
Defines functions auc_table.SuperLearner

Documented in auc_table.SuperLearner

#' @title Table of cross-validated AUCs from SuperLearner result
#' @description
#' Calculates cross-validated AUC for each learner in the SuperLearner. Also
#' calculates standard-error, confidence interval and p-value. Based on initial
#' code by Alan Hubbard.
#' @param x SuperLearner object
#' @param y Outcome vector, if not already added to SL object.
#' @param sort Sort table by order of AUC.
#' @param null_hypothesis If NULL (default), use the highest observed AUC.
#' @param two_tailed Two-failed null hypothesis test? Default FALSE.
#' @param lower.tail Examine lower tail of test distribution? Default TRUE.
#' @param ... Any additional unused arguments, due to the auc_table generic.
#' @return Dataframe table with auc, se, ci, and p-value (null hypothesis = 0.5)
#' @examples
#' library(SuperLearner)
#' library(ck37r)
#' data(Boston, package = "MASS")
#' set.seed(1)
#' sl = SuperLearner(Boston$chas, subset(Boston, select = -chas),
#'                   family = binomial(),
#'                   SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm"))
#' auc_table(sl, y = Boston$chas)
#' @references
#' LeDell, E., Petersen, M., & van der Laan, M. (2015). Computationally
#' efficient confidence intervals for cross-validated area under the ROC curve
#' estimates. Electronic journal of statistics, 9(1), 1583.
#' Polley EC, van der Laan MJ (2010) Super Learner in Prediction. U.C. Berkeley
#' Division of Biostatistics Working Paper Series. Paper 226.
#' http://biostats.bepress.com/ucbbiostat/paper266/
#' Sing, T., Sander, O., Beerenwinkel, N., & Lengauer, T. (2005). ROCR:
#' visualizing classifier performance in R. Bioinformatics, 21(20), 3940-3941.
#' van der Laan, M. J., Polley, E. C. and Hubbard, A. E. (2007) Super Learner.
#' Statistical Applications of Genetics and Molecular Biology, 6, article 25.
#' http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/sagmb.2007.6.issue-1/sagmb.2007.6.1.1309/sagmb.2007.6.1.1309.xml
#' @seealso \code{\link{auc_table.CV.SuperLearner}} \code{\link{plot_roc.SuperLearner}}
#'    \code{\link[cvAUC]{ci.cvAUC}}
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
auc_table.SuperLearner = function(x, y = x$Y, sort = TRUE,
                                  null_hypothesis = NULL,
                                  two_tailed = FALSE,
                                  lower.tail = TRUE,
                                  ...) {

  # Rename to a better object name.
  sl = x

  # Vector to save the fold id for each observation.
  fold_ids = rep(NA, length(sl$SL.predict))

  # Loop over each SL fold and extract which observations were in that fold.
  for (fold_i in 1:length(sl$validRows)) {
    fold_ids[sl$validRows[[fold_i]]] = fold_i

  # Dataframe to save AUC and CI.
  aucs = data.frame(matrix(nrow = ncol(sl$Z), ncol = 6))
  colnames(aucs) = c("learner", "auc", "se", "ci_lower", "ci_upper", "p-value")

  # Loop over each learner.
  for (learner_i in 1:ncol(sl$Z)) {
    # Create a default in case there is an error. Will be overwritten
    # if successful.
    result = list(cvAUC = NA, se = NA, ci = c(NA, NA))
      result = cvAUC::ci.cvAUC(sl$Z[, learner_i], y, folds = fold_ids)
    }, silent = TRUE)
    aucs[learner_i, "auc"] = result$cvAUC
    aucs[learner_i, "se"] = result$se
    aucs[learner_i, "ci_lower"] = result$ci[1]
    aucs[learner_i, "ci_upper"] = result$ci[2]


  if (is.null(null_hypothesis)) {
    # Use the highest observed AUC as the null hypothesis.
    null_hypothesis = max(aucs$auc, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Loop one more time, this time calculating the auc p-value.
  for (learner_i in 1:nrow(aucs)) {
    # Specify drop = FALSE so that we have a 1-row dataframe and can use $.
    result = aucs[learner_i, , drop = FALSE]
    if (!is.na(result$auc) && !is.na(result$se)) {
      # Asymptotically linear CI.

      # If two_tailed = TRUE multiply by 2, otherwise multiply by 1.
      # TODO: these p-values need to be fixed.
      pval = (as.numeric(two_tailed) + 1) *
        pnorm((result$auc - null_hypothesis) / result$se,
              lower.tail = lower.tail)
    } else {
      pval = NA
    aucs[learner_i, "p-value"] = pval

  aucs$learner = names(sl$cvRisk)

  if (sort) {
    # Sort in ascending order so best AUCs are at bottom of table.
    aucs = aucs[order(aucs$auc), ]


ck37/ck37r documentation built on April 29, 2023, 11:42 p.m.