
Defines functions process_pipeline

Documented in process_pipeline

#' @title process_pipeline
#' @description Main EDA function call to use.  This is a wrapper around the functions that will bin the attributes in the dataframe and give back summarized tables.
#' @param run_id An identifier that will be used when naming output tables to the specified path (path_2_save parameter).  Example: 'MyRun1'
#' @param unique_id_var A variable in your dataframe that uniquely identifies a record. Can only be 1 variable.
#' @param df A dataframe you are wanting to analyze
#' @param dv_var The name of the dependent variable (dv).  Example: 'target'
#' @param dv_type Can take on 1 of two inpunts - c('Binary','Frequency').  Both should be numeric.  If 'Frequency' is the input, it should be the numerator (if it is a rate).  The denominator will be specified as a separate parameter
#' @param dv_denominator The denominator of your dependent variable.  In many cases, this can be considered the exposure.
#' @param var_list A list of non-numeric variables to analyze and create bins for
#' @param num_nbins For numeric variables, maximum number of bins to initially split numeric variables into.  Default is 20
#' @param num_min_pct For numeric variables, the minimun percent of records a final bin should have.  The input should be between (0,1).  Generally applies to only bins that are not NA.  Default is 0.02 (or 2 percent)
#' @param num_binning_type The type of binning to use when splitting the variable.  One of two can be selected: c("Bucketing","Quantiles").  "Bucketing" uses the cut() function where breaks=nbins.  "Quantiles" uses the cut() function where breaks=c(-Inf, unique(quantile( tmpDF[,i],probs=seq(0,1, by=1/nbins),include.lowest=TRUE,na.rm=TRUE)))).  Default is "Bucketing"
#' @param num_monotonic For numeric variables, this is a Logical TRUE/FALSE input.  If TRUE, it will force the bins to be monotonic based on the event rate.  Default is TRUE
#' @param cat_max_levels For non-numeric variables, if a variable initially has more unique levels than cat_max_levels, it will be skipped.  Default is 200
#' @param cat_min_pct For non-numeric variables, this is the minimun percent of records a final bin should have.  The input should be between (0,1).  Generally applies to only bins that are not NA.  Default is 0.02 (or 2 percent)
#' @param bin_random_together This is the threshold to identify if a level belongs in a random bin.  The input should be between (0,1).  Generally applies to only bins that are not NA.  Default is 0.005 (or 0.5 percent)
#' @param eda_tracking Logical TRUE/FALSE inputs.  If set to TRUE, the user will be able to see what variable the function is analyzing.  Default is TRUE
#' @param path_2_save A path to a folder where the outputs will be stored.  Default is: getwd().  Or an example: /store/outputs/in/this/folder
#' @return A list of dataframes.  First in the list will be 'Numeric_eda' - this is an aggregated dataframe showing the groups created along with other key information.  The second is 'numeric_iv' - This is a dataframe with each variable processed and their information value.  The last is 'numeric_logics' - This is a dataframe with the information needed to apply to your dataframe and transform your variables.  This table will be the input to apply_numeric_logic(logic_df=numeric_logics)
#' @export

#process pipeline
process_pipeline = function( run_id                            # unique label to give to output data sets
                            ,df                                # dataframe to use
                            ,unique_id_var                     # unique identifier in your data (must be 1 variable)
                            ,dv_var                            # dependent variable (must be numeric)
                            ,dv_type             = "Binary"    # "Binary" or "Frequency"
                            ,dv_denominator      = NULL        # if used, ensure the 'dv' represents the numerator
                            ,var_list                          # list of variables to conduct EDA on (do not include the dv)
                            ,num_nbins           = 20          # >1
                            ,num_min_pct         = 0.02        # (0,1)
                            ,num_binning_type    = "Bucketing" # "Bucketing" or "Quantiles"
                            ,num_monotonic       = TRUE        # TRUE or FALSE
                            ,cat_max_levels      = 200         # if variable initially has more than these levels, skip it
                            ,cat_min_pct         = 0.02        # (0,1)
                            ,bin_random_together = 0.005       # (0,1)
                            ,eda_tracking        = TRUE        # do you want to track progress?
                            ,path_2_save         = getwd()     # path to save outputs

  #surpress warnings
  `%ni%` = Negate(`%in%`);

  if(length(unique_id_var) != 1){
    stop("unique_id_var must be 1 variable that is unique to each record.  If needed, create a column which concatenates multiple columns to give the unique value")

  if(length(dv_type) !=1){
    stop("There is only 1 input allowed for dv_type")

  if(length(num_binning_type) !=1){
    stop("There is only 1 input allowed for num_binning_type")

  if(length(dv_denominator) >1){
    stop("dv_denominator can either be NULL or have 1 input")

  params_input = list()
  params_input[["params"]] = list(
     run_id              = run_id
    ,df                  = deparse(substitute(df))
    ,unique_id_var       = unique_id_var
    ,dv_var              = dv_var
    ,dv_type             = dv_type
    ,dv_denominator      = dv_denominator
    ,var_list            = var_list
    ,num_nbins           = num_nbins
    ,num_min_pct         = num_min_pct
    ,num_binning_type    = num_binning_type
    ,num_monotonic       = num_monotonic
    ,cat_max_levels      = cat_max_levels
    ,bin_random_together = bin_random_together
    ,cat_min_pct         = cat_min_pct
    ,eda_tracking        = eda_tracking
    ,path_2_save         = path_2_save

  #numeric variable list
  numeric_vars_2_use = which(sapply(df, is.numeric))
  numeric_vars_2_use = names(numeric_vars_2_use)
  numeric_vars_2_use = numeric_vars_2_use[numeric_vars_2_use %in% var_list]

  #get numeric binning
  numeric_eda_output<-get_numeric_bins(  run_id         = run_id
                                        ,df             = df
                                        ,dv             = dv_var
                                        ,dv.type        = dv_type
                                        ,dv.denominator = dv_denominator
                                        ,var.list       = numeric_vars_2_use
                                        ,nbins          = num_nbins
                                        ,min.Pct        = num_min_pct
                                        ,binning.Type   = num_binning_type
                                        ,monotonic      = num_monotonic
                                        ,tracking       = eda_tracking
                                        ,path_2_save    = path_2_save

  #nonnumeric variable list

  cat_vars_2_use = df[, !(names(df) %in% names(df %>% dplyr::select_if(is.numeric))),drop=FALSE]
  cat_vars_2_use = names(cat_vars_2_use)
  cat_vars_2_use = cat_vars_2_use[cat_vars_2_use %in% var_list]

  #get categorical binning
  categorical_eda_output<-get_categorical_bins(  run_id              = run_id
                                                ,df                  = df                  # dataframe
                                                ,dv                  = dv_var              # Dependent Varaible
                                                ,dv.type             = dv_type             # Binary, Frequency
                                                ,dv.denominator      = dv_denominator      # Only used for exposure of frequency
                                                ,var.list            = cat_vars_2_use      # A list of numeric variables
                                                ,max.levels          = cat_max_levels      # >1
                                                ,min.Pct             = cat_min_pct         # (0,1)
                                                ,bin_random_together = bin_random_together
                                                ,tracking            = eda_tracking        # Do you want to track progress or not
                                                ,path_2_save         = path_2_save         # path to save log files

  #save outputs
  message("Saving outputs to: ",path_2_save)
    for(i in names(numeric_eda_output)){
      write.csv( numeric_eda_output[i]

      message("Saved ",i," to: ",paste(path_2_save,"/",run_id,"-",i,".csv",sep=""));


    for(i in names(categorical_eda_output)){
      write.csv( categorical_eda_output[i]

      message("Saved ",i," to: ",paste(path_2_save,"/",run_id,"-",i,".csv",sep=""));


cjodice10/eda documentation built on Feb. 7, 2023, 3:26 p.m.