
Defines functions get_countries get_overview get_conflict_data get_disaster_data get_displacement_data get_aggregated_disaster_data get_strata_data get_figure_analysis get_confidence_assessment get_disaster_events

Documented in get_aggregated_disaster_data get_confidence_assessment get_conflict_data get_countries get_disaster_data get_disaster_events get_displacement_data get_figure_analysis get_overview get_strata_data

##' Countries
##' Get a list of countries in the database
##' @param sort Sort the \code{data.frame} by either 'iso3' or 'name', defaults
##'     to 'name'.
##' @param ci A character of IDMC_API_KEY. See [idmc_api_key()].
##' @return A \code{data.frame} of search results, with two columns: 'iso3' and
##'     'name'.
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## sorting by country name (default)
##' get_countries()
##' ## sorting data frame by country's ISO3 code
##' get_countries(sort = 'iso3')
##' }
get_countries <- function(sort = c('name', 'iso3'), ci = idmc_api_key()) {

    sort <- match.arg(sort)
    req <- paste0(IDMC_BASE_URL, '/api/countries?sort=', sort, '&ci=', ci)

    res <- httr::GET(req)

    dta <- httr::content(res, as = 'parsed')$result
    if (length(dta) == 0L) return(NULL)

    dta <- lapply(dta, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dta <- bind_dtfs(dta)


##' Country overview
##' Get a country displacement information and includes population and refugee
##' numbers
##' @param iso3 The country ISO3 code
##' @param ci A character vector of IDMC_API_KEY. See [idmc_api_key()].
##' @return A \code{data.frame}
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' get_overview(iso3 = 'RUS')
##' get_overview(iso3 = 'VNM')
##' }
get_overview <- function(iso3, ci = idmc_api_key()) {


    req <- paste0(IDMC_BASE_URL, '/api/overview?iso3=', iso3, '&ci=', ci)

    res <- httr::GET(req)

    dta <- httr::content(res, as = 'parsed')$result
    if (length(dta) == 0L) return(NULL)

    dta <- data.frame(
        fields = names(unlist(dta)),
        values = unlist(dta),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    rownames(dta) <- NULL


##' Conflict displacement data
##' Returns all available conflict displacement data
##' @param iso3 Character. The country iso3 code (if neglected then all the
##'     countries)
##' @param year Integer. The year of the records (default all years, it also
##'     accept ranges)
##' @param limit Integer. Limit the number of records returned by the API
##' @param ci A character vector of IDMC_API_KEY. See [idmc_api_key()].
##' @return A \code{data.frame}
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## retrieve all data of Vietnam (VNM)
##' get_conflict_data(iso = 'VNM')
##' ## retrieve data from Vietnam in 2015
##' get_conflict_data('VNM', year = 2015)
##' ## retrieve data from Vietnam in period 2011-2015
##' get_conflict_data('VNM', year = c(2011, 2015))
##' ## limit the number of records returned by 10
##' get_conflict_data('VNM', limit = 10)
##' }
get_conflict_data <- function(iso3, year, limit, ci = idmc_api_key()) {

    if (missing(iso3)) {
        iso3 <- ''

    if (missing(year)) {
        year <- ''
        range <- ''

    if (length(year) == 1L) {
        range <- ''
    } else if (length(year) > 1L) {
        year <- range(year)
        range <- 1L

    if (missing(limit)) {
        limit <- ''

    req <- paste0(IDMC_BASE_URL, '/api/conflict_data?iso3=', iso3,
                  paste0('&year=', year, collapse = ''),
                  '&range=', range, '&ci=', ci)

    res <- httr::GET(req)

    dta <- httr::content(res, as = 'parsed')$result
    if (length(dta) == 0L) return(NULL)

    dta <- lapply(dta, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dta <- bind_dtfs(dta)


##' Disaster displacement data
##' Returns all available disaster displacement data by event and includes
##' hazard type information
##' @param iso3 Character. The country ISO3 code
##' @param year Integer. The year of the records (default all years, it also
##'     accept ranges)
##' @param limit Integer. Limit the number of records returned by the API
##' @param ci A character vector of IDMC_API_KEY. See [idmc_api_key()].
##' @return A \code{data.frame}
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## retrieve all data of Vietnam (VNM)
##' get_disaster_data(iso = 'VNM')
##' ## retrieve data from Vietnam in 2015
##' get_disaster_data('VNM', year = 2015)
##' ## retrieve data from Vietnam in period 2011-2015
##' get_disaster_data('VNM', year = c(2011, 2015))
##' ## limit the number of records returned by 10
##' get_disaster_data('VNM', limit = 10)
##' }
get_disaster_data <- function(iso3, year, limit, ci = idmc_api_key()) {

    if (missing(iso3)) {
        iso3 <- ''

    if (missing(year)) {
        year <- ''
        range <- ''

    if (length(year) == 1L) {
        range <- ''
    } else if (length(year) > 1L) {
        year <- range(year)
        range <- 1L

    if (missing(limit)) {
        limit <- ''

    req <- paste0(IDMC_BASE_URL, '/api/disaster_data?iso3=', iso3,
                  paste0('&year=', year, collapse = ''),
                  '&range=', range, '&ci=', ci)

    res <- httr::GET(req)

    dta <- httr::content(res, as = 'parsed')$result
    if (length(dta) == 0L) return(NULL)

    dta <- lapply(dta, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dta <- bind_dtfs(dta)


##' Displacement data
##' Returns all available displacement data for both disaster and conflict by
##' year and country
##' @param iso3 Character. The country ISO3 code
##' @param year Integer. The year of the records (default all years, it also
##'     accept ranges)
##' @param limit Integer. Limit the number of records returned by the API
##' @param ci A character vector of IDMC_API_KEY. See [idmc_api_key()].
##' @return A \code{data.frame}
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## retrieve all data of Vietnam (VNM)
##' get_displacement_data(iso = 'VNM')
##' ## retrieve data from Vietnam in 2015
##' get_displacement_data('VNM', year = 2015)
##' ## retrieve data from Vietnam in period 2011-2015
##' get_displacement_data('VNM', year = c(2011, 2015))
##' ## limit the number of records returned by 10
##' get_displacement_data('VNM', limit = 10)
##' }
get_displacement_data <- function(iso3, year, limit, ci = idmc_api_key()) {

    if (missing(iso3)) {
        iso3 <- ''

    if (missing(year)) {
        year <- ''
        range <- ''

    if (length(year) == 1L) {
        range <- ''
    } else if (length(year) > 1L) {
        year <- range(year)
        range <- 1L

    if (missing(limit)) {
        limit <- ''

    req <- paste0(IDMC_BASE_URL, '/api/displacement_data?iso3=', iso3,
                  paste0('&year=', year, collapse = ''),
                  '&range=', range, '&ci=', ci)

    res <- httr::GET(req)

    dta <- httr::content(res, as = 'parsed')$result
    if (length(dta) == 0L) return(NULL)

    dta <- lapply(dta, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dta <- bind_dtfs(dta)


##' Disaster aggregated data
##' Returns all available disaster displacement data by country aggregating all
##' the events
##' @param iso3 Character. The country ISO3 code
##' @param year Integer. The year of the records (default all years, it also
##'     accept ranges)
##' @param limit Integer. Limit the number of records returned by the API
##' @param ci A character vector of IDMC_API_KEY. See [idmc_api_key()].
##' @return A \code{data.frame}
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## retrieve all data of Vietnam (VNM)
##' get_aggregated_disaster_data(iso = 'VNM')
##' ## retrieve data from Vietnam in 2015
##' get_aggregated_disaster_data('VNM', year = 2015)
##' ## retrieve data from Vietnam in period 2011-2015
##' get_aggregated_disaster_data('VNM', year = c(2011, 2015))
##' ## limit the number of records returned by 10
##' get_aggregated_disaster_data('VNM', limit = 10)
##' }
get_aggregated_disaster_data <- function(iso3, year, limit,
                                         ci = idmc_api_key()) {

    if (missing(iso3)) {
        iso3 <- ''

    if (missing(year)) {
        year <- ''
        range <- ''

    if (length(year) == 1L) {
        range <- ''
    } else if (length(year) > 1L) {
        year <- range(year)
        range <- 1L

    if (missing(limit)) {
        limit <- ''

    req <- paste0(IDMC_BASE_URL, '/api/aggregated/disaster_data?iso3=', iso3,
                  paste0('&year=', year, collapse = ''),
                  '&range=', range, '&ci=', ci)

    res <- httr::GET(req)

    dta <- httr::content(res, as = 'parsed')$result
    if (length(dta)) return(NULL)

    dta <- lapply(dta, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dta <- bind_dtfs(dta)


##' Conflict stock by latest update
##' Returns the strata data for a country by type of displacement and fact type
##' @param iso3 Character. The country ISO3 code
##' @param ci A character vector of IDMC_API_KEY. See [idmc_api_key()].
##' @return A \code{data.frame}
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' get_strata_data(iso3 = 'VNM')
##' get_strata_data(iso3 = 'ABF')
##' }
get_strata_data <- function(iso3, ci = idmc_api_key()) {


    req <- paste0(IDMC_BASE_URL, '/api/strata_data?iso3=', iso3, '&ci=', ci)

    res <- httr::GET(req)

    dta <- httr::content(res, as = 'parsed')$result
    if (length(dta) == 0L) return(NULL)

    strata <- lapply(dta[[1L]]$strata, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    strata <- do.call('rbind', strata)

    other_cols <- dta[[1]][c('iso3', 'type', 'displacement_type')]
    other_cols <- as.data.frame(other_cols, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    merge(other_cols, strata, all = TRUE)


##' Public figure analysis text
##' Returns the figure analysis for a country
##' @param iso3 Character. The country ISO3 code
##' @param ci A character vector of IDMC_API_KEY. See [idmc_api_key()].
##' @return A \code{data.frame} or NULL if the API returns nothing
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' get_figure_analysis(iso3 = 'VNM')
##' get_figure_analysis(iso3 = 'ABF')
##' }
get_figure_analysis <- function(iso3, ci = idmc_api_key()) {


    req <- paste0(IDMC_BASE_URL, '/api/figure_analysis?iso3=', iso3, '&ci=', ci)

    res <- httr::GET(req)

    dta <- httr::content(res, as = 'parsed')$result
    if (length(dta) == 0L) return(NULL)

    dta <- lapply(dta, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dta <- bind_dtfs(dta)


##' Confidence assessment data
##' Returns the confidence assessment data for a country by type of displacement
##' and fact type
##' @param iso3 Character. The country ISO3 code
##' @param ci A character vector of IDMC_API_KEY. See [idmc_api_key()].
##' @return A \code{data.frame} or NULL if the API returns nothing
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' get_confidence_assessment(iso3 = 'VNM')
##' get_confidence_assessment(iso3 = 'ABF')
##' }
get_confidence_assessment <- function(iso3, ci = idmc_api_key()) {


    req <- paste0(IDMC_BASE_URL, '/api/confidence_assessment?iso3=', iso3, '&ci=', ci)

    res <- httr::GET(req)

    dta <- httr::content(res, as = 'parsed')$result
    if (length(dta) == 0L) return(NULL)

    dta <- lapply(dta, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dta <- bind_dtfs(dta)


##' Disaster Events
##' Returns events associated with an iso code
##' @param iso3 Character. The country ISO3 code
##' @param ci A character vector of IDMC_API_KEY. See [idmc_api_key()].
##' @return A \code{data.frame} or NULL if the API returns nothing
##' @author An Chu
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' get_disaster_events(iso3 = 'VNM')
##' get_disaster_events(iso3 = 'ABF')
##' }
get_disaster_events <- function(iso3, ci = idmc_api_key()) {


    req <- paste0(IDMC_BASE_URL, '/api/disaster_events?iso3=', iso3, '&ci=', ci)

    res <- httr::GET(req)

    dta <- httr::content(res, as = 'parsed')$result
    if (length(dta) == 0L) return(NULL)

    dta <- lapply(dta, as.data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dta <- bind_dtfs(dta)


chuvanan/idmcapi documentation built on Nov. 24, 2019, 7:31 a.m.