#' Gather solutions from the XML body of a carpentries lesson
#' This will search an XML document for a solution marker and extract all of
#' the block quotes that are ancestral to that marker so that we can extract the
#' solution blockquotes from the carpentries lessons.
#' @param body the XML body of a carpentries lesson (an xml2 object)
#' @param type the type of element containing the solutions "block" is the
#' default and will search for all of the blockquotes with liquid/kramdown
#' markup, "div" will search for all div tags with class of solution, and
#' "chunk" will search for all of code chunks with the engine of solution.
#' @param parent the outer block containing the solution. Default is a challenge
#' block, but it could also be a discussion block.
#' @export
#' @note
#' - the `parent` parameter is only valid for the "block" (default) type
#' - the "chunk" type has the limitation that solutions are embedded within
#' their respective blocks, so counting the number of solution elements via
#' this method may an undercount
#' @return
#' - type = "block" (default) an xml nodelist of blockquotes
#' - type = "div" a list of xml nodelists
#' - type = "chunk" an xml nodelist of code blocks
#' @examples
#' loop <- Episode$new(file.path(lesson_fragment(), "_episodes", "14-looping-data-sets.md"))
#' get_solutions(loop$body, "block")
#' get_solutions(loop$unblock()$body, "div")
#' loop$reset()
#' get_solutions(loop$use_dovetail()$unblock()$body, "chunk")
get_solutions <- function(body, type = c("block", "div", "chunk"), parent = NULL) {
type <- tolower(type[[1]])
type <- match.arg(type, c("block", "div", "chunk"))
if (type != "block") {
out <- switch(type,
div = get_divs(body, "solution"),
chunk = xml2::xml_find_all(
".//*[@language='solution' or contains(text(), '@solution')]"
# Namespace for the document is listed in the attributes
ns <- NS(body)
# convenience namespace aliases
bq <- glue::glue("{ns}block_quote")
parent_tag <- block_type(ns = ns, type = parent)
solution_tag <- block_type(ns = ns, type = ".solution")
# Finding blocks that are missing tags
# 1. The block starts with a Solution
solution_head <- glue::glue("{ns}text[starts-with(text(),'Solu')]")
has_header <- glue::glue("[{ns}heading[{solution_head}] ")
# 2. and does not have a solution tag
no_solution_tag <- "and not(@ktag)]"
# Find and tag
notags <- glue::glue(".//{bq}{parent_tag}/{bq}{has_header}{no_solution_tag}")
all_head_no_tail <- xml2::xml_find_all(body, notags)
xml2::xml_attr(all_head_no_tail, "ktag") <- "{: .solution}"
# The solution will be in a challenge blockquote and either start with
# "Solution" or have the solution tag.
solution <- glue::glue(".//{bq}{parent_tag}/{bq}{solution_tag}")
safe_xml <- purrr::possibly(xml2::xml_find_all, otherwise = solution)
safe_xml(body, solution)
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