Man pages for carpentries/pegboard
Explore and Manipulate Markdown Curricula from the Carpentries

add_pegboard_nodesAdd a pegboard node before or after a node
after_thingCheck if a node is after another node
are_blockstest if the children of a given nodeset are kramdown blocks
clean_div_tagsClean the div tags from an xml document
clean_fenced_divsClean pandoc fenced divs and place them in their own...
cli_helpersIssue a warning via CLI if it exists or send a message
collect_labelsCollect and append validation messages
div_labelsAdd labels to div tags in the form of a "dtag" node with a...
elevate_childrenelevate all children of a node
EpisodeClass representing XML source of a Carpentries episode
find_between_tagsFind nodes between two nodes with a given dtag
find_childrenDetect the child documents of an Episode object
find_div_pairsMake paired labels for opening and closing div tags
find_node_levelFind the level of the current node releative to the document
fix_linksFind and fix unresolved template links within an Episode XML...
fix_liquid_relative_linkRemove spaces in relative links with liquid variables
fix_sandpaper_linksFix relative and jekyll links to be compatible with sandpaper
get_blocksGather blocks from the XML body of a carpentries lesson
get_challengesGather challenges from the XML body of a carpentries lesson
get_codeGet code blocks from xml document
get_divsGet paired div blocks
get_imagesGet images from an Episode/yarn object
get_lessonGet a carpentries lesson in XML format
get_list_blockExtract list elements from a block
get_solutionsGather solutions from the XML body of a carpentries lesson
heading_utilsGet all headings in the XML document
isolate_elementsIsolate elements in an XML document by source position
isolate_kram_blocksIsolate all blocks within a document that have a kramdown tag
kramdown_tagsFind all kramdown tags within the document
label_pairsLabel pairs of parentheses.
LessonClass to contain a single Lesson by the Carpentries
lesson_fragmentExample Lesson Fragments
liquid_to_commonmarkConvert liquid code blocks to commonmark code blocks
load_childrenRecursively Load Child Documents
make_divCreate an xml document that contains two html_block elements...
make_div_pairsCreate a data frame describing the divs associated with...
make_div_tableCreate a table of divs in an episode
make_heading_tableCreate a table for headings
make_link_tableCreate a table of parsed URLs from a single Episode object.
make_pandoc_altAdd alt text to images when transforming from jekyll to...
pegboard-packagepegboard: Explore and Manipulate Markdown Curricula from the...
process_imagesSet alt attribute for image nodes; extract images from HTML...
read_markdown_filesProcess Markdown files in a directory into Episode objects
read_sandpaper_lessonRead in all markdown files associated with a sandpaper lesson
replace_with_divReplace a blockquote with a div tag
set_alt_attrSet the alt text for a nodeset of images
set_ktag_blockadd the kramdown tags as attributes of special blocks
test_file_existenceTest for the existence of a file
throw_warningsThrow a validation report as a single message
to_dovetailConvert a given block quote to dovetail template
trim_fenceTrim div fences from output
use_sandpaperConvert a Jekyll-based lesson to a sandpaper-based lesson
validate_divsValidate Callout Blocks for sandpaper episodes
validate_headingsValidate headings
validate_linksValidate Links in a markdown document
xml_to_mdConvert xml to markdown
carpentries/pegboard documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 11:18 a.m.