
Defines functions getParentsStable

Documented in getParentsStable

#' Estimate the connectivity matrix of a causal graph using stability selection.
#' @description Estimates the connectivity matrix of a directed causal graph, 
#'  using various possible methods. Supported methods at the moment are  ARGES,
#' backShift, bivariateANM, bivariateCAM, CAM, FCI, FCI+, GES, GIES, hiddenICP, 
#' ICP, LINGAM, MMHC, rankARGES, rankFci, rankGES, rankGIES, rankPC, 
#' regression, RFCI and PC.
#'  Uses stability selection to select an appropriate sparseness.
#' @param X A (nxp)-data matrix with n observations of p variables.
#' @param environment A vector of length n, where the entry for 
#' observation i is an index for the environment in which observation i took 
#' place (simplest case entries \code{1} for observational data and entries
#'  \code{2} for interventional data of unspecified type). Is required for 
#'  methods \code{ICP}, \code{hiddenICP}, \code{backShift}.
#' @param interventions A optional list of length n. The entry for observation
#'  i is a numeric vector that specifies the variables on which interventions 
#'  happened for observation i (a scalar if an intervention happened on just 
#'  one variable and \code{numeric(0)} if no intervention occured for this 
#'  observation). Is used for method \code{gies} but will generate the vector 
#'  \code{environment} if this is set to \code{NULL} (even though it might 
#'  generate too many different environments for some data so a hand-picked 
#'  vector \code{environment} is preferable). Is also used for \code{ICP} and 
#'  \code{hiddenICP} to exclude interventions on the target variable of 
#'  interest.
#' @param EV A bound on the expected number of falsely selected edges.
#' @param nodewise If \code{FALSE}, stability selection retains for each 
#'  subsample the largest overall entries in the connectivity matrix. 
#'  If \code{TRUE}, values are ordered row- and node-wise first and then the 
#'  largest entries in each row and column are retained. Error control is 
#'  valid (under exchangeability assumption) in both cases. The latter setting 
#'  \code{TRUE} is perhaps more robust and is the default. 
#' @param threshold The empirical selection frequency in (0.5,1) under 
#'  subsampling that needs to be surpassed for an edge to be selected.
#' @param nsim The number of resamples for stability selection.
#' @param sampleSettings The fraction of different environments to resample 
#'  in each resampling (at least two different environments will be selected so 
#'  the argument is without effect if there are just two different environments 
#'  in total).
#' @param sampleObservations The fraction of samples to resample in each 
#'  environment.
#' @param parentsOf The variables for which we would like to estimate the 
#' parents. Default are all variables.
#' @param method A string that specfies the method to use. The methods 
#' \code{pc} (PC-algorithm), \code{LINGAM} (LINGAM), \code{arges} (Adaptively 
#' restricted greedy equivalence search), \code{ges} 
#' (Greedy equivalence search), \code{gies} (Greedy interventional equivalence 
#' search),  \code{fci} (Fast causal inference)  
#' and \code{rfci} (Really fast causal inference) are imported from the 
#' package "pcalg" and are documented there in more detail, including the 
#' additional options that can be supplied via \code{setOptions}. The method 
#' \code{CAM} (Causal additive models) is documented in the package "CAM" and 
#' the methods \code{ICP} (Invariant causal prediction), \code{hiddenICP} 
#' (Invariant causal prediction with hidden variables) are from the package 
#' "InvariantCausalPrediction". The method \code{backShift} comes from the 
#' package "backShift". The method \code{mmhc} comes from the 
#' package "bnlearn". 
#' Finally, the methods \code{bivariateANM} and 
#' \code{bivariateCAM} are for now implemented internally but will hopefully 
#' be part of another package at some point in the near future.
#' @param alpha The level at which tests are done. This leads to confidence 
#' intervals for \code{ICP} and \code{hiddenICP} and is used internally for 
#' \code{pc} and \code{rfci}.
#' @param mode Output type - can be "raw", "parental" or "ancestral". If "raw"
#' output is the output of the underlying method, without modifications. If "parental"
#' output described parental relations; if "ancestral" output is casted to ancestral 
#' relations. #TODO explain further
#' @param variableSelMat An optional logical matrix of dimension (pxp). An 
#' entry \code{TRUE} for entry (i,j) says that variable i should be considered 
#' as a potential parent for variable j and vice versa for \code{FALSE}. If the 
#' default value of \code{NULL} is used, all variables will be considered, but 
#' this can be very slow, especially for methods \code{pc}, \code{ges}, 
#' \code{gies}, \code{rfci} and \code{CAM}.
#' @param excludeTargetInterventions When looking for parents of variable k 
#' in 1,...,p, set to \code{TRUE} if observations where an intervention on 
#' variable k occured should be excluded. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param onlyObservationalData If set to \code{TRUE}, only observational data 
#' is used. It will take the index in \code{environment} specified by 
#' \code{indexObservationalData}. If \code{environment} is \code{NULL}, all 
#' observations are used. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param indexObservationalData Index in \code{environment} that encodes 
#' observational data. Default is \code{1}.
#' @param setOptions A list that can take method-specific options; see the 
#' individual documentations of the methods for more options and their 
#' possible values.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, detailed output is provided.
#' @return A sparse matrix, where a 0 entry in (j,k) corresponds to an estimate 
#' of 'no edge' \code{j} -> \code{parentsOf[k]}. Entries between 0 and 100 
#' give the selection percentage of this edge over all resamples (set to 0 if
#' below critical threshold) and all non-zero values are considered as selected
#' edges.  
#' @references 
#' Stability selection (2010):  N. Meinshausen and P. Buhlmann, 
#' Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 72, 417-473
#' @author Nicolai Meinshausen \email{meinshausen@@stat.math.ethz.ch}, Christina
#'  Heinze-Deml \email{heinzedeml@@stat.math.ethz.ch}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getParents}} for the underlying point-estimate of 
#' the causal graph.
#' @concept Causality
#' @concept Graph estimation
getParentsStable <- function(X, environment, interventions=NULL, 
                             EV=1, nodewise=TRUE, threshold=0.75, 
                             nsim=100, sampleSettings=1/sqrt(2), 
                             method= c("ICP", "hiddenICP", "backShift", "pc", 
                                       "LINGAM", "ges", "gies", "CAM", "fci", "rfci",
                                       "regression", "bivariateANM", 
                             mode = c("raw", "parental", "ancestral")[1],
    # number of variables
    p <- ncol(X)
    # initialize result matrix 
    resmat <- matrix(0,p,length(parentsOf))

    # compute stability selection parameter q
    q <- if(!nodewise) sqrt(EV*(2*threshold-1)*(p^2-p)) else sqrt(EV*(2*threshold-1))
    # check validity of input arguments for stability selection
    stabilitySelectionChecks(p, q, nodewise, threshold, 
                             sampleSettings, sampleObservations)
    # find unique settings
    uniqueSettings <- unique(environment)
    # number of settings to draw in each round
    subs <- sampleSettings* length(uniqueSettings)
    # 'backShift' is doing internal subsampling already, so treat differently

      # additional options for backShift
      optionsList <- list("covariance"=TRUE,

      # adjust according to setOptions if necessary
      optionsList <- adjustOptions(availableOptions = optionsList,
                                   optionsToSet = setOptions)

      # run backShift and return adjacency matrix
      resmat <- try(backShift::backShift(
        X, environment, covariance=optionsList$covariance, ev=EV,
        threshold=threshold, nsim=nsim,
        verbose = verbose)$AhatAdjacency,
        silent = FALSE)

      # catch error
      if(inherits(resmat, "try-error")){
        warning("backShift -- no stable model found.
                Possible model mispecification. Returning the empty graph.\n")
        resmat <- 0*diag(p)
        for (sim in 1:nsim){
            # find observations to use in this round
            # only use observational data?
                # if indexObservationalData is given, extract observational data
                ind <- which(environment %in% indexObservationalData)
                warning(paste("Will use only environment", 
                                "(= observational data?) among the", 
                                "given distinct environments for method", 
                                method, "(", length(ind),"observations)"))
                # if indexObservationalData is set to NULL, use all data points
                ind <- 1:nrow(X)
                warning(paste("Will use all observations for method", method, 
                              "assuming all data points are observational data (", 
              # sample from observational data
              useSamples <- sort(sample(ind, round(length(ind)*sampleObservations)))
              # if onlyObservationalData is false, 
              # sample the settings to use and draw a balanced subsample
              useSettings <- sample(uniqueSettings, drawE(subs))
              useSamples <- NULL
              for(s in 1:length(useSettings)){
                ind <- which(  environment %in% useSettings[s])
                useSamples <- 
                  c(useSamples, sort(sample(ind, round(length(ind)*sampleObservations))))
            # run getParents with this subsample
            res <- getParents(X[useSamples,], 
                              environment= environment[useSamples], 
                              mode = mode,
                              method=method, alpha= alpha, 
                              excludeTargetInterventions= excludeTargetInterventions, 
                              returnAsList=FALSE, pointConf=FALSE, 
                              setOptions = setOptions, verbose = verbose)
            # determine edges to select
            diag(res) <- 0
            reskeep <- 0*as(res,"matrix")
            quse <- drawE(q)
            # order
            selected <- sort(abs(res), decreasing = TRUE)[1:quse]
            indicesSelected <- which(abs(res) >= min(selected), arr.ind=TRUE)
            reskeep[indicesSelected] <- 1
            # add result of this run to resmat
            resmat <- resmat + reskeep/nsim
        # determine edges to keep
        rem <- which(resmat < threshold)
        if(length(rem)>0) resmat[rem] <- 0
        resmat <- round(100*resmat)
    # add row and column names to result matrix
    rownames(resmat) <- 
      if(is.null(colnames(X))) as.character(1:ncol(X)) else colnames(X)
    colnames(resmat) <- rownames(resmat)[parentsOf]
christinaheinze/CompareCausalNetworks documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 12:37 p.m.