#' Create a shiny app to display expression values and/or alternative splicing
#' This function takes a SummarizedExperiment object, SGFeatureCounts object, or
#' a list of either of these classes and produces a shiny app with a barplot
#' illustrating expression levels per gene and (in the case of SGFeatureCounts)
#' a heatmap illustrating alternative splicing per sample. The assumptions for
#' each object case are listed below.
#' Summarized Experiment:
#' The sample information wishing to be displayed as the independent variable
#' is in the colData with the column name inputted into the variable "metaNames".
#' The rownames of the expression matrix are gene names.
#' SGFeatureCounts Object:
#' The sample information wishing to be displayed as the independent variable
#' is in the colData with the column name inputted into the variable "metaNames".
#' The geneID() of the experiment is complete with the gene annotation style
#' desired (NCBI, HGNC Symbol, etc.).
#' List of either SummarizedExperiments or SGFEatureCounts:
#' The "metaNames" are consistently named for each element of the list. Any
#' class assumptions are retained when part of a list.
#' @param experiment A SummarizedExperiment object, SGFEatureCounts object, list of
#' SummarizedExperiment objects, or list of SGFEatureCounts objects.
#' @param metaNames A quoted column name for the colData column with the information
#' to describe the independent variable of the box plot ex. "sample_name"
#' @param printNames An optional name or list of names to be displayed as selection
#' choice(s) for the experiment(s) being displayed.
#' @param paper An optional paper title from which the data being displayed was
#' published.
#' @param paperlink An optional url that links to the paper with the "paper"
#' title
#' @param apptitle An optional title for the shiny app that is produced
#' @return A shiny app displaying the expression (and potential splicing) of
#' the experiment input
#' @export
ExpressionViewer <- function(experiment = counts, metaNames = "label.main",
printNames = " ", paper = " ",
paperlink = " ", apptitle = "Expression Viewer:"){
#naming experiment list
if(is(experiment)[1] == "list"){
inputOps <- names(experiment)
names(inputOps) <- printNames
inputOps <- as.list(inputOps)}
else if(is(experiment)[1] == "SummarizedExperiment" | is(experiment)[1] == "SGFeatureCounts"){
inputOps <- substitute(experiment)}
"input 'experiment' must be of class SummarizedExperiment, SGFeatureCounts, or a list of these classes"))
#Checking if metaNames are present in all experiments
if(is(experiment)[1] == "list"){
colList <- lapply(experiment, function(x){colnames(colData(x))})
present <- vapply(colList, function(x){metaNames %in% x}, logical(1))
#Get genenames present in (all) experiment(s)
if(is(experiment)[1] == "list" & is(experiment[[1]])[1] == "SummarizedExperiment"){
autocompletelist <- list()
testlist <- list()
for(i in 1:length(experiment)){
testlist[[i]] <- rownames(experiment[[i]])}
testlist <- unlist(testlist)
autocompletelist <- testlist[which(table(testlist) == length(experiment))]
autocompletelist <- sort(autocompletelist)
if(is(experiment)[1] == "SummarizedExperiment"){
autocompletelist <- rownames(experiment)
autocompletelist <- sort(autocompletelist)
if(is(experiment)[1] == "list" & is(experiment[[1]])[1] == "SGFeatureCounts"){
autocompletelist <- list()
testlist <- list()
for(i in 1:length(experiment)){
testlist[[i]] <- geneID(experiment[[i]])}
testlist <- unlist(testlist)
autocompletelist <- testlist[which(table(testlist) == length(experiment))]
autocompletelist <- sort(autocompletelist)
if(is(experiment)[1] == "SGFeatureCounts"){
autocompletelist <- geneID(experiment)
autocompletelist <- sort(unique(autocompletelist))
#user input and page layout specification
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
shiny::selectInput(inputId = "dataset", "Dataset/Experiment:",
choices = inputOps, selectize = TRUE),
shiny::selectizeInput(inputId = "genename", label = "Gene Name:",
multiple = FALSE, selected = autocompletelist[1],
choices = autocompletelist),
shiny::plotOutput(outputId = "box", width = "100%"), position = "right",
shiny::plotOutput(outputId = "heat", width = "100%"), position = "right"
#server output/plotting specifications
server <- function(input, output){
getPalette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Spectral")))
#Expression Viewer boxplot
output$box <- shiny::renderPlot({
if(is(experiment)[1] == "list"){
se_index <- which(inputOps == input$dataset)
se <- experiment[[se_index]]}
if(is(experiment)[1] != "list"){
se <- experiment}
if(is(experiment[[1]])[1] == "SummarizedExperiment" | is(experiment)[1] == "SummarizedExperiment"){
labelData <- which(names(colData(se)) %in% metaNames)
n <- length(unique(colData(se)[,labelData]))
cellTypeSplit <- split(x = assay(se)[input$genename,], f = colData(se)[,labelData])
test <- names(sort(unlist(lapply(cellTypeSplit, FUN = median))))
colData(se)[,labelData] <- factor(colData(se)[,labelData] , levels=test)
par(mai = c(0.8,2.3,0.2,0.2))
boxplot(formula = assay(se)[input$genename,] ~ colData(se)[,labelData],
data = assay(se),
main = input$genename,
xlab = "Log Expression (TPM)",
ylab = "",
cex.axis = 0.8,
horizontal = TRUE,
xlim = c(0,n+1),
col = getPalette(n),
las = 1)
rect(xleft = min(assay(se)[input$genename,]),
xright = max(assay(se)[input$genename,]),
ybottom = seq(-0.5, n-.5),
ytop = seq(0.5, n+.5),
col= c(NA, rgb(.78,.89,1, alpha = 0.25)),
border = NA)
height = 150
if(is(experiment[[1]])[1] == "SGFeatureCounts" | is(experiment)[1] == "SGFeatureCounts"){
labelData <- which(names(colData(se)) %in% metaNames)
n <- length(unique(colData(se)[,labelData]))
cellTypeSplit <- split(x = assay(se)[which(geneID(sgfc) == input$genename),], f = colData(se)[,labelData])
test <- names(sort(unlist(lapply(cellTypeSplit, FUN = median)), decreasing = TRUE))
colData(se)[,labelData] <- factor(colData(se)[,labelData] , levels=test)
par(mai = c(0.8,2.3,0.2,0.2))
boxplot(formula = t(assay(se)[which(geneID(se) == input$genename),]) ~ colData(se)[,labelData],
data = assay(se),
main = input$genename,
xlab = "Expression (TPM)",
ylab = "",
horizontal = TRUE,
cex.axis = 0.8,
col = getPalette(n),
las = 1)
rect(xleft = min(assay(se)[which(geneID(se) == input$genename),]),
xright = max(assay(se)[which(geneID(se) == input$genename),]),
ybottom = seq(-0.5, n-.5),
ytop = seq(0.5, n+.5),
col= c(NA, rgb(.78,.89,1, alpha = 0.25)),
border = NA)
height = 150
#SGSeq Heatmap
if(is(experiment)[1] == "SGFeatureCounts" | is(experiment[[1]])[1] == "SGFeatureCounts"){
output$heat <- shiny::renderPlot({
geneID = input$genename)
#Reference link
url <- a(paper, href = paperlink)
output$tab <- shiny::renderUI({
tagList("Reference Link:", url)
shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.