
# indicators.R
# simple functions to calculate statistics often used as leading indicators of a regime shift

## Dependencies:
## requires psych package for skew & kurosis calculations
## used to require Kendall package, has been replaced with cor.test from the base package, 
## which resolves ties for more accurate p value, but doesn't matter since we focus on tau 
## and because cor.test is used by others i.e. Dakos 2008

window_var <- function(X, windowsize=length(X)/2){
	sapply(0:(length(X)-windowsize), function(i){

window_cv <- function(X, windowsize=length(X)/2){
	sapply(0:(length(X)-windowsize), function(i){
			var(X[(i+1):(i+windowsize)]) / mean(X[(i+1):(i+windowsize)]) 

window_mean <- function(X, windowsize=length(X)/2){
	sapply(0:(length(X)-windowsize), function(i){

window_skew <- function(X, windowsize=length(X)/2){
	sapply(0:(length(X)-windowsize), function(i){

window_kurtosi <- function(X, windowsize=length(X)/2){
	sapply(0:(length(X)-windowsize), function(i){

window_autocorr <- function(X, windowsize=length(X)/2){
			a<- acf(X[(i+1):(i+windowsize)], lag.max=1, plot=F) 

window_ar.ols <- function(X, windowsize=length(X)/2, demean=FALSE){
			a<-ar.ols(X[(i+1):(i+windowsize)], demean=demean)

compute_indicator <- function(X, indicator=c("Autocorrelation", "Variance", "Skew", "CV"), windowsize=NULL)
## Assumes X is a ts object, or otherwise ignores 
  ## Handle various data formats of X
    X <-  X@.Data
  if(!is.null(dim(X))) # ignore time & extract the values  
    X <- X[,2]
  npts <- length(X)
  ## select the indicator (should be a switch statement)
	indicator = match.arg(indicator)
	if(indicator == "Autocorrelation"){
		out <- window_autocorr(X, windowsize)
	} else if(indicator == "Variance"){ 
		out <- window_var(X, windowsize)
	} else if(indicator == "Skew"){
		out <- window_skew(X, windowsize)
	} else if(indicator == "Kurtosis"){
		out <- window_kurtosi(X, windowsize)
	} else if(indicator == "CV"){
		out <- window_cv(X, windowsize)
	} else { warning(paste("Indicator", indicator, "not recognized")) 

compute_tau <- function(X, indicator, windowsize=NULL,
                        method=c("kendall", "pearson", "spearman"))
    X <- data.frame(as.numeric(time(X)), X@.Data)
  else if(is.null(dim(X)))
    X <- data.frame(1:length(X), X)
  npts <- length(X[,1])
	Y <- compute_indicator(X, indicator, windowsize)
	out <- cor.test(X[windowsize:npts,1], Y, method=method)
	output <- c(out$estimate, out$p.value)
  names(output) <- c(paste(method, "_coef", sep=""), "p.value")

## PLOTTING FUNCTIONS ################
## Compute and plot the given indicator
plot_indicator <- function(X, indicator=c("Autocorrelation", "Variance",
                           "Skew", "CV"), windowsize=length(X)/2, xpos=0,
                           ypos=90, method=c("kendall", "pearson", "spearman"),
                           pval=TRUE, cor=TRUE, ...)
## Description
## Args:
##		X -- data, either ts object or matrix w/ time in col 1 and data in col 2
##		indicator -- name of the early warning indicator to be computed
##		windowsize -- size of the sliding window over which statistic is calculated
##		xpos, ypos -- % position from bottom left for text to appear
##    cor -- (logical) show the correlation statistic?
##    pval -- (logical) show the p value?
##		... -- extra arguments passed to plot
## Returns:
##		A plot of indicator statistic over time interval, with kendall's tau 
##      and p-val
	method <- match.arg(method)
		n <- length(X[,1])
		start <- X[1,1]
		end <- X[n,1]
		X <- ts(X[,2], start=start, end=end, freq=(end-start)/n)
	Y <- compute_indicator(X, indicator, windowsize)
	time_window <- time(X)[windowsize:length(X)]
	plot(time_window, Y, xlim=c(start(X)[1], end(X)[1]), type="l",
       xlab="time", ylab=indicator, ...)
	abline(v=time_window[1], lty="dashed")

	out <- cor.test(time(X)[windowsize:length(X)], Y, method=method)

	w <- c(out$estimate, out$p.value)
    if (method=="kendall"){ 
            text(xshift(0), yshift(ypos),
                 substitute(paste(tau == val), 
                            list(val=round(w[1],2) )),
                 pos=4, cex=par()$cex.axis)
            text(xshift(0), yshift(ypos-20),
                 substitute(paste("(",p == pval,")"), 
                            list(pval=format.pval(w[2], digits=2))),
                 pos=4, cex=par()$cex.axis)
    else if (method=="pearson") {
            text(xshift(xpos), yshift(ypos),
                 substitute(paste(r == val, "\n (p== ", pval, ")"),
            pos=4, cex=par()$cex.lab)
    else if (method=="spearman") {
            text(xshift(xpos), yshift(ypos),
                 substitute(paste(rho == val, " (p== ", pval, ")"),
            pos=4, cex=par()$cex.lab)
	all_indicators <- function(X, indicators = c("Variance", "Autocorrelation", 
                           "Skew", "CV"), method=c("kendall", "pearson",
                           "spearman"), pval=FALSE, cor=TRUE, ...)
## Calc and plot all the leading indicators in a single frame plot
##		using a simple loop over the plot_indicator fn
## Args 
##		X -- can be a list of n ts objects or a single ts object
##		indicators -- a list of indicators m to calculate
##		windowsize -- size of the sliding window over which statistic is calculated
##		xpos, ypos -- % position from bottom left for text to appear
##    cor -- (logical) show the correlation statistic?
##    pval -- (logical) show the p value?
##		... -- extra arguments passed to plot
## Returns:
##      Plot m+1 x n matrix of plots, showing data across the first row
##		 and various indicators below.  Columns for different datasets
	if(is(X, "list")){
		n <- length(X) # number of datasets
	} else if (is(X, "ts")){
		n <- 1 # number of datasets
		X <- list(X) 
	} else { 
		warning("class of X not recognized")
    data_names <- names(X)
	m <- length(indicators) # number of indicators

## mar is inner margins, in order bottom, left, top, right. 
## oma is outer margins, default to 0 
	par(mfrow=c(m+1,n), oma=c(4,3,2.5,.2), mar=c(0,1,0,1), ...)
	for(i in 1:n){
		plot(X[[i]], type="l", ylab="Data", xaxt="n", ...)
		mtext(data_names[i],  NORTH<-3, cex=par()$cex.lab, line=1) ## data names on each col
		if(i==1) mtext("Data", WEST<-2, line=3, cex=par()$cex.lab, las=0)  ## "data" y-axis label
## Starts on next row, and goes across datasets
	for(j in 1:m){
		if(j == m){ xaxt <- "s"
		} else {	xaxt <- "n"
		for(i in 1:n){
			plot_indicator(X[[i]], indicators[j], xaxt=xaxt, method=method, xpos=-15, cor=cor, pval=pval, ...) 
        mtext(indicators[j], WEST<-2, line=3, cex=par()$cex.lab, las=0) ## stat name on each row
      ## i == 2 breaks generality of this plot, making the x-axis appear only on the second column always
  mtext("Time", SOUTH<-1, line=2, cex=par()$cex.lab, outer=TRUE) ## x-axis label

## a quick labling functions, find percent distance along x and y axis, starting at origin
xshift <- function(xsteps){
	deltax <- (par()$xaxp[2]-par()$xaxp[1])/100
yshift <- function(ysteps){
	deltay <- (par()$yaxp[2]-par()$yaxp[1])/100
cboettig/warningsignals documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:12 p.m.