
Defines functions masqOLS masqVIIRS

Documented in masqOLS masqVIIRS

######################## masqVIIRS ###################################

#' extract data from a raster using one polygon in a multipolygon
#' extract data from a raster using one polygon in a multipolygon.
#' @param ctryPoly the country Polygon layer as SpatialPolygon
#' @param ctryRast the clipped country raster
#' @param idx the index of the polygon in the country polygon layer (shp)
#' @param retVal Whether to return the raster data as a vector, or
#'     data.frame with spatial context NULL returns a vector of all
#'     values, colrowval returns a data.frame with row, col and raster
#'     value while lonlatval returns a data.frame with lon,lat and val.
#' @param configName character the config shortname of raster being processed
#' @param extension character the extension of raster being processed
#' @return numeric vector of radiances
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ctryPoly <- rgdal::readOGR('path/to/polygon.shp')
#' ctryRaster <- raster::raster('path/to/raster.tif')
#' #get the sum of nightlight pixels in the first polygon in a multipolygon
#' sumPolygon1 <- sum(masqVIIRS(ctryPoly, ctryRaster, 1), na.rm=T)
#' }
masqVIIRS <-
           retVal = NULL,
    #Extract one polygon based on index value i
    polygon <- ctryPoly[idx, ] #extract one polygon
    extent <- raster::extent(polygon) #extract the polygon extent
    #Raster extract
    #if we are in a gasflare zone it is possible that the raster has been cropped and
    #will not intersect with the poly. We expect an error here
    #if an error is encountered we will assign NA as the only value
    result <-
      try(outer <-
            raster::crop(ctryRast, extent), silent = TRUE)
    #extract raster by polygon extent
    if (!inherits(x = result, what = "try-error"))
      #we should be okay here
      inner <-
        raster::rasterize(x = polygon, y = outer, mask = TRUE) #crops to polygon edge & converts to raster
      vals <- as.vector(inner)
      if (!is.null(retVal))
        rowVals <- NULL
        colVals <- NULL
        #get the local rows and cols
        #colrowsLocal <- expand.grid(1:ncol(inner), 1:nrow(inner))
        ext <-
          raster::extent(inner) #extract the cropped raster extent
        #get the cells that this polygon represent in the ctryPolygon
        xyRast <-
          raster::cellFromXY(object = ctryRast, raster::xyFromCell(inner, 1:raster::ncell(inner)))
        #get the rows and cols this polygon represents in the ctryPolygon
        colrows <-
          raster::rowColFromCell(object = ctryRast, cell = xyRast)
        colrows <- colrows[, c(2, 1)]
        #Get the cell coordinates
        lonlats <-
          raster::xyFromCell(object = ctryRast, cell = xyRast)
    } else
      #put NAs
      colrows <- data.frame(cols = NA, rows = NA)
      lonlats <- data.frame(lats = NA, lons = NA)
      vals <- NA
    #any negative values are either recording problems or error values as per:
    #... Negative values would distort most calculations.
    vals[vals < 0] <- NA
    if (!is.null(retVal))
      dta <-
      stats::setNames(data.frame(matrix(colrows, ncol = 2), matrix(lonlats, ncol =
                                                                     2), vals),
                      c("cols", "rows", "lons", "lats", "vals"))
      dta <- vals

######################## masqOLS ###################################

#' Extract raster pixel values within the boundaries of a polygon
#' Extract raster pixel values within the boundaries of a polygon
#' @param ctryPoly the country Polygon layer as SpatialPolygon
#' @param ctryRast the clipped country raster
#' @param idx the index of the polygon in the country polygon layer (shp)
#' @param retVal Whether to return the raster data as a vector, or
#'     data.frame with spatial context NULL returns a vector of all
#'     values, colrowval returns a data.frame with row, col and raster
#'     value while lonlatval returns a data.frame with lon,lat and val.
#' @param configName character the config shortname of raster being processed
#' @param extension character the extension of raster being processed
#' @return numeric vector of radiances
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ctryPoly <- rgdal::readOGR(getPolyFnamePath("KEN"), getCtryShpLyrNames("KEN", 1))
#' ctryRaster <- raster::raster(getCtryRasterOutputFnamePath("KEN", "OLS", "1999"))
#' temp <- NULL
#' KenAdm1Sum <- NULL
#' for (i in 1:length(ctryPoly@polygons))
#' {
#'  temp$name <- as.character(ctryPoly@data$NAME_1[i])
#'  temp$sum <- sum(masqOLS(ctryPoly, ctryRaster, i), na.rm=T)
#'  KenAdm1Sum <- rbind(KenAdm1Sum)
#' }
#' }
masqOLS <-
           retVal = NULL,
    #Extract one polygon based on index value i
    polygon <- ctryPoly[idx, ] #extract one polygon
    extent <- raster::extent(polygon) #extract the polygon extent
    #Raster extract
    #if we are in a gasflare zone it is possible that the raster has been cropped and
    #will not intersect with the poly. We expect an error here
    #if an error is encountered we will assign NA as the only value
    result <-
      try(outer <-
            raster::crop(ctryRast, extent), silent = TRUE)
    #extract raster by polygon extent
    if (!inherits(x = result, what = "try-error"))
      #we should be okay here
      #crops to polygon edge & converts to raster
      inner <-
        raster::rasterize(x = polygon, y = outer, mask = TRUE)
      vals <- as.vector(inner)
      if (!is.null(retVal))
        rowVals <- NULL
        colVals <- NULL
        #get the local rows and cols
        #colrowsLocal <- expand.grid(1:ncol(inner), 1:nrow(inner))
        ext <-
          raster::extent(inner) #extract the cropped raster extent
        #get the cells that this polygon represent in the ctryPolygon
        xyRast <-
          raster::cellFromXY(object = ctryRast, raster::xyFromCell(inner, 1:raster::ncell(inner)))
        #get the rows and cols this polygon represents in the ctryPolygon
        colrows <-
          raster::rowColFromCell(object = ctryRast, cell = xyRast)
        colrows <- colrows[, c(2, 1)]
        #Get the cell coordinates
        lonlats <-
          raster::xyFromCell(object = ctryRast, cell = xyRast)
    } else
      #put NAs
      colrows <- data.frame(cols = NA, rows = NA)
      lonlats <- data.frame(lats = NA, lons = NA)
      vals <- NA
    # source: https://ngdc.noaa.gov/eog/gcv4_readme.txt
    # Three image types are
    # available as geotiffs for download from the version 4 composites:
    #   F1?YYYY_v4b_cf_cvg.tif: Cloud-free coverages tally the total
    # number of observations that went into each 30 arc second grid cell. This
    # image can be used to identify areas with low numbers of observations
    # where the quality is reduced. In some years there are areas with zero
    # cloud- free observations in certain locations.
    # F1?YYYY_v4b_avg_vis.tif: Raw avg_vis contains the average of the
    # visible band digital number values with no further filtering. Data
    # values range from 0-63. Areas with zero cloud-free observations are
    # represented by the value 255.
    # F1?YYYY_v4b_stable_lights.avg_vis.tif: The cleaned up avg_vis
    # contains the lights from cities, towns, and other sites with persistent
    # lighting, including gas flares. Ephemeral events, such as fires have
    # been discarded. Then the background noise was identified and replaced
    # with values of zero. Data values range from 1-63. Areas with zero
    # cloud-free observations are represented by the value 255.
    if (configName %in% c("avg_vis", "stable_lights"))
      #not for cf_cvg
      #in DMSP-OLS 255 == NA
      vals[which(vals == 255)] <- NA
    #negative values are errors replace with NA
    #vals[vals < 0] <- NA
    if (!is.null(retVal))
      dta <-
        stats::setNames(data.frame(matrix(colrows, ncol = 2), matrix(lonlats, ncol = 2), vals),
                        c("cols", "rows", "lons", "lats", "vals"))
      #dta <- dta[!is.na(dta$vals), ]
    } else
      dta <- vals
      dta <- dta[!is.na(dta)]
chrisvwn/Rnightlights documentation built on Sept. 7, 2021, 1:44 a.m.