
Defines functions plot_cmsy2

# Plot cMSY and BSM model results
plot_cmsy2 <- function(output){

  # cMSY or BSMY?
  model <- output$method

  # Unpack output
  ref_pts <- output[["ref_pts"]]
  ref_ts <- output[["ref_ts"]]
  priors <- output[["priors"]]
  rv <- output[["r_viable"]]
  kv <- output[["k_viable"]]/1000
  bbmsy_final <- ref_ts$bbmsy[nrow(ref_ts)]
  ffmsy_final <- ref_ts$ffmsy[nrow(ref_ts)]
  yr1 <- min(ref_ts$year)
  yr2 <- max(ref_ts$year)

  # Convert catch
  ref_ts$catch <- ref_ts$catch / 1000

  # Plotting parameters

  # A. Catch

  # Plot catch
  xmin <- floor(min(ref_ts$year) / 10) * 10
  xmax <- ceiling(max(ref_ts$year) / 10) * 10
  ymax <- ceiling(max(ref_ts$catch) / 10) * 10
  plot(catch ~ year, ref_ts, bty="n", las=1, type="n",
       xlim=c(xmin, xmax), ylim=c(0,ymax),
       xlab="", ylab="Catch (in 1000s)", main="A. Catch")
  # Add MSY shading
  rect(xleft=xmin, xright=xmax,
       ytop=ref_pts$hi[ref_pts$param=="msy"]/1000, col="grey70", border=F)
  # Add catch
  lines(ref_ts$year, ref_ts$catch, lwd=1.2)
  # Add MSY line and stats
  lines(x=c(xmin, xmax), y=rep(ref_pts$est[ref_pts$param=="msy"]/1000, 2), lty=2)
  text(x=xmax-5, y=ref_pts$est[ref_pts$param=="msy"]/1000, pos=c(3), labels="MSY", font=2, xpd=NA)

  # B. Viable r/k pairs

  # Extract r/k info
  start.r <- unlist(priors[priors$param=="r", c("lo", "hi")])
  start.k <- unlist(priors[priors$param=="k", c("lo", "hi")])
  r <- ref_pts$est[ref_pts$param=="r"]
  r_lo <- ref_pts$lo[ref_pts$param=="r"]
  r_hi <- ref_pts$hi[ref_pts$param=="r"]
  k <- ref_pts$est[ref_pts$param=="k"]/1000
  k_lo <- ref_pts$lo[ref_pts$param=="k"]/1000
  k_hi <- ref_pts$hi[ref_pts$param=="k"]/1000

  # Plot all r-k pairs
  plot(x=1:10, y=1:10, type="n", xlim = start.r, ylim = start.k, log="xy", xlab="r", ylab="K (in 1000s)",
       main="B: Viable r-K pairs", pch=".", cex=3, bty="l", col="gray95", las=1)
  rect(xleft=start.r[1], ybottom=start.k[1], xright=start.r[2], ytop=start.k[2], col="grey95", border=F)
  # Add viable r/k pairs
  points(x=rv, y=kv*1000, pch=".", cex=4, col="gray")

  # Add cMSY r/k pair, with 95% CL lines
  points(x=r, y=k, pch=19)
  lines(x=c(r_lo, r_hi), y=c(k, k))
  lines(x=c(r, r), y=c(k_lo, k_hi))

  # C. B/BMSY time series

  # Setup empty plot
  xmin <- floor(min(ref_ts$year) / 10) * 10
  xmax <- ceiling(max(ref_ts$year) / 10) * 10
  plot(bbmsy ~ year, ref_ts, type="n", bty="n", las=1,
       xlim=c(xmin, xmax), ylim=c(0,2), xlab="", ylab=expression("B / B"["MSY"]),
       main=expression(bold("C. B/B"["MSY"])))
  # Add polygon and line
  polygon(x=c(ref_ts$year, rev(ref_ts$year)),
          y=c(ref_ts$bbmsy_lo, rev(ref_ts$bbmsy_hi)), col="grey70", border=F)
  lines(x=ref_ts$year, y=ref_ts$bbmsy, lwd=1.1)
  # Add overfished line (B/BMSY=0.5)
  lines(x=c(xmin, xmax), y=c(1, 1), lty=2)
  lines(x=c(xmin, xmax), y=c(0.5, 0.5), lty=3)
  # Label end year B/BMSY
  text(x=yr2, y=bbmsy_final, label=round(bbmsy_final,2), pos=4, xpd=NA)

  # D. F/FMSY time series

  # Setup empty plot
  xmin <- floor(min(ref_ts$year) / 10) * 10
  xmax <- ceiling(max(ref_ts$year) / 10) * 10
  ymax <- ceiling(max(ref_ts$ffmsy_hi) / 0.5) * 0.5
  plot(ffmsy ~ year, ref_ts, type="n", bty="n", las=1,
       xlim=c(xmin, xmax), ylim=c(0,ymax), xlab="", ylab=expression("F / F"["MSY"]),
       main=expression(bold("D. F/F"["MSY"])))
  # Add polygon and line
  polygon(x=c(ref_ts$year, rev(ref_ts$year)),
          y=c(ref_ts$ffmsy_lo, rev(ref_ts$ffmsy_hi)), col="grey70", border=F)
  lines(x=ref_ts$year, y=ref_ts$ffmsy, lwd=1.1)
  # Label end year F/FMSY
  lines(x=c(xmin, xmax), y=c(1, 1), lty=2)
  text(x=yr2, y=ffmsy_final, label=round(ffmsy_final,2), pos=4, xpd=NA)

  # E. Kobe plot

  # Setup plot
  xmax <- ceiling(max(ref_ts$bbmsy) / 0.5) * 0.5
  ymax <- ceiling(max(ref_ts$ffmsy) / 0.5) * 0.5
  plot(ffmsy ~ bbmsy, ref_ts, bty="n", type="l", las=1,
       xlim=c(0,xmax), ylim=c(0,ymax), main="E. Kobe plot",
       xlab=expression("B / B"["MSY"]), ylab=expression("F / F"["MSY"]))
  lines(x=c(0, xmax), y=c(1,1), lty=2)
  lines(x=c(1, 1), y=c(0,ymax), lty=2)
  # Add start/end points
  points(x=ref_ts$bbmsy[1], y=ref_ts$ffmsy[1], pch=22, cex=1.4, bg="white")
  points(x=ref_ts$bbmsy[nrow(ref_ts)], y=ref_ts$ffmsy[nrow(ref_ts)], pch=22, cex=1.4, bg="grey70")
  # Add points legend
  legend("topright", bty="n", legend=c(yr1, yr2), pch=22, pt.bg=c("white", "grey70"), pt.cex=1.4)

cfree14/datalimited2 documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 2:26 p.m.