#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# Comethyl Analysis Pipeline ---------------------------------------------------
# Author: Charles Mordaunt
# Setup ####
AnnotationHub::setAnnotationHubOption("CACHE", value = "/share/lasallelab/programs/comethyl/R_3.6")
# Set Global Options ####
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Sys.setenv(R_THREADS = 1)
# Read Bismark CpG Reports ####
colData <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("sample_info.xlsx", rowNames = TRUE)
bs <- getCpGs(colData, file = "Unfiltered_BSseq.rds")
# Examine CpG Totals at Different Cutoffs ####
CpGtotals <- getCpGtotals(bs, file = "CpG_Totals.txt")
plotCpGtotals(CpGtotals, file = "CpG_Totals.pdf")
# Filter BSobject ####
bs <- filterCpGs(bs, cov = 2, perSample = 0.75, file = "Filtered_BSseq.rds")
# Call Regions ####
regions <- getRegions(bs, file = "Unfiltered_Regions.txt")
plotRegionStats(regions, maxQuantile = 0.99, file = "Unfiltered_Region_Plots.pdf")
plotSDstats(regions, maxQuantile = 0.99, file = "Unfiltered_SD_Plots.pdf")
# Examine Region Totals at Different Cutoffs ####
regionTotals <- getRegionTotals(regions, file = "Region_Totals.txt")
plotRegionTotals(regionTotals, file = "Region_Totals.pdf")
# Filter Regions ####
regions <- filterRegions(regions, covMin = 10, methSD = 0.05,
file = "Filtered_Regions.txt")
plotRegionStats(regions, maxQuantile = 0.99, file = "Filtered_Region_Plots.pdf")
plotSDstats(regions, maxQuantile = 0.99, file = "Filtered_SD_Plots.pdf")
# Adjust Methylation Data for PCs ####
meth <- getRegionMeth(regions, bs = bs, file = "Region_Methylation.rds")
mod <- model.matrix(~1, data = pData(bs))
PCs <- getPCs(meth, mod = mod, file = "Top_Principal_Components.rds")
PCtraitCor <- getMEtraitCor(PCs, colData = colData, corType = "bicor",
file = "PC_Trait_Correlation_Stats.txt")
PCdendro <- getDendro(PCs, distance = "bicor")
PCtraitDendro <- getCor(PCs, y = colData, corType = "bicor", robustY = FALSE) %>%
getDendro(transpose = TRUE)
plotMEtraitCor(PCtraitCor, moduleOrder = PCdendro$order,
traitOrder = PCtraitDendro$order,
file = "PC_Trait_Correlation_Heatmap.pdf")
methAdj <- adjustRegionMeth(meth, PCs = PCs,
file = "Adjusted_Region_Methylation.rds")
getDendro(methAdj, distance = "euclidean") %>%
plotDendro(file = "Sample_Dendrogram.pdf", expandY = c(0.25, 0.08))
# Select Soft Power Threshold ####
sft <- getSoftPower(methAdj, corType = "pearson", file = "Soft_Power.rds")
plotSoftPower(sft, file = "Soft_Power_Plots.pdf")
# Get Comethylation Modules ####
modules <- getModules(methAdj, power = sft$powerEstimate, regions = regions,
corType = "pearson", file = "Modules.rds")
plotRegionDendro(modules, file = "Region_Dendrograms.pdf")
BED <- getModuleBED(modules$regions, file = "Modules.bed")
# Examine Correlations between Modules and Samples ####
MEs <- modules$MEs
moduleDendro <- getDendro(MEs, distance = "bicor")
plotDendro(moduleDendro, labelSize = 4, nBreaks = 5,
file = "Module_ME_Dendrogram.pdf")
moduleCor <- getCor(MEs, corType = "bicor")
plotHeatmap(moduleCor, rowDendro = moduleDendro, colDendro = moduleDendro,
file = "Module_Correlation_Heatmap.pdf")
sampleDendro <- getDendro(MEs, transpose = TRUE, distance = "bicor")
plotDendro(sampleDendro, labelSize = 3, nBreaks = 5,
file = "Sample_ME_Dendrogram.pdf")
sampleCor <- getCor(MEs, transpose = TRUE, corType = "bicor")
plotHeatmap(sampleCor, rowDendro = sampleDendro, colDendro = sampleDendro,
file = "Sample_Correlation_Heatmap.pdf")
plotHeatmap(MEs, rowDendro = sampleDendro, colDendro = moduleDendro,
legend.title = "Module\nEigennode",
legend.position = c(0.37, 0.89), file = "Sample_ME_Heatmap.pdf")
# Test Correlations between Module Eigennodes and Sample Traits ####
MEtraitCor <- getMEtraitCor(MEs, colData = colData, corType = "bicor",
file = "ME_Trait_Correlation_Stats.txt")
traitDendro <- getCor(MEs, y = colData, corType = "bicor", robustY = FALSE) %>%
getDendro(transpose = TRUE)
plotDendro(traitDendro, labelSize = 3.5, expandY = c(0.65, 0.08),
file = "Trait_Dendrogram.pdf")
plotMEtraitCor(MEtraitCor, moduleOrder = moduleDendro$order,
traitOrder = traitDendro$order,
file = "ME_Trait_Correlation_Heatmap.pdf")
plotMEtraitCor(MEtraitCor, moduleOrder = moduleDendro$order,
traitOrder = traitDendro$order, topOnly = TRUE, label.type = "p",
label.size = 4, label.nudge_y = 0, legend.position = c(1.11, 0.795),
colColorMargins = c(-1, 4.75, 0.5, 10.1),
file = "Top_ME_Trait_Correlation_Heatmap.pdf", width = 8.5,
height = 4.25)
# Explore Significant ME-Trait Correlations ####
# Plot Module Eigennodes vs Traits
plotMEtraitDot(MEs$bisque4, trait = colData$Diagnosis_ASD,
traitCode = c("TD" = 0, "ASD" = 1),
colors = c("TD" = "#3366CC", "ASD" = "#FF3366"), ylim = c(-0.2, 0.2),
xlab = "Diagnosis", ylab = "Bisque 4 Module Eigennode",
file = "bisque4_ME_Diagnosis_Dotplot.pdf")
plotMEtraitScatter(MEs$paleturquoise, trait = colData$Gran, ylim = c(-0.15, 0.15),
xlab = "Granulocytes", ylab = "Pale Turquoise Module Eigennode",
file = "paleturquoise_ME_Granulocytes_Scatterplot.pdf")
plotMEtraitScatter(MEs$paleturquoise, trait = colData$Bcell, ylim = c(-0.15, 0.15),
xlab = "B-cells", ylab = "Pale Turquoise Module Eigennode",
file = "paleturquoise_ME_Bcells_Scatterplot.pdf")
# Plot Region Methylation vs Traits
regions <- modules$regions
plotMethTrait("bisque4", regions = regions, meth = meth,
trait = colData$Diagnosis_ASD, traitCode = c("TD" = 0, "ASD" = 1),
traitColors = c("TD" = "#3366CC", "ASD" = "#FF3366"),
trait.legend.title = "Diagnosis",
file = "bisque4_Module_Methylation_Diagnosis_Heatmap.pdf")
plotMethTrait("paleturquoise", regions = regions, meth = meth,
trait = colData$Gran, expandY = 0.04, trait.legend.title = "Granulocytes",
trait.legend.position = c(1.034, 3.35),
file = "paleturquoise_Module_Methylation_Granulocytes_Heatmap.pdf")
plotMethTrait("paleturquoise", regions = regions, meth = meth,
trait = colData$Bcell, expandY = 0.04,
trait.legend.title = "B-cells", trait.legend.position = c(1.004, 3.35),
file = "paleturquoise_Module_Methylation_Bcells_Heatmap.pdf")
# Annotate Modules ####
regionsAnno <- annotateModule(regions, module = c("bisque4", "paleturquoise"),
genome = "hg38",
file = "Annotated_bisque4_paleturquoise_Module_Regions.txt")
geneList_bisque4 <- getGeneList(regionsAnno, module = "bisque4")
geneList_paleturquoise <- getGeneList(regionsAnno, module = "paleturquoise")
# Analyze Functional Enrichment ####
ontologies <- listOntologies("hg38", version = "4.0.4")
enrich_bisque4 <- enrichModule(regions, module = "bisque4", genome = "hg38",
file = "bisque4_Module_Enrichment.txt")
plotEnrichment(enrich_bisque4, file = "bisque4_Module_Enrichment_Plot.pdf")
enrich_paleturquoise <- enrichModule(regions, module = "paleturquoise",
genome = "hg38",
file = "paleturquoise_Module_Enrichment.txt")
plotEnrichment(enrich_paleturquoise, axis.text.y.size = 14, width = 10,
file = "paleturquoise_Module_Enrichment_Plot.pdf")
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