
maxent_UI <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    strong("Select algorithm"), br(),
    tags$div(title = 'text',
             radioButtons(ns("algMaxent"), label='',
                          choices = list("maxnet", "maxent.jar"), inline = TRUE)),
    strong("Select feature classes "), strong(em("(flexibility of modeled response)")), br(),
    "key: ", strong("L"), "inear, ", strong("Q"), "uadratic, ", strong("H"), "inge, ", 
    strong("P"), "roduct",
    tags$div(title='Feature combinations to be explored. Features are constructed using different relationships within and among the environmental predictors, and are used to constrain the computed probability distribution. In short, more features = more potential model complexity.',
             checkboxGroupInput(ns("fcs"), label='',
                       choices = list("L", "LQ", "H", "LQH", "LQHP"), inline = TRUE)),
    strong("Select regularization multipliers "), strong(em("(penalty against complexity)")),
    tags$div(title='Range of regularization multipliers to explore. Greater values of the regularization multiplier lead to increased penalty against overly complex and/or overfit models. A value of 0 results in no regularization.',
             sliderInput(ns("rms"), label = "",
                min = 0.5, max = 10, step=0.5, value = c(1, 2))),
    tags$div(title='Value used to step through regularization multiplier range (e.g. range of 1-3 with step 0.5 results in [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3]).',
             numericInput(ns("rmsStep"), label = "Multiplier step value", value = 1)),
    strong("Clamping?"), tags$div(title = 'Clamp model predictions?',
                                  checkboxInput(ns("clamp"), label='', value = TRUE)))

maxent_MOD <- function(input, output, session, rvs) {
    shinyjs::toggleState("clamp", condition = (input$algMaxent == "maxnet"))
    if (is.null(rvs$occsGrp)) {
      rvs %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "Before building a model, partition 
                       occurrences in component 5.")
    if (is.null(input$fcs)) {
      rvs %>% writeLog(type = 'error', "No feature classes selected.")
    if (input$algMaxent == "maxent.jar") {
      if (!require('rJava')) {
        rvs %>% writeLog(type = "error", 'Package rJava cannot load.
               Please download the latest version of Java, and make sure it is the
                         correct version (e.g. 64-bit for a 64-bit system). After installing,
                         try "library(rJava)". If it loads properly, restart Wallace and try again.
                         If it does not, please consult for
                         more tips on getting rJava to work.')
    if (is.null(input$fcs)) {
      rvs %>% writeLog(type = 'error', 'Select feature classes first.')
    # record for RMD
    rvs$fcs <- input$fcs
    rvs$rms <- input$rms
    rvs$rmsStep <- input$rmsStep
    rvs$algMaxent <- input$algMaxent
    if (rvs$algMaxent == "maxnet") {
      rvs$clamp <- input$clamp
    } else if (rvs$algMaxent == "maxent.jar") {
      rvs$clamp <- T
    # define the vector of RMs to input
    rms <- seq(input$rms[1], input$rms[2], input$rmsStep)  
    # create the Progress Bar object for ENMeval
    progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
    progress$set(message = "Evaluating ENMs...", value = 0)
    n <- length(rms) * length(input$fcs)
    updateProgress <- function(value = NULL, detail = NULL) {
      progress$inc(amount = 1/n, detail = detail)
    jar <- paste(system.file(package="dismo"), "/java/maxent.jar", sep='')
    if (input$algMaxent == "maxent.jar") {
      if (!file.exists(jar)) {
        txt <- HTML(paste("To use Maxent, make sure you download,", strong("maxent.jar"), "from the",
                          a("AMNH Maxent webpage",
                            href = "",
                            target = "_blank"), "and place it in this directory:", br(), em(jar)))
        rvs %>% writeLog(type = 'error', txt)
    occs.xy <- rvs$occs %>% dplyr::select(longitude, latitude)
    e <- ENMeval::ENMevaluate(occs.xy, rvs$bgMsk, bg.coords = rvs$bgPts,
                              RMvalues = rms, fc = input$fcs, method = 'user', 
                              occ.grp = rvs$occsGrp, bg.grp = rvs$bgGrp, 
                              bin.output = TRUE, clamp = rvs$clamp,
                              progbar = FALSE, updateProgress = updateProgress,
                              algorithm = input$algMaxent)
    names(e@models) <- e@results$settings
    if (rvs$clamp == T | rvs$algMaxent == "maxent.jar") {
      rvs %>% writeLog("Maxent ran successfully using", input$algMaxent, "and output evaluation results for", nrow(e@results), "clamped models.")
    } else if (rvs$clamp == F) {
      rvs %>% writeLog("Maxent ran successfully using", input$algMaxent, "and output evaluation results for", nrow(e@results), "unclampled models.")
chhetrid/rangemapR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:09 a.m.