#' @name rc_bundle
#' @title Export REDCap project metadata
#' @description This function performs several API calls at once in order
#' to reduce the overall number of calls when using rctools. All project
#' metadata is exported and saved to a REDCap bundle option and/or object
#' for use with other rctools functions.
#' @details By default, this function exports all metadata. If any of the
#' metadata arguments are set to \code{TRUE}, then only the indicated data
#' will be exported. Additionally, by default the exported data will be
#' saved to the option "redcap_bundle", and other rctools functions will check
#' this option for metadata by default. The bundle can be accessed via
#' \code{getOption("redcap_bundle")}. It will also be returned as
#' an object (by default) for ease of access. Saving the bundle object as an
#' RDS (see saveRDS()) or within your workspace image (see save.image()) is
#' useful to negate the need for additional API calls in future sessions.
#' For security purposes, the REDCap token will be saved only to the option
#' "redcap_token". This option, along with the "redcap_bundle" option, will
#' not persist across R sessions. Unlike the REDCap bundle data, saving a
#' token within an object or workspace is not recommended.
#' @param url A url address to connect to the REDCap API
#' @param token Path to a text file containing your REDCap API token
#' @param create_options Logical. Indicates whether the REDCap bundle, token, and
#' url should be uploaded to the R session options.
#' @param return_object Logical. Indicates whether the REDCap bundle should be
#' returned as an object.
#' @param data_dict Logical. Indicates if the meta data (data data_dictionary)
#' should be exported.
#' @param users Logical. Indicates if the users table should be exported.
#' @param instruments Logical. Indicates if the instruments table should be exported.
#' @param event_data Logical. Indicates if the event names should be exported.
#' @param arms Logical. Indicates if the arms table should be exported.
#' @param mappings Logical. Indicates if the form-event mappings should
#' be exported.
#' @param version Logical. Indicates if the REDCap version number should be exported.
#' Only applicable in REDCap 6.0.0 and higher.
#' @param proj_info Logical. Indicates if the project information should be exported.
#' If the project is not longitudinal, the events, arms, and event-form mappings
#' elements will be assigned character vectors instead of data frames.
#' @author Marcus Lehr
#' @author Benjamin Nutter
#' @export
rc_bundle <- function(url,token,
create_options=TRUE, return_object=TRUE,
data_dict=FALSE, users=FALSE, instruments=FALSE,
event_data=FALSE, arms=FALSE, mappings=FALSE,
proj_info=FALSE, version=FALSE
### Error checking ------------
# Cannot use validate_args() here because of terminology devations
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
##--- token
# Attempt to read token from file. Catch errors to handle token strings instead of paths
invalid_path = F
tryCatch(token <- readr::read_lines(token)[1],
error = function(cond) invalid_path <<- T)
# Check token format
if (!grepl("^[[:alnum:]]{32}$", token)) invalid_format = T
else invalid_format = F
# File doesn't exist and the string isn't a token
if (invalid_path & invalid_format)
coll$push("Please provide a valid path to the token file.")
# File exists but doesn't contain a token
else if (invalid_format)
coll$push("REDCap tokens must be exactly 32 alpha-numeric characters.")
# If pass then the string is a token. No else statement/assignment needed here
# Edge case of 32 character invalid path could make it here also
massert(~ url + token,
fun = checkmate::assert_character,
fixed = list(len = 1,
add = coll)
massert(~ data_dict + users + instruments +
event_data + arms + mappings + version + proj_info,
fun = checkmate::assert_logical,
fixed = list(len = 1,
add = coll)
# Assemble bundle ---------------------------------------------------------
# If no data types are specified, default to TRUE for all
if (!any(data_dict,users,instruments,event_data,arms,mappings,proj_info,version)) {
# If the project isn't longitudinal, RC will throw an error when requesting certain data types
if (event_data) {
project_info = rc_api_call(url,token, 'project')
if (!project_info$is_longitudinal) {
event_data = F
arms = F
mappings = F
# The dictionary and user data are used for 2 bundle objects.
# Exporting them first avoids duplicate API calls
if (data_dict) {
meta_data = rc_api_call(url,token, 'metadata')
# Check for corrupted data dictionaries
if (!nrow(meta_data))
warning("Data dictionary is corrupted. This is typically caused by non-ASCII
characters. It can be remedied by exporting the data dictionary from
the Redcap GUI and running cleanseMetaData()")
if (users) user_data = export_users(url,token)
# Assemble bundle ---------------------------------------------------------
# Create the bundle
bundle =
redcap_url = url,
data_dict = if (data_dict) meta_data else NULL,
id_field = if(data_dict) meta_data$field_name[1] else NULL,
users = if (users) user_data[[1]] else NULL,
form_perm = if (users) user_data[[2]] else NULL,
instruments = if (instruments) rc_api_call(url,token, 'instrument') else NULL,
event_data = if (event_data) rc_api_call(url,token, 'event') else NULL,
arms = if (arms) rc_api_call(url,token, 'arm') else NULL,
mappings = if (mappings) rc_api_call(url,token, 'formEventMapping') else NULL,
proj_info = if (exists('project_info')) project_info else if (proj_info) rc_api_call(url,token, 'project') else NULL,
version = if (version) rc_api_call(url,token, 'version') else NULL
class = c("redcapBundle", "list")
# Save the data to options
if (create_options) {
options(redcap_bundle = bundle)
options(redcap_token = token)
message("Project metadata has been saved to options as 'redcap_bundle', 'redcap_token'.
You can access these options via getOption()")
if (return_object==F)
message("Option data will not persist across R sessions. Consider saving bundle data as an object for
use in future sessions via saveRDS() or save.image()")
if (return_object==T) return(bundle)
# Unexported functions ----------------------------------------------------
export_users = function(url,token) {
# Return data as raw bc type_convert() can't do it's job after the fact
user_data = rc_api_call(url,token, 'user', return_as = 'raw')
# Specify column types
col_types <- readr::cols(
username = readr::col_character(),
email = readr::col_character(),
firstname = readr::col_character(),
lastname = readr::col_character(),
expiration = readr::col_date(),
data_access_group = readr::col_character(),
data_access_group_id = readr::col_character(),
design = readr::col_logical(),
user_rights = readr::col_logical(),
data_access_groups = readr::col_logical(),
reports = readr::col_logical(),
stats_and_charts = readr::col_logical(),
manage_survey_participants = readr::col_logical(),
calendar = readr::col_logical(),
data_import_tool = readr::col_logical(),
data_comparison_tool = readr::col_logical(),
logging = readr::col_logical(),
file_repository = readr::col_logical(),
data_quality_create = readr::col_logical(),
data_quality_execute = readr::col_logical(),
api_export = readr::col_logical(),
api_import = readr::col_logical(),
mobile_app = readr::col_logical(),
mobile_app_download_data = readr::col_logical(),
record_create = readr::col_logical(),
record_rename = readr::col_logical(),
record_delete = readr::col_logical(),
lock_records_all_forms = readr::col_logical(),
lock_records = readr::col_logical(),
lock_records_customization = readr::col_logical(),
forms = readr::col_character()
# Convert data to data.frame and remove spec attritube as it may cause issues
user_data = suppressMessages(readr::read_csv(user_data, col_types = col_types))
attr(user_data, "spec") <- NULL
# Restructure forms data
FormPerm <- user_data %>%
dplyr::select(username, forms) %>%
tidyr::separate_rows(forms, sep = ",") %>%
col = forms,
into = c("form_name", "view"),
sep = ":",
convert = FALSE
FormPerm <- user_data %>%
dplyr::select(username, forms_export) %>%
tidyr::separate_rows(forms_export, sep = ",") %>%
col = forms_export,
into = c("form_name", "export"),
sep = ":",
convert = FALSE
) %>% dplyr::full_join(FormPerm,., by = c("username", "form_name"))
user_data <- dplyr::select(user_data, -forms, -forms_export)
# Format and label
user_data$expiration <- as.POSIXct(user_data$expiration, format="%Y-%m-%d")
FormPerm$view <-
levels = c(0, 2, 1, 3),
labels = c("No access", "Read only",
"Edit records", "Edit survey responses")
FormPerm$export <-
levels = c(0, 2, 1),
labels = c("No access", "De-identified", "Full data set")
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