#' @include canopy.R
#' @include volume-set.R
#' Plot a canopy or a set of volumes in 3D
#' Canopies or Volumes viewed in 3D using \code{rgl} package features.
#' This function is basically a wrapper of \code{\link[rgl]{shapelist3d}}
#' (package \code{rgl}) with a seamless interface with \code{Canopy} objects
#' (returned by the function \code{\link{readCan}}) or \code{VolumeSet} objects
#' (returned by the function \code{\link{makeVolumeSet}}).
#' Note that the plotting process may be time-consuming with a large number of
#' polygons. Consider using the parameter \code{fraction} when plotting a
#' \code{Canopy} to only select a random subset of all the polygons.
#' @param data A \code{c("data.frame", "Canopy")} or \code{c("data.frame",
#' "VolumeSet")} object.
#' @param fraction The fraction of rows to select.
#' @param color A color character or a polygon label to use to colorize the 3D
#' scene.
#' @param label Display ("levels" or "indices") or no display ("no") labels for
#' each volume. "levels" displays "labels" consisting of the volume ID and
#' "indices", just a number, corresponding to the row number.
#' @param ... Further potential arguments passed to
#' \code{\link[rgl]{shapelist3d}}.
#' @return An object of class \code{c("shapelist3d", "shape3d")}.
#' @examples
#' display3d(plants)
#' display3d(plants, frac = 0.1)
#' display3d(plants, col = rgb(0, 0.7, 0))
#' display3d(plants, col = "green4", alpha = 0.3)
#' display3d(plants, col = "plantID")
#' rangeDim <- function(can, dim) {
#' range(sapply(can$vertices, function(i) range(i[, dim])))
#' }
#' volumes <- makeVolumeSet(rangeDim(plants, "x"),
#' rangeDim(plants, "y"),
#' rangeDim(plants, "z"),
#' intervals = rep(3, 3))
#' display3d(volumes)
#' display3d(volumes, color = rgb(0.7, 0, 0.7), alpha = 0.3)
#' display3d(volumes, color = "red", alpha = 0.3)
#' display3d(volumes, color = "volumeID")
#' @seealso \code{\link[rgl]{shapelist3d}} in the \code{rgl} package for a more
#' detailed explanation.
#' @name display3d
#' @export
display3d <- function(data, ...) UseMethod("display3d")
#' @rdname display3d
#' @export
display3d.Canopy <- function(data, color, fraction = 1.0, ...) {
#old <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
## Sécurité : vérifier si vertices est présent avant tout
## Sécurité : vérifier que tout le reste == facteur !!! Très important pour couleur !!
dots <- list(...)
if (!missing(color)) {
if (color %in% names(data)) {
if (requireNamespace("RColorBrewer", quietly = TRUE)) { ## use palette() instead?
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")
} else {
cols <- rainbow(8) ## use palette() instead
attr(cols, "length") <- length(cols)
data[[color]] <- as.factor(data[[color]])
} else {
dots$color <- color
#dots <- list(...)
#ndots <- length(dots)
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2436688/append-an-object-to-a-list-in-r-in-amortized-constant-time
# list_ = {
# a <- list(0)
# for(i in 1:n) {a <- list(a, list(i))}
# },
# Initial list:
#List <- list()
# Now the new experiments
#for(i in 1:3){
# List[[length(List)+1]] <- list(sample(1:3))
subData <- data %>% dplyr::sample_frac(fraction)
indices <- 1:3 # Deals with triangles only
# Because apply() coerce each factor element to a characher element
# and we want the levels (numeric, not letters,...)
i <- sapply(subData, is.factor)
subData[i] <- lapply(subData[i], as.numeric)
tmesh3ds <- apply(subData, 1, function(x){
vertices <- x$vertices ## Sécurité : vérifier si vertices est présent avant tout
normal <- 1.0 # TODO: À approfondir!
polygon <- cbind(vertices, normal = normal)
if (exists("cols")) {
id <- x[[color]] # apply a générer une liste d'éléments
args <- list(as.vector(t(polygon)), indices,
material = list(color = cols[(id %% attr(cols, "length")) + 1]))
} else {
args <- list(as.vector(t(polygon)), indices)
mesh3d <- do.call(rgl::tmesh3d, args)
LIST <- append(list(shapes = tmesh3ds), dots)
return(do.call(rgl::shapelist3d, LIST))
#' @rdname display3d
#' @export
display3d.VolumeSet <- function(data, color, label = "no", ...) {
dots <- list(...)
if (!missing(color)) {
if (color %in% names(data)) {
if (requireNamespace("RColorBrewer", quietly = TRUE)) { ## use palette() instead?
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")
} else {
cols <- rainbow(8) ## use palette() instead
attr(cols, "length") <- length(cols)
data[[color]] <- as.factor(data[[color]])
if ((label == "levels") | (label == "indices")) LAB <- data[[color]] # Une sauvegarde car après on garde que les numéros
data[[color]] <- as.numeric(data[[color]]) # Pour récupérer des nombre uniquement (à ajouter dans display3d.Canopy)
} else {
dots$color <- color
volume3ds <- apply(data, 1, function(x){
vertices <- t(x$vertices) ## Sécurité : vérifier si vertices est présent avant tout
normal <- 1.0 # TODO: À approfondir!
volume <- rbind(vertices, normal = normal)
dimnames(volume) <- c(NULL, NULL)
volume3d <- list(vb = volume,
ib = matrix(c(1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 5,
3, 7, 4, 5, 2, 6,
4, 8, 8, 7, 6, 8,
2, 4, 6, 3, 5, 7),
nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE),
primitivetype = "quad",
material = list(),
normals = NULL,
texcoords = NULL)
attr(volume3d, "class") <- c("mesh3d", "shape3d")
if (exists("cols")) {
id <- x[[color]] # apply a générer une liste d'éléments
volume3d$material = list(color = cols[(id %% attr(cols, "length")) + 1])
#LIST <- volume3ds
#LIST[[length(LIST) + 1]] <- dots
LIST <- append(list(shapes = volume3ds), dots)
if (label == "no" || !(color %in% names(data))) {
return(do.call(rgl::shapelist3d, LIST))
} else {
res <- getVolumeCenter(data$vertices)
# Gérer le cas si alpha n'existe pas ou trop faible,
# alors forcer un alpha = 0.9 pour voir les labels
if (label == "levels") LAB <- LAB
if (label == "indices") LAB <- as.numeric(as.factor(LAB))
do.call(rgl::shapelist3d, LIST),
rgl::text3d(x = res[, "x"],
y = res[, "y"],
z = res[, "z"],
texts = LAB)
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