read_format_data <- function(dir_download, country = NULL, sddf = FALSE) {
format_ext <- c(".dta", ".sav", ".por")
# Get all paths from the format
# I know list.files is vectorized, but list.files
# sorts each results and I want to preserve round
# orderings here.
format_dirs <- vapply(dir_download,
pattern = paste0(format_ext, "$", collapse = "|"),
full.names = TRUE,
FUN.VALUE = character(1))
# Read only the .dta/.sav/.por files
dataset <- lapply(unname(format_dirs), function(.x) {
# Use function to read the specified format
format_read <-
"dta" = haven::read_dta,
"por" = haven::read_sav,
"sav" = haven::read_sav
# Catch potential read errors
# Reading some data such as SDDF data for France round 1 was
# raising the message "Invalid time string (length=8): 0-------"
# coming directly from Rcpp ( #nolintr
# capture.output redirects the message to a tmpfile.
utils::capture.output(dt <- try(format_read(.x), silent = TRUE),
file = tempfile())
if ("try-error" %in% class(dt)) {
if (!is_foreign_installed()) {
stop("Package `foreign` is needed to read some SDDF data. Please install with install.packages(\"foreign\")") #nolintr
round_search <- basename(.x)
rnd <- string_extract(round_search, "\\d", perl = TRUE)
# Ask for a user report
if (is.null(country)) "" else paste("for", country),
"was read with the `foreign` package rather than with ",
"the `haven` package for compatibility reasons.\n",
"Please report any issues at",
call. = FALSE
# Switch to `foreign`
foreign_read <-
"dta" = foreign::read.dta,
"por" = read_foreign_spss_partial(sddf = sddf),
"sav" = read_foreign_spss_partial(sddf = sddf)
# Read with `foreign` (should never fail)
dt <-
# Always a return a tibble with lowercase variable names
tibble::as_tibble(dt, .name_repair = tolower)
read_foreign_spss_partial <- function(sddf = FALSE, ...) {
function(x, ...) {
sddf <- get("sddf", envir = environment())
foreign::read.spss(file = x, = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
use.value.labels = if (sddf) FALSE else TRUE,
# Taken from tools::file_ext
file_ext <- function(x) {
pos <- regexpr("\\.([[:alnum:]]+)$", x)
ifelse(pos > -1L, substring(x, pos + 1L), "")
is_foreign_installed <- function() {
requireNamespace("foreign", quietly = TRUE)
suppress_all <- function(x) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(x))
string_extract <- function(string, pattern, ...) {
regmatches(string, regexpr(pattern, string, ...))
read_sddf_data <- function(dir_download, country) {
all_data <- read_format_data(dir_download, country, sddf = TRUE)
# Search for the 2 letter code because we need to subset
# from the integrated SDDF for the current country
country_code <- country_lookup[country]
# Subset the selected country from the integrated late rounds
all_data <- lapply(all_data, function(x) x[x$cntry == country_code, ])
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