#' @name rc_cast
#' @title Convert REDCap data to true wide format
#' @description REDCap structures data in a semi-wide format where there
#' are 4 factor variables (record_id and the redcap event/repeat fields)
#' followed by a column for each variable. This function will convert the
#' redcap event and repeat to short hand notation and concatenate them, then
#' append them to any variable names which require distinguishment based on
#' these factors. These and any naturally wide variables will be 'zipped'
#' (coalesced) row-wise so that the resulting data.frame has only a single
#' row per record_id.
#' @param record_data Dataframe. Record data exported from REDCap
#' @param events Character. Vector of redcap event names. By default
#' this will be pulled from the data dictionary.
#' @param id_field Character. Column name of the record_id field.
#' @author Marcus Lehr
rc_cast <- function(record_data,
events = getOption("redcap_bundle")$event_data$unique_event_name,
id_field = getOption("redcap_bundle")$id_field) {
validate_args(required = c('record_data'),
record_data = record_data,
events = events,
id_field = id_field)
id_field = getID(record_data = record_data,
id_field = id_field)
rc_factors = intersect(c(id_field,'redcap_event_name','redcap_repeat_instrument','redcap_repeat_instance'),
# # Remove arm designation if only 1 arm is in use
# record_data$redcap_event_name = as.factor(record_data$redcap_event_name)
# if (!all(grepl('arm_2$',levels(record_data$redcap_event_name))))
# levels(record_data$redcap_event_name) = gsub('_arm_1$','',levels(record_data$redcap_event_name))
# Convert events to factors while preserving order
record_data$redcap_event_name = factor(record_data$redcap_event_name, levels = events)
## Remove first repeats for more compact output
# first_reps = which(record_data$redcap_repeat_instance == 1)
# record_data$redcap_repeat_instrument[first_reps] = NA
# record_data$redcap_repeat_instance[first_reps] = NA
# Determine which vars are long format
agg_vars = reshape2::melt(dplyr::select(record_data, -dplyr::contains('redcap_')), id.vars = id_field, na.rm = T)
cast_formula = paste0(id_field, '~variable')
agg_vars = reshape2::dcast(agg_vars, cast_formula, length)
agg_vars = dplyr::filter_at(agg_vars, names(agg_vars)[2:length(names(agg_vars))], dplyr::any_vars(.>1)) %>%
# Melt/spread long vars
lvars = dplyr::select(record_data, dplyr::all_of(rc_factors), dplyr::all_of(names(agg_vars)))
lvars = dplyr::mutate_all(lvars, as.character) # This is to prevent melt() from destroying dates
# lvars = dplyr::ungroup(lvars) %>% dplyr::filter(rowSums(!is.na(lvars)) > 2) # Remove empty rows
lvars = reshape2::melt(lvars, id.vars = c(id_field,'redcap_event_name'), na.rm = T)
lvars$variable = paste(lvars$redcap_event_name, lvars$variable, sep = '_')
cast_formula = paste(id_field,"~ variable")
lvars = reshape2::dcast(lvars, cast_formula)
# Coalesce wide vars into single row/subject
wvars = dplyr::select(data, 1, dplyr::all_of(setdiff(names(data),names(agg_vars))), -redcap_event_name)
wvars = dplyr::mutate_all(wvars, as.character)
# wvars = wvars %>% dplyr::group_by(!!id_field) %>% dplyr::summarise_all(~dplyr::coalesce(!!!as.list(.)))
wvars[is.na(wvars)] = ''
wvars = wvars %>% dplyr::group_by(!!id_field) %>% dplyr::summarise_all(~trimws(paste(.,collapse = '')))
wvars = sapply(wvars, function(x) ifelse(x=='',NA,x)) %>% as.data.frame()
wvars[[id_field]] = wvars[[id_field]] %>% as.character() %>% as.numeric()
# Rejoin data
data = dplyr::left_join(wvars, lvars)
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