
Defines functions MCMCpstr

Documented in MCMCpstr

#' Summarize and extract posterior chains from MCMC output while preserving parameter structure
#' Extract summary information and posterior chains from MCMC output (specific function specified) for specific parameters of interest while preserving original parameter structure (i.e., scalar, vector, matrix, array). Function outputs a \code{list} with calculated values or posterior chains for each specified parameter.
#' @param object Object containing MCMC output. See DETAILS below.
#' @param params Character string (or vector of character strings) denoting parameters to be returned in output.
#' Default \code{'all'} returns all parameters in output.
#' @param excl Character string (or vector of character strings) denoting parameters to exclude. Used in conjunction with \code{params} argument to select parameters of interest.
#' @param ISB Ignore Square Brackets (ISB). Logical specifying whether square brackets should be ignored in the \code{params} and \code{excl} arguments. If \code{TRUE}, square brackets are ignored. If \code{FALSE}, square brackets are not ignored.  This allows partial names to be used when specifying parameters of interest. Use \code{exact} argument to specify whether input from \code{params} and \code{excl} arguments should be matched exactly.
#' @param exact Logical specifying whether input from \code{params} and \code{excl} arguments should be matched exactly (after ignoring square brackets if \code{ISB = FALSE}). If \code{TRUE}, input from \code{params} and \code{excl} are matched exactly (after taking \code{ISB} argument into account). If \code{FALSE}, input from \code{params} and \code{excl} are matched using regular expression format (after taking \code{ISB} argument into account).
#' @param func Function to be performed on MCMC output. When output of specified function is greater than length 1, an extra dimension is added. For instance, output of length 3 for a parameter with dimensions 2x2 results in a 2x2x3 output. Functions that produce output with dimensionality greater than 1 are not permitted. \code{func} is ignored when \code{type = 'chains'}.
#' @param type Character string specifying whether to return summary information (calculated based on \code{func} argument) or posterior chains. Valid options are \code{'summary'} and \code{'chains'}. When \code{type = 'chains'}, the \code{'func'} argument is ignored. When \code{type = 'chains'}, posterior chains are concatenated and stored in the last dimension in the array for each element (parameter) of the list.
#' @section Details:
#' \code{object} argument can be a \code{stanfit} object (\code{rstan} package), a \code{CmdStanMCMC} object (\code{cmdstanr} package), a \code{stanreg} object (\code{rstanarm} package), a \code{brmsfit} object (\code{brms} package), an \code{mcmc.list} object (\code{coda} and \code{rjags} packages), \code{mcmc} object (\code{coda} and \code{nimble} packages), \code{list} object (\code{nimble} package), an \code{R2jags} model object (\code{R2jags} package), a \code{jagsUI} model object (\code{jagsUI} package), or a matrix containing MCMC chains (each column representing MCMC output for a single parameter, rows representing iterations in the chain). The function automatically detects the object type and proceeds accordingly.

#' @examples
#' #Load data
#' data(MCMC_data)
#' MCMCpstr(MCMC_data, func = function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(0.01, 0.99)))
#' @export

MCMCpstr <- function(object,
                     params = 'all',
                     excl = NULL,
                     ISB = TRUE,
                     exact = TRUE,
                     func = mean,
                     type = 'summary')
  if (methods::is(object, 'matrix'))
    object2 <- MCMCchains(object, params, excl, ISB, exact = exact, mcmc.list = FALSE)
  } else {
    object2 <- MCMCchains(object, params, excl, ISB, exact = exact, mcmc.list = TRUE)

  if (coda::is.mcmc.list(object2) == TRUE)
    temp_in <- object2
    cti <- colnames(temp_in[[1]])
    if (methods::is(object, 'brmsfit') & length(grep('Intercept]', cti)) > 1)
      #remove Intercept and close bracket
      i_idx <- grep('Intercept]', cti)
      cti[i_idx] <- gsub(',Intercept', '', cti[i_idx])
      colnames(temp_in[[1]]) <- cti
    if (ISB == TRUE)
      names <- vapply(strsplit(cti,
                               split = "[", fixed = TRUE), `[`, 1, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
    } else {
      names <- cti
    np <- NCOL(object2[[1]])

    if (np > 1)
      ch_bind <- do.call('rbind', object2)
    } else {
      ch_bind <- as.matrix(object2)

    #how many elements will be in the list
    un <- unique(names)
    onames <- colnames(temp_in[[1]])

  if (methods::is(object2, 'matrix'))
    temp_in <- object2
    if (ISB == TRUE)
      names <- vapply(strsplit(colnames(temp_in),
                               split = "[", fixed = TRUE), `[`, 1, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
    } else {
      names <- colnames(temp_in)
    np <- NCOL(object2)
    ch_bind <- object2

    #how many elements will be in the list
    un <- unique(names)
    onames <- colnames(temp_in)

  #create empty list
  out_list <- vector('list', length(un))

  #iterate through each element
  for (i in 1:length(un))
    #i <- 1
    ind <- which(un[i] == names)

    #determine how many ',' and therefore how many dimensions for parameter
    #if only one ind, there should only be one dim
    if (length(ind) == 1)
      dims <- 1
    } else {
      dims <- length(strsplit(onames[ind[1]], split = ',', fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
    #scalar or vector
    if (dims == 1)
      if (type == 'summary')
        func_out <- func(ch_bind[,ind[1]])
        if (length(func_out) > 1)
          if (!is.null(dim(func_out)))
            stop("Output from 'func' argument must be of dimension 1.")
          temp_obj <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(ind), ncol = length(func_out))
          dimnames(temp_obj)[[2]] <- names(func_out)
          dimnames(temp_obj)[[1]] <- onames[ind]

          for (j in 1:length(ind))
            temp_obj[j,] <- func(ch_bind[,ind[j]])
        } else {
          temp_obj <- rep(NA, length(ind))
          for (j in 1:length(ind))
            temp_obj[j] <- func(ch_bind[,ind[j]])
      if (type == 'chains')
        temp_obj <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(ind), ncol = NROW(ch_bind))

        if (NROW(temp_obj) > 1)
          dimnames(temp_obj)[[1]] <- onames[ind]
        } else {
          rownames(temp_obj) <- onames[ind]

        for (j in 1:length(ind))
          temp_obj[j,] <- ch_bind[,ind[j]]
      if (type != 'summary' & type != 'chains')
        stop("Invalid input for argument 'type'. Valid options are 'summary' and 'chains'.")

      #fill list
      out_list[[i]] <- temp_obj
    #2 dimensions
    if (dims == 2)
      pnames <- vapply(strsplit(onames[ind],
                                '[', fixed = TRUE), `[`, 2, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
      pnames2 <- vapply(strsplit(pnames,
                                ']', fixed = TRUE), `[`, 1, FUN.VALUE=character(1))

      #determine how large matrix should be
      RI <- c()
      CI <- c()
      for (j in 1:length(ind))
        #j <- 1
        tt <- strsplit(pnames2[j], ',')
        ri <- as.numeric(tt[[1]][1])
        ci <- as.numeric(tt[[1]][2])
        RI <- c(RI, ri)
        CI <- c(CI, ci)

      if (type == 'summary')
        func_out <- func(ch_bind[,ind[1]])
        if (length(func_out) > 1)
          if (!is.null(dim(func_out)))
            stop("Output from 'func' argument must be of dimension 1.")
          #create blank array
          temp_obj <- array(NA, dim = c(max(RI), max(CI), length(func_out)))
          dimnames(temp_obj)[[3]] <- names(func_out)

          for (j in 1:length(ind))
            #j <- 1
            temp_obj[RI[j], CI[j], ] <- func(ch_bind[,ind[j]])
        } else {
          #create blank matrix
          temp_obj <- matrix(NA, nrow = max(RI), ncol = max(CI))

          for (j in 1:length(ind))
            temp_obj[RI[j], CI[j]] <- func(ch_bind[,ind[j]])
      if (type == 'chains')
        #create blank array
        temp_obj <- array(NA, dim = c(max(RI), max(CI), NROW(ch_bind)))

        for (j in 1:length(ind))
          temp_obj[RI[j], CI[j], ] <- ch_bind[,ind[j]]
      if (type != 'summary' & type != 'chains')
        stop("Invalid input for argument 'type'. Valid options are 'summary' and 'chains'.")

      #fill list
      out_list[[i]] <- temp_obj
    #3 dimensions
    if (dims == 3)
      pnames <- vapply(strsplit(onames[ind],
                                '[', fixed = TRUE), `[`, 2, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
      pnames2 <- vapply(strsplit(pnames,
                                 ']', fixed = TRUE), `[`, 1, FUN.VALUE=character(1))

      #determine how large array should be
      RI <- c()
      CI <- c()
      TI <- c()
      for (j in 1:length(ind))
        #j <- 1
        tt <- strsplit(pnames2[j], ',')
        ri <- as.numeric(tt[[1]][1])
        ci <- as.numeric(tt[[1]][2])
        ti <- as.numeric(tt[[1]][3])
        RI <- c(RI, ri)
        CI <- c(CI, ci)
        TI <- c(TI, ti)

      if (type == 'summary')
        func_out <- func(ch_bind[,ind[1]])
        if (length(func_out) > 1)
          if (!is.null(dim(func_out)))
            stop("Output from 'func' argument must be of dimension 1.")
          #create blank array
          temp_obj <- array(NA, dim = c(max(RI), max(CI), max(TI), length(func_out)))
          dimnames(temp_obj)[[4]] <- names(func_out)

          for (j in 1:length(ind))
            #j <- 1
            temp_obj[RI[j], CI[j], TI[j], ] <- func(ch_bind[,ind[j]])
        } else {
          #create blank array
          temp_obj <- array(NA, dim = c(max(RI), max(CI), max(TI)))

          for (j in 1:length(ind))
            temp_obj[RI[j], CI[j], TI[j]] <- func(ch_bind[,ind[j]])
      if (type == 'chains')
        #create blank array
        temp_obj <- array(NA, dim = c(max(RI), max(CI), max(TI), NROW(ch_bind)))

        for (j in 1:length(ind))
          temp_obj[RI[j], CI[j], TI[j], ] <- ch_bind[,ind[j]]
      if (type != 'summary' & type != 'chains')
        stop("Invalid input for argument 'type'. Valid options are 'summary' and 'chains'.")

      #fill list
      out_list[[i]] <- temp_obj
    #4 dimensions
    if (dims == 4)
      pnames <- vapply(strsplit(onames[ind],
                                '[', fixed = TRUE), `[`, 2, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
      pnames2 <- vapply(strsplit(pnames,
                                 ']', fixed = TRUE), `[`, 1, FUN.VALUE=character(1))

      #determine how large matrix should be
      RI <- c()
      CI <- c()
      TI <- c()
      FI <- c()
      for (j in 1:length(ind))
        #j <- 1
        tt <- strsplit(pnames2[j], ',')
        ri <- as.numeric(tt[[1]][1])
        ci <- as.numeric(tt[[1]][2])
        ti <- as.numeric(tt[[1]][3])
        fi <- as.numeric(tt[[1]][4])
        RI <- c(RI, ri)
        CI <- c(CI, ci)
        TI <- c(TI, ti)
        FI <- c(FI, fi)

      if (type == 'summary')
        func_out <- func(ch_bind[,ind[1]])
        if (length(func_out) > 1)
          if (!is.null(dim(func_out)))
            stop("Output from 'func' argument must be of dimension 1.")
          #create blank array
          temp_obj <- array(NA, dim = c(max(RI), max(CI), max(TI), max(FI), length(func_out)))
          dimnames(temp_obj)[[5]] <- names(func_out)

          for (j in 1:length(ind))
            #j <- 1
            temp_obj[RI[j], CI[j], TI[j], FI[j], ] <- func(ch_bind[,ind[j]])
        } else {
          #create blank array
          temp_obj <- array(NA, dim = c(max(RI), max(CI), max(TI), max(FI)))

          for (j in 1:length(ind))
            temp_obj[RI[j], CI[j], TI[j], FI[j]] <- func(ch_bind[,ind[j]])
      if (type == 'chains')
        #create blank array
        temp_obj <- array(NA, dim = c(max(RI), max(CI), max(TI), max(FI), NROW(ch_bind)))

        for (j in 1:length(ind))
          temp_obj[RI[j], CI[j], TI[j], FI[j], ] <- ch_bind[,ind[j]]
      if (type != 'summary' & type != 'chains')
        stop("Invalid input for argument 'type'. Valid options are 'summary' and 'chains'.")

      #fill list
      out_list[[i]] <- temp_obj
    if (dims > 4)
      stop('This function does not currently support parameters with > 4 dimensions. If you have a need for this functionality, please create an "issue" at https://github.com/caseyyoungflesh/MCMCvis.')

  #name elements in list
  names(out_list) <- un

caseyyoungflesh/potools documentation built on March 18, 2024, 9:40 a.m.