
#' Example for genome wide analysis of three traits
#' A list of data frames containing summary statistics from three indendent datasets,
#' for example GWAS, expression QTL, methylation QTL
#' @format A list of three data frames with summary statistics for each data: 
#' the biomarker data frame with 746 rows and 11 columns;
#' the eqtl data frame with 397 rows and 11 columns; 
#' the methylation data frame with 12951 and 10 columns.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{SNP}{SNP names, common to all data frames}
#'   \item{BETA}{Effect size estimate from regression, if OR must give the logOR}
#'   \item{SE}{Standard Error}
#'   \item{z}{Z-score}
#'   \item{PVAL}{P-value}
#'   \item{N}{Sample size}
#'   \item{MAF}{Minor allele frequency}
#'   ...
#' }
clagiamba/moloc documentation built on Jan. 25, 2021, 2:43 a.m.