
#' NormalizeFreq
#' Normalizes the frequency of aggregated trips
#' The frequencies of aggregated trips are distributed unevenly.
#' Thus a lot of stations have far more trips than others.
#' In order to display differences on a map, the extremes values need to be trimmed.
#' @param tripFreq  Specifies the unnormalized frequency dataset.

#' @return Normalized frequencies.
#' @export
#' @example
#' NormalizeFreq(locationTrips$freq)
NormalizeFreq <- function(tripFreq) {
  return(as.integer((log2(tripFreq) * 10) ^ (1.2)))

#' GenerateRadius
#' Generates radiuses for heatmap circles based on the given frequency dataset.
#' @param tripFreq  Specifies the frequency dataset.

#' @return Radii dataset.
#' @export
#' @example
#' GenerateRadius(locationTrips$freq_normalized)
GenerateRadius <- function(tripFreq) {
  maxTrip <- max(tripFreq)
  maxCircleRadius = 20
  return(maxCircleRadius * tripFreq / maxTrip)

#' GenerateAlpha
#' Generates alpha dataset for heatmap circles based on the given frequency dataset.
#' @param tripFreq  Specifies the frequency dataset.

#' @return Dataset with alpha information.
#' @export
#' @example
#' GenerateAlpha(locationTrips$freq_normalized)
GenerateAlpha <- function(tripFreq) {
  maxTrip <- max(tripFreq) * 1.4
  return(tripFreq / maxTrip)

#' GenerateColor
#' Generates color dataset for heatmap circles based on the given frequency dataset.
#' @param tripFreq  Specifies the frequency dataset.

#' @return Dataset with color information.
#' @export
#' @example
#' GenerateColor(locationTrips$freq_normalized)
GenerateColor <- function(tripFreq) {
  theColorPal <- brewer.pal(5, 'YlOrRd')
  theBreaks <- 5
  nTripsFreq <- length(tripFreq)
  if (nTripsFreq == 1) {
    theColors <- theColorPal[3]
  } else if (nTripsFreq > 1) {
    theBreaks <- min(c(nTripsFreq, 5))
    theColors <-
      theColorPal[as.numeric(cut(x = tripFreq, breaks = theBreaks))]

#' modalButton
#' Creates a button that opens the detail modal
#' @param inputId       Specifies the input slot that will be used to access the value.
#' @param label         The contents of the button or link–usually a text label, but you could also use any other HTML, like an image.
#' @param icon          An optional icon to appear on the button.
#' @return html for modal button and window
#' @export
#' @example
#' modalButton("helpModal", "HELP", icon = icon("info-circle"))
modalButton <-
  function(inputId, label, icon = NULL)
    # create the button
    button <- tags$button(
      type = "button",
      class = "btn btn-info",
      `data-toggle` = "modal",
      `data-target` = paste0("#", inputId, sep = ""),
      list(icon, label)

#' detailModal
#' Creates a modal window.
#' \code{header} and \code{content} can include shiny inputs and outputs.
#' @param inputId       Specifies the input slot that will be used to access the value.
#' @param header   HTML for the header
#' @param content  HTML for the content
#' @return html for modal window
#' @export
#' @example
#' # In ui.R
#' detailModal("helpModal", "", icon = icon("info-circle"),
#'   header = textOutput('detailModalTitle', inline = FALSE),
#'   content = tags$html(plotOutput("detailHistOrigin", height = 540)))
detailModal <- function(inputId,
                        header = ' ',
                        content = ' ') {
  # create the window
  modal <- tags$div(
    id = inputId,
    class = "modal fade",
    tabindex = "-1",
    role = "dialog",
    `aria-labelledby` = paste0(inputId, "Label"),
    `aria-hidden` = "false",
      class = "modal-dialog",
        class = "modal-content",
          class = "modal-header",
            type = "button",
            class = "close",
            `data-dismiss` = "modal",
            `aria-hidden` = "true",
        tags$div(class = "modal-body",
          class = "modal-footer",
            class = "btn",
            `data-dismiss` = "modal",
            `aria-hidden` = "true",
chenkel/goevbR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:53 p.m.