
#' @title Show Statistics
#' @description Uses bills data from the read function to perform appropriate analysis and generate graphics associated with the data.
#' @param type The kind of analysis to be done. The possible options are \code{summary}, \code{bills}, \code{pctchange}, \code{inflation}, \code{predictbills}, \code{predictpc} and \code{inflationbills}. \code{summary} displays the total amount, percentage increase and total increase of school bills and the inflation rate of each year. \code{bills} displays the timeplot of school bills across the years. \code{pctchange} shows a timeplot of percentage increase of bills across the years. \code{inflation} shows a timeplot of percentage increase of school bills compared to inflation. \code{predictbills} shows a plot of the amount of school bills and the model used to predict future school bills. \code{predictpc} shows a plot of the percentage increase of school bills and the model used to predict future percentage increases. \code{inflationbills} shows a plot of a comparison between the actual cost of school bills and the cost of school bills if it has been increasing at the inflation rate since 2000.
#' @return Results from the kind of analysis specified by \code{type}.
#' @usage showstats("type")
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
showstats <- function(type){

  # Loads all school bills data
  bills <- list( "2000"=readbills(2000), "2001"=readbills(2001),
                 "2002"=readbills(2002), "2003"=readbills(2003),
                 "2004"=readbills(2004), "2005"=readbills(2005),
                 "2006"=readbills(2006), "2007"=readbills(2007),
                 "2008"=readbills(2008), "2009"=readbills(2009),
                 "2010"=readbills(2010), "2011"=readbills(2011),
                 "2012"=readbills(2012), "2013"=readbills(2013),
                 "2014"=readbills(2014), "2015"=readbills(2015),

  # Total cost for school bills each year
  amount = vector( mode = "integer", length = 17 )
  for( i in 1:17 ){
    amount[i] <- bills[[i]][[5]]

  # Absolute and percentage increase of each component of school bills
  pctinc <- vector( mode = "double", length = 16 )
  absinc <- vector( mode = "double", length = 16 )
  for( i in 1:16 ){
      absinc[i] <- bills[[i+1]][[5]] - bills[[i]][[5]]
      pctinc[i] <- absinc[i] / bills[[i]][[5]] * 100

    # Construct dataframe that summarizes the data
  summary <- data.frame( Year = 2000:2016,
                         Amount = amount,
                         Total.Increase = c( NA, absinc ),
                         Percentage.Increase = c( NA, pctinc ),
                         Inflation = c( readinflation() ))

  if( type == "summary" ){

    # Returns summary

  }else if( type == "bills" ){

    # Constructs a timeplot of school bills
      geom_point(aes(x=Year, y=Amount, col="Cost of School Bills"), size=6, alpha=0.8)+
      geom_smooth(aes(x=Year, y=Amount), method="loess")+
      ylab("Cost of School Bills in USD")+
      ggtitle("Timeplot of School Bills")

  }else if( type == "pctchange" ){

    # Constructs a timeplot of percentage increase of bills
    geom_point(aes(x=Year, y=Percentage.Increase, col="Percentage Increase of School Bills"), size=6, alpha=0.8)+
    geom_smooth(aes(x=Year, y=Percentage.Increase), alpha=0.3, method="loess")+
    ylab("Percentage Increase")+
    ggtitle("Timeplot of Percentage Increase of School Bills")

  } else if( type == "inflation" ){

  # Timeplot of percentage increase of bills compared to inflation
    geom_point(aes(x=Year, y=Percentage.Increase, col="Percentage Increase of School Bills"), size=6, alpha=0.8)+
    geom_smooth(aes(x=Year, y=Percentage.Increase), method = 'loess')+
    geom_point(aes(x=Year, y=Inflation, col="Inflation Rate"), size=6, alpha=0.8)+
    geom_smooth(aes(x=Year, y=Inflation), method = 'loess', colour="red", alpha=0.2)+
    ylab("Percentage Change")+
    ggtitle("Inflation Rate Compared to Percentage Increase of School Bills")+

  } else if ( type == "predictbills"){

    # Constructs the linear model to predict future school bills
    fit = lm(summary[,2]~summary[,1])

    # Plots the amount of school bills and the model used for prediction
      geom_point(aes(x=Year, y=Amount, col="Cost of school bills"), size=6)+
      ylab("Cost in USD")+
      ggtitle("Model Used to Predict Future School Bills")+
      geom_abline(aes(intercept=fit[[1]][[1]], slope=fit[[1]][[2]], colour="Linear model for prediction"), size=1)+
      scale_color_manual(name="Legend", values=c("lightcoral","black"))

  } else if ( type == "predictpc") {

    # Constructs exponential model to predict future percentage change
    fit = lm(log(summary[4:17,4])~summary[4:17,1])
    expfun <- function(x) {

    # Plots percentage change of bills and the model used for prediction
      geom_point(aes(x=Year, y=Percentage.Increase, col="Percentage Increase of School Bills"), size=6, alpha=0.8)+
      ylab("Percentage Increase")+
      ggtitle("Model Used to Predict Future Percentage Increase of School Bills")+
      stat_function(fun = expfun, aes(colour="Exponential Model for prediction"),size=1)+
      scale_color_manual(name="Legend", values=c("black","lightcoral"))

  } else if( type == "inflationbills"){

    # Bills compared to what bills are supposed to be if it has been incrasing at the inflation rate since 2000

    # Calculates college bills based on inflation
    v = vector(mode="integer", length=17)
    v[1] = summary[1,2]
    for(i in 2:17){
      v[i] <- v[i-1]*(100+summary[i,5])/100
    df = data.frame(year=2000:2016, points=v)

    # Plots the graph
      geom_point(aes(x=Year, y=Amount, col="Actual Cost of School Bills"), size=6, alpha=0.6)+
      geom_smooth(aes(x=Year, y=Amount), colour="red", method="loess")+
      geom_point(data=df, aes(x=year, y=points, col="The cost of school bills if it\nhas been increasing at the\ninflation rate since 2000"), size=6, alpha=0.6)+
      geom_smooth(data=df, aes(x=year, y=points), se=FALSE, method="loess")+
      ylab("Cost in USD")+
      ggtitle("The cost of school bills if it has been increasing at the inflation rate since 2000")

    warning("The specified type does not exist. Enter ?showstats or help(showstats) to view all the options available.")
chriswu1996/williamsfinance documentation built on May 13, 2019, 7:28 p.m.