
#' getExperimentSamples - Gets experiment and experiment samples from experiment identified by barcode.
#'\code{getExperimentSamples}  Gets experiment and experiment samples from experiment identified by barcode.
#'@param coreApi coreApi object with valid jsessionid
#'@param entityType experiment entity type to get
#'@param barcode barcode of entity to get
#'@param useVerbose TRUE or FALSE to indicate if verbose options should be used in http POST
#'@return returns a list $entity contains entity information, $response contains the entire http response
#' api<-CoreAPI("PATH TO JSON FILE")
#' login<- CoreAPI::authBasic(api)
#' experiment<- getExperimentSamples(login$coreApi,"entityType","barcode")
#' logOut(login$coreApi)
#' }
#'@author Craig Parman
#'@description \code{ getExperimentSamples}  Gets experiment and experiment samples from experiment identified by barcode.

getExperimentSamples<-function (coreApi,entityType,barcode,useVerbose=FALSE)


                             responseOptions=c("CONTEXT_GET","MESSAGE_LEVEL_WARN", "INCLUDE_EXPERIMENT_SAMPLE",
                             typeParam = jsonlite::unbox(entityType),

  response<- CoreAPI::apiCall(coreApi,request,"json",useVerbose=useVerbose)


ceparman/CoreAPI documentation built on May 13, 2019, 2:59 p.m.