {
  VAL[names(link_tests)] <- TRUE
  source_list <- link_source_list(VAL)
  VAL <- link_known_protocol(VAL)
  VAL <- link_enforce_https(VAL)
  VAL <- link_internal_anchor(VAL, source_list, yrn$headings, yrn$body)
  is_child <- identical(yrn$has_parents, TRUE)
  build_path <- if (is_child) yrn$build_parents else yrn$path
  VAL <- link_internal_file(VAL, source_list, fs::path_dir(build_path))
  VAL <- link_internal_well_formed(VAL, source_list)
  VAL <- link_all_reachable(VAL)
  VAL <- link_img_alt_text(VAL)
  VAL <- link_descriptive(VAL)
  VAL <- link_length(VAL)

#' @rdname validate_links
#' @format - `allowed_uri_protocols` a character string of length `r length(allowed_uri_protocols)`
allowed_uri_protocols <- c(
  # We are defining an allow list here because a forbidden list is ever shifting
  # see: <https://security.stackexchange.com/a/148464/170657>
  # NOTE: we include HTTP here, but we invalidate it later
  '', 'http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'mailto', 'news', 'irc', 'irc6', 'ircs',
  'gopher', 'nntp', 'feed', 'telnet', 'mms', 'rtsp', 'sms', 'svn', 'tel', 'fax',
  'xmpp', 'webcal', 'urn'

#' @rdname validate_links
link_known_protocol <- function(VAL) {
  VAL$known_protocol <- VAL$scheme %in% allowed_uri_protocols

#' @rdname validate_links
link_enforce_https <- function(VAL) {
  # valid if we have a known scheme and it does not use http
  known_protocol <- VAL$known_protocol %||% (VAL$scheme %in% allowed_uri_protocols)
  VAL$enforce_https <- known_protocol & VAL$scheme != "http"

#' @rdname validate_links
link_all_reachable <- function(VAL) {
  # TODO: implement a link checker for external links This is unfortunately
  # difficult and time-consuming due to robots.txt and other protocols/issues.
  # Maybe httr2 might be able to help solve this

#' @rdname validate_links
link_img_alt_text <- function(VAL) {
  img <- VAL$type %in% c("image", "img")
  okay <- !is.na(VAL$alt) # alt="" is actually an OKAY solution, indicating a decorative image
  VAL$img_alt_text[img] <- okay[img]

#' @rdname validate_links
link_length <- function(VAL) {
  is_link <- VAL$type == "link" & !VAL$anchor
  VAL$link_length[is_link] <- !grepl("^.?$", trimws(VAL$text[is_link]))

#' @rdname validate_links
link_descriptive <- function(VAL) {
  more <- paste0("(for )?", c("more", "more info(rmation)?"))
  uninformative <- paste0(
      c("link", "this", "this link", "a link", "link to",
        paste0(c("here", "click here", "over here"), "( for)?"),
        paste0(c(more, "read more", "read on"), "( about)?")
      collapse = ")|("
  bad <- grepl(uninformative, trimws(VAL$text), ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE)
  body_links <- !VAL$anchor
  VAL$descriptive[body_links] <- !bad[body_links]

#' @rdname validate_links
#' @param lt the output of [make_link_table()]
link_source_list <- function(lt) {
  # Create a list of logical vectors from a link table. These vectors indicate
  # the source of a given link.
  internal <- lt$server == "" & lt$scheme == "" & is.na(lt$port) & lt$user == ""
    external   = !internal,
    internal   = internal,
    in_page    = internal & lt$path == "" & lt$fragment != "",
    cross_page = internal & lt$path != "",
    is_anchor  = purrr::map_lgl(lt$path %in% lt$rel, identical, TRUE),

#' @rdname validate_links
#' @param source_list output of `link_source_list`
#' @param headings an `xml_nodeset` of headings
#' @param body an `xml_document`
link_internal_anchor <- function(VAL, source_list, headings, body) {
  in_page <- source_list$in_page
  if (any(in_page)) {
    headings <- xml2::xml_text(headings)
    headings <- clean_headings(headings)
    spans    <- fetch_anchor_span_ids(body)
    anchors  <- c(headings, spans)
    VAL$internal_anchor[in_page] <- VAL$fragment[in_page] %in% anchors

#' @rdname validate_links
#' @param root the root path to the folder containing the file OR containing the
#'   paths to the ultimate parent files.
link_internal_file <- function(VAL, source_list, root) {
  to_check <- source_list$cross_page & !source_list$is_anchor
  if (any(to_check)) {
    paths <- VAL$path[to_check]
    if (length(root) > 1) {
      # if there is more than one root, this means that more than one parent
      # file owns this child and we should search all of them just to be sure
      # that the file exists. 
      # step 1: create a list of all the results
      result <- purrr::map(root, function(r) test_file_existence(paths, r))
      # step 2: merge them, taking the winners
      result <- purrr::reduce(result, `|`)
    } else {
      result <- test_file_existence(paths, root)

    VAL$internal_file[to_check] <- result

#' @rdname validate_links
link_internal_well_formed <- function(VAL, source_list) {
  to_flag <- source_list$cross_page & source_list$is_anchor
  VAL$internal_well_formed[to_flag] <- FALSE 

#' @rdname validate_links
#' @export
#' @format - `link_tests` a character string of length `r length(link_tests)`
#'   containing templates that use the output of `validate_links()` for 
#'   formatting.
link_tests <- c(
  known_protocol  = "[invalid protocol]: {scheme}",
  enforce_https = "[needs HTTPS]: [{text}]({orig})",
  internal_anchor = "[missing anchor]: [{text}]({orig})",
  internal_file = "[missing file{format_parents(parents)}]: [{text}]({orig})",
  internal_well_formed = "[incorrect formatting]: [{text}][{orig}] -> [{text}]({orig})",
  all_reachable = "",
  img_alt_text  = "[image missing alt-text]: {orig}",
  descriptive   = "[uninformative link text]: [{text}]({orig})",
  link_length   = "[link text too short]: [{text}]({orig})",

# format the parents to display information about the folder context
# If there are no parents, then return an empty string
# If there _are_ parents, return the message " (relative to dir1/, dir2/)"
# where dir1 and dir2 are the files that use the child document
format_parents <- function(parents) {
  n <- length(parents)
  if (n == 0) {
  n <- length(parents[[1]])
  if (n == 0) {
  dirs <- paste0(unique(fs::path_dir(parents[[1]])), "/")
  parents <- paste(dirs, collapse = ", ")
  if (parents != "") {
    parents <- paste0(" (relative to ", parents, ")")

#' @rdname validate_links
#' @format - `link_info` a character string of length `r length(link_info)`
#'   that gives information and informative links for additional context for
#'   failures.
link_info <- c(
  known_protocol  = "Links must have a known URL protocol (e.g. https, ftp, mailto). See <https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_allowed_protocols/#return> for a list of acceptable protocols.",
  enforce_https = "Links must use HTTPS <https://https.cio.gov/everything/>",
  internal_anchor = "Some link anchors for relative links (e.g. [anchor]: link) are missing",
  internal_file = "Some linked internal files do not exist <https://carpentries.github.io/sandpaper/articles/include-child-documents.html#workspace-consideration>",
  internal_well_formed = "Some links were incorrectly formatted",
  all_reachable = "",
  img_alt_text  = "Images need alt-text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#alt_link>",
  descriptive   = "Avoid uninformative link phrases <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#uninformative>",
  link_length   = "Avoid single-letter or missing link text <https://webaim.org/techniques/hypertext/link_text#link_length>",

validate_known_rot <- function(lt, path, verbose = TRUE, cli = TRUE) {
  # There are some links that are notorious for link rot. In these cases, we 
  # should absolutely invalidate them.
  rotten <- c(
    # NOTE: Add new rotten URLs with their solutions here
    "exts.ggplot2.tidyverse.org/" = "(www.)?ggplot2-exts.org",
  res <- !any(matched <- vapply(rotten, grepl, logical(nrow(lt)), lt$server))
  if (verbose && !res) {
    bad_links <- lt$server[rowSums(res) > 0L]

# TODO: adjust expectations based on what we want to do with the links.
# We have a situation here where we want to know: Which links represent the
# truth?
# 1. Links relative to the top-level directory?
# 2. Links relative to everything in site/built (markdown output)?
# 3. Links relative to site/docs (HTML output)?
# At the moment, we are validating for (1) and I think that's where we want to
# stay because that's the one that will allow for the most portability since 
# you can predict how to transfer the files to new structures. 
# TODO: add Episode$sandpaper to be `TRUE` if the _initial_ state was a
#   sandpaper lesson and `FALSE` otherwise, so we know what to expect.

#' Test for the existence of a file
#' @param paths the relative paths to be tested
#' @param home the root directory of these paths
#' @return a logical vector of the same length as `paths` indicating if a 
#'   file exists _anywhere in the lesson infrastructure
#' @details This function detects the existence of files relative to the current
#'   folder while taking into account references to the built site. 
#'   To understand _why_ this is needed consider that both The Workbench and
#'   Jekyll takes contents from the source folders and pools them in a flat file
#'   structure for the website. Because of this, it's possible to write links
#'   like `[link](resource.html)` or `[link](../learners/resource.md)` and they
#'   will continue to be valid. 
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [link_internal_file()] which calls this function
#' @examples
#' pb <- asNamespace("pegboard")
#' # Example: validation of links in a sandpaper context -----------------------
#' fs::dir_tree(lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"))
#' links <- c(
#'   "../episodes/fig/missing.png", # does not exist
#'   "../index.md", # exists
#'   "../instructors/a.md", # exists
#'   "../episodes/intro.Rmd", # exists
#'   "setup.md", # exists
#'   "intro.html" # exists
#' )
#' home <- fs::path(lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment"), "learners")
#' # show the resulting vector with our paths relative to the "learners" folder
#' setNames(pb$test_file_existence(links, home), links)
#' # Example: validation of links in a sandpaper context with children ---------
#' # in this context, the references must be relative to the _parent_ file
#' # for this example, the home folder is the parent of the child, which is
#' # obtained from the `$build_parent` element in the child file. To demonstrate
#' # this, I will first load the lesson
#' context <- lesson_fragment("sandpaper-fragment-with-child")
#' lsn <- Lesson$new(context, jekyll = FALSE)
#' fs::dir_tree(context)
#' links <- c(
#'   "../episodes/fig/missing.png", # does not exist
#'   "../index.md", # exists
#'   "../instructors/a.md", # exists
#'   "intro.Rmd", # exists
#'   "../learners/setup.md", # does not exist
#'   "intro.html" # exists
#' )
#' # in practice, we check that the episode has parents:
#' lsn$episodes[[1]]$has_parents # episodes do not have parents
#' lsn$children[[2]]$has_parents # but children do!
#' # The "home" path in the context of a child document is the _build parent_,
#' # which is the parent that will eventually contain the output of the child.
#' # in the case of this lesson, both child files are used in the intro.Rmd,
#' # even though `cat.Rmd` is the parent of `session.Rmd`
#' setNames(lsn$get("parents", "children"), fs::path_file(names(lsn$children)))
#' # They both show that `intro.Rmd` is the build parent
#' setNames(lsn$get("build_parents", "children"), fs::path_file(names(lsn$children)))
#' # show the links as if they existed in the `session.Rmd` file
#' home <- lsn$children[[2]]$build_parents
#' setNames(pb$test_file_existence(links, home), links)
#' # Example: validation of links in a Jekyll context --------------------------
#' fs::dir_tree(lesson_fragment())
#' links <- c(
#'   "../non-existent.md",       # does not exist
#'   "../_config.yml",           # exists
#'   "../_episodes/10-lunch.md", # exists 
#'   "10-lunch.html"             # exists in built site
#' )
#' # set the home folder to be the "_extras" folder
#' home <- fs::path(lesson_fragment(), "_extras")
#' # show the resulting vector with our paths
#' setNames(pb$test_file_existence(links, home), links)
test_file_existence <- function(paths, home) {
  # Add home path, assuming that we can link out from the episode and it will
  # link back to something real
  exists_here <- exists_at_all(fs::path_norm(fs::path(home, paths)))
  # The folders that we can possibly inspect
  maybe <- c(# sandpaper folders
    ".", "episodes", "learners", "instructors", "profiles", 
    # styles folders
    "_episodes", "_episodes_rmd", "_extras", "_includes"
  # Trim the list of folders in the "maybe" pile to filter for
  # sandpaper or jekyll lessons
  folder_exists <- fs::file_exists(fs::path_norm(fs::path(home, "..", maybe)))
  probably <- maybe[folder_exists]
  # Check in those folders for these files; 
  # return a list of folders with the files that exist in those folders
  folders_have_paths <- purrr::map(probably, function(f) {
    folder_contains(folder = f, paths, home)
  # collapse these lists down to a single logical vector for file existence
  # anywhere
  exists_anywhere <- purrr::reduce(folders_have_paths, `|`)
  # Return if any of them exist
  exists_here | exists_anywhere

folder_contains <- function(folder = "_extras", paths, home) {
  # Adding a backtrack to a higher folder
  the_paths <- fs::path_norm(fs::path(home, "..", folder, paths))
  res <- exists_at_all(the_paths)
  names(res) <- seq(paths)

exists_at_all <- function(call_me_maybe) {
  # Catch the folders and the images
  exists_organic <- fs::file_exists(call_me_maybe)
  # Catch markdown files to be translated to HTML
  exists_md      <- fs::file_exists(fs::path_ext_set(call_me_maybe, "md"))
  # Catch R Markdown files to be translated to HTML
  exists_rmd     <- fs::file_exists(fs::path_ext_set(call_me_maybe, "Rmd"))
  # Return the winners
  exists_organic | exists_md | exists_rmd


# transform the headings to their expected anchors
clean_headings <- function(headings) {
  anchor_regex <- ".*[[:space:]][{].*(<?#)([^[:space:]]+).*[}]"
  anchor_swapped <- gsub(anchor_regex, "\\2", headings, perl = TRUE)
  no_curlies     <- gsub("([{].+?[}]) ?$", "", anchor_swapped)
  emoji_eliminated <- gsub("(<?:)[_a-z0-9]+(?=:) ?", "", 
    no_curlies, perl = TRUE)
  lower_dash <- gsub("[[:punct:][:space:]]+", "-", tolower(emoji_eliminated))
  trim_dash <- gsub("[-]$", "", gsub("^[-]", "", lower_dash))
  gsub("\\.", "-", make.unique(trim_dash))

fetch_anchor_span_ids <- function(body, ns = tinkr::md_ns()) {
  spans <- find_anchor_spans(body, ns)
  clean_headings(paste("h1", sub("[}].*$", "}", xml2::xml_text(spans))))

find_anchor_spans <- function(body, ns = tinkr::md_ns()) {
  asis_node <- "md:text[@asis][text()=']']"
  curly     <- "following-sibling::md:text[1][starts-with(text(), '{#')]"
  xml2::xml_find_all(body, sprintf(".//%s/%s", asis_node, curly), ns = ns)
carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 8:53 a.m.