
Defines functions use_def where_index empty_edges

Documented in use_def

empty_edges = function() data.frame(from = integer(), to = integer()
        , type = character(), value = list())

# Where does x show up in locs
# @param x character
# @param locs list of character vectors
where_index = function(x, locs)
    which(sapply(locs, function(locs_i) x %in% locs_i))

#' Use Definition Chain
#' Compute a data frame of edges with one edge connecting each use of the
#' variable x to the most recent definition or update of x.
#' @param x variable name
#' @param all_uses list containing variable names used in each expression
#' @param all_definitions list containing variable names defined in each expression
#' @return data frame of edges suitable for use with
#'  \code{\link[igraph]{graph_from_data_frame}}.
use_def = function(x, all_uses, all_definitions)
    varname = x
    uses = where_index(varname, all_uses)
    if(length(uses) == 0){
    defs = c(where_index(varname, all_definitions), Inf)

    edges = data.frame(from = defs[cut(uses, breaks = defs)]
                       , to = uses
    edges$type = "use-def"
    edges$value = replicate(nrow(edges), list(varname = varname), simplify = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname inferGraph
          , signature(code = "character", time = "missing")
          , function(code, time, ...)
    #if(length(code) > 1) stop("pass a single R file name or a language object")
    expr = parse(code, keep.source = TRUE)
    callGeneric(expr, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname inferGraph
          , signature(code = "language", time = "missing")
          , function(code, time, ...)
    expr = as.expression(code)
    callGeneric(expr, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname inferGraph
          , signature(code = "expression", time = "missing")
          , function(code, time, ...)
    expr = code
    info = lapply(expr, CodeDepends::getInputs)

    # A list of ScriptNodeInfo objects. May be useful to do more with
    # these later, so might want to save or return this object.
    #info = lapply(script, function(x){
        #getInputs(x, collector = inputCollector(checkLibrarySymbols = TRUE))
        #getInputs(x, collector = inputCollector(checkLibrarySymbols = FALSE))

    n = length(info)

    # Degenerate case
    if (n <= 1){
        tg = empty_edges()
    } else {
        inputs = lapply(info, methods::slot, "inputs")
        outputs = lapply(info, methods::slot, "outputs")
        updates = lapply(info, methods::slot, "updates")
        # Why is @functions use a named vector? And why is value NA?
        functions = lapply(info, function(x) names(x@functions))

        definitions = mapply(c, outputs, updates, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        uses = mapply(c, inputs, updates, functions, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

        vars = unique(unlist(outputs))

        use_def_chains = lapply(vars, use_def, uses, definitions)

        tg = do.call(rbind, use_def_chains)

    new("TaskGraph", code = expr, graph = tg)

#' @export
#' @rdname inferGraph
          , signature(code = "ANY", time = "numeric")
          , function(code, time, ...)
    g = callGeneric(code, ...)
    TimedTaskGraph(g, time = time)
clarkfitzg/makeParallel documentation built on Nov. 21, 2020, 2:35 a.m.