
## Note: schema.jsonld imported from rdfa, see import_schemaorg_defs.R


prefixes <-
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX gr: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX void: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>

schema <- rdf_parse("data-raw/schema.jsonld")

## List all classes!
q <- "
SELECT ?class ?description ?inherits
  ?o a rdfs:Class .
  ?o rdfs:comment ?description .
  ?o rdfs:label ?class .
  OPTIONAL{ ?o rdfs:subClassOf ?x .
            ?x rdfs:label ?inherits }

classes <- rdf_query(schema, paste0(prefixes,q))

just_classes <- classes %>% select(-description)
## has 624 classes; deepest inheritance is depth 5

full_classes <- classes %>%
  left_join(just_classes, by = c(inherits = "class")) %>%
  left_join(just_classes, by = c(inherits.y = "class")) %>%
  left_join(just_classes, by = c(inherits.y.y = "class")) %>%
  left_join(just_classes, by = c(inherits = "class")) %>%
  left_join(just_classes, by = c(inherits.y.y.y = "class"))

## Prove we have fully descended the tree
full_classes %>% filter(!
full_classes <- full_classes[1:7]
names(full_classes) <- c("class", "description", "inherits",
                         "inherits.2", "inherits.3", "inherits.4",
classes <- full_classes

classes %>% filter(class == "Dataset")
## Get me all valid properties of a class
# all those properties with "schema:domainIncludes": {"@id": "schema:Classlabel"}

q <- "
SELECT ?class ?property ?type ?description
?o a rdf:Property .
?o rdfs:label ?property .
?o rdfs:comment ?description .
?o schema:domainIncludes ?domain .
?domain a rdfs:Class .
?domain rdfs:label ?class .
?o schema:rangeIncludes ?range .
?range rdfs:label ?type
properties <- rdf_query(schema, paste0(prefixes,q))

## But has separate rows for each possible type of property.
## combine these into single rows with a list of possible types:
properties <- properties %>%
group_by(property) %>%
  mutate(accepted_types = paste0(type, collapse = " or "))

readr::write_tsv(properties, "data-raw/properties.tsv")
readr::write_tsv(classes, "data-raw/classes.tsv")

schema_defs <- list(classes = classes, properties = properties)

#devtools::use_data(schema_defs, internal = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)



# has only: 1,764 Properties?

#jsonschema <- readLines("data-raw/schema.jsonld")
#all_classes <- jq(schema, '.["@type"] = "rdfs:Class"')
# all_classes %>% jq('.["@id"]') #NOPE
#what are valid properties for the class?
# all those properties with "domainIncludes": {"@id": "schema:Classlabel"}
cboettig/schemar documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:27 p.m.