
#' @title Alpha (fixed-effects) Recovery
#' @description Recovers the individual fixed-effects by using the first-order condition for
#'     alpha from the untransformed log-likelihood function of the model assuming
#'     all other parameters are known. Altough, the variance of alpha is high for small
#'     sample sized date.
#' @param y is a n*t x 1 vector (response)
#' @param x is a n*t x k matrix (explantatory variables)
#' @param beta is a vector of explenatory coefficients.
#' @param sigma_u is the variance of the stochastic inefficency.
#' @param sigma_v is the variance of the random error.
#' @param h are the values of the positive non-stochastic inefficency determinants.
#' @param epsilon are the random errors substracted the
#'     positive non-stochastic inefficency determinants.
#' @param N an optional integer specifying the total amount of panels in the data set.
#' @param Time an optional integer specifying the amount of observations per panel.
#' @param mu is the mean of a truncated normal distribution of the stochastic inefficencys.
#' @param cumTime ia a vector of the cumulated times of the Time vector.
#'     It serves as an index for computation.
#' @return Returns a fixed-effect for each panel as a vector (N x 1)

SFM.alpha <- function(y, x, beta, sigma_u, sigma_v, h, epsilon, N, Time, mu, cumTime){

  # dimensions of x
  K <- dim (as.matrix (x))[2]

  # Calculate the mean over all overservations within each panel of x
  x_mean <- NULL
  for (i in 1:K) {
    for (j in 1:N) {
      x_mean <- c(x_mean, mean (x[(cumTime[j] + 1):cumTime[j + 1], i]))
  x_mean <- matrix (x_mean, ncol = K)

  # Calculate the mean over all observations within each panel of y
  y_mean   <- c()
  y_mean   <- lapply (1:N, function(x)
              y_mean <- c(y_mean, mean (y [(cumTime[x] + 1):cumTime[x + 1],])))

  y_mean   <- as.matrix (unlist (y_mean))

  # calculate sigma*** and mu*** for each panel ---------------------------

  # mean of h of each panel
  h_mean    <- lapply (h, mean)
  # sum of each panels of h where each element in the panel is times 2
  h2_sum    <- lapply (h, function(x) sum(x ^ 2))
  # multiplies the each element of epsilon and h of the same panel
  # and build the sum of it
  eh        <- Map ('*', epsilon, h)
  sum_eh    <- lapply (eh, sum)

  #get mu_3star
  mu_3star <- lapply (1:N, function(x)
                           (mu * sigma_u ^ -1 - sigma_v ^ -Time[x] * sum_eh[[x]]) /
                           (sigma_v ^ -Time[x] * h2_sum[[x]] + sigma_u ^ -1))
  mu_3star <- as.matrix(unname (unlist (mu_3star)))

  #get sigma_3star
  sigma_3star <- lapply (1:N, function(x)
                              sigma_v ^ Time[x] / (h2_sum[[x]] +
                              sigma_v ^Time[x] * sigma_u ^ -1))
  sigma_3star <- as.matrix (unname (unlist (sigma_3star)))

  # take the square root of sigma*** since we only need this for alpha
  sqrt_sigma_3star <- sqrt (sigma_3star)

  # recover alpha for each panel N -----------------------------

  pro_xb  <- x_mean %*% beta

  #main operation to recover alpha from estimates
  alpha <- lapply (1:N, function(x)
                        y_mean[x] - pro_xb[x] + mu_3star[x] * h_mean[[x]] +
                        sqrt_sigma_3star[x] * h_mean[[x]] *
                        if (sqrt_sigma_3star[x] == 0 ||
                            pnorm (mu_3star[x] / sqrt_sigma_3star[x]) == 0) {
                        } else {
                          (dnorm (mu_3star[x] / sqrt_sigma_3star[x]) /
                          pnorm (mu_3star[x] / sqrt_sigma_3star[x]))


  alpha <- as.matrix (unname (unlist (alpha)))

  return (alpha)
clemenshaerder/fepsfrontieR documentation built on May 22, 2019, 3:43 p.m.